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Spatial mark-recapture and chew card rat data on Guam and Rota, 2018-2019


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Hanslowe, E.B., Page, D.A., Bailey, L.L., and Yackel Adams, A.A., 2022, Spatial mark-recapture and chew card rat data on Guam and Rota, 2018-2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


We provide four datasets: Mark recapture and trapping effort, Grid layout, Chew cards, and Trail camera validation. Mark recapture and trapping effort has one row for every live-trap night, including the unique grid identification code, date of trap check, cumulative rain amount from the 24-hr period before the trap check, unique trap identification, trap status, unique individual rat identification (ID) and associated morphometrics, and rat fate. Grid layout includes the unique grid identification code, unique trap identification, and GPS coordinates of the traps. Chew cards has one row for every chew-card night, including the unique grid identification code, date of chew-card check, unique chew-card identification, and whether the [...]


Attached Files

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Chewcard camera verification.csv 794 Bytes text/csv
Chewcards.csv 174.44 KB text/csv
Grid layout.csv 22.95 KB text/csv
Mark recapture trapping effort.csv 692.02 KB text/csv


Rats (Rattus spp.) have become established on over 80% of the world’s islands and now represent one of the most damaging and expensive biological invaders. Effective rat control tools exist but require accurate population density estimates to inform treatment timing and effort and to assess treatment efficacy. These data were collected to model species density and occupancy. Appropriate use of the live trap data are for estimation of detection probabilities and density. Appropriate use of the chew cards are estimating relative abundance of small mammals.



  • Fort Collins Science Center (FORT)
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9FOS7Z8

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