Engel, F.L., Fulton, J.W., Lane, J.W., Eggleston, Corbett, S.C., Kohn, M.S., Pulli, J.J., J.R., Adams, J.D., Burton, T.A., Nicotra, M.S., Stephens, V.C., and Dawson, C.D., 2020, Near-field Remote Sensing of River Velocity, Bathymetry, Floodplain Topography, and Discharge at the Arkansas River at Parkdale, Colorado, USA, March 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7VT1RDH.
Data were collected to test and evaluate experimental non-contact methods for the determination of river flow speeds and flow dishcarges on the Arkansas River at Parkdale, CO on March 20–21, 2018. The videos included are appropriate for testing image velocimetry techniques such as Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV), Space Time Image Velocimetry (STIV), or others. The videos also document ground conditions, and may have other related uses.