Segment G - Flood inundation map geospatial datasets for Lake Ontario, New York
associated with USGS lake elevation station 04249071- Lake Ontario (Selkirk Shores) near Daysville Corner, NY
Gazoorian, C.L., Freehafer, D.A., and Finkelstein, J.S., 2021, Flood inundation map geospatial datasets for Lake Ontario, New York (ver. 2.0, November 2021): U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Static flood inundation boundary extents were created along the entire shoreline of Lake Ontario in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego, and Wayne Counties in New York by using recently acquired (2007, 2010, 2014, and 2017) light detection and ranging (lidar) data. The flood inundation maps, accessible through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Program website at, depict estimates of the areal extent and water depth of shoreline flooding in 8 segments corresponding to adjacent water-surface elevations (stages) at 8 USGS lake gages on Lake Ontario. This item includes data sets for segment G - Lake Ontario (Selkirk Shores) near [...]
Static flood inundation boundary extents were created along the entire shoreline of Lake Ontario in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego, and Wayne Counties in New York by using recently acquired (2007, 2010, 2014, and 2017) light detection and ranging (lidar) data. The flood inundation maps, accessible through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Program website at, depict estimates of the areal extent and water depth of shoreline flooding in 8 segments corresponding to adjacent water-surface elevations (stages) at 8 USGS lake gages on Lake Ontario. This item includes data sets for segment G - Lake Ontario (Selkirk Shores) near Daysville Corner, NY (station number 04249071).
These datasets demonstrate the estimated extent and depth of lake flooding at specific water levels of 1-foot increments from 247.0 ft to 251.0 ft (International Great Lakes Datum of 1985). In this study, wind and seiche effects were not represented; therefore, the flood inundation maps reflect five stages for Lake Ontario that are static for the entire shoreline area of the lake. This item is a package of flood inundation data for segment G - Lake Ontario (Selkirk Shores) near Daysville Corner, NY (station number 04249071) including: 1) 1 shapefile showing 5 estimated flood extents as polygons, 2) 5 raster datasets showing the depth of the water at 5 flood stages, 3) 1 shapefile showing the study limit extent of segment G, and 4) a metadata file. The polygon flood extent shapefiles were developed from digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from the lidar to represent the estimated areal extent for five flood stages for segment G. The raster files depict the depth, in feet, of the water in the inundated areas along the shoreline of Lake Ontario during the five theoretical flood stages. The depth grids were created by subtracting the digital elevation model (DEM) values (in feet) from each of five raster files representing the flood extent at each constant water level (in feet). An approximately 100-meter buffer was used as the extent into the lake.
First posted June 21, 2021, ver 1.0
Revised September 2021, ver 2.0
Version 2.0: This version of the dataset has the same data as version 1.0, but some shapefile attributes were renamed to be more accurate and clearer, and the depth-grid rasters were renamed to include the associated water surface elevation within the raster file name. Detailed version history is included in Version_History_LakeOntarioFIMDataRelease.txt
The library of Lake Ontario shoreline flood inundation maps was created for use in the USGS Flood Inundation Program Mapper. This will aid State and local governments, and residents with assessing the extent and depth of flooding based on the observed stage from USGS station number 04219796, Lake Ontario (Thirtymile point) at Golden Hill State Park, NY, and lake level forecasts by the USACE or NOAA.
Revision 2.0 by Christopher L Gazoorian, Douglas A Freehafer, and Jason Finkelstein on November 10, 2021. To review the changes that were made, see “ Version_History_LakeOntarioFIMDataRelease.txt” in the attached files section.