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Common loon winter archival geolocator tag location data


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Kenow, K.P, Fara, L.J., Houdek, S.C., and Gray, B.R, 2021, Common loon migration and winter data: telemetry locations and archival geolocator tag location (ver 2.0, October 2022): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Breeding common loons were obtained for the movement and foraging pattern study from lakes in central and northern Minnesota and Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Both adults of a territorial pair were fitted with archival geolocator tags (Model LAT 2500; 34.6 x 8.3 mm, 4.4 g; Lotek Wireless Inc.). A combination of adhesive and plastic cable ties were used to affix the geolocator tag to a modified lock-on aluminum leg band. Tags were programmed to collect daily location estimates for up to two years, tag temperature (0.02 oC accuracy, ≤ 0.05 oC resolution) at 30-min intervals, and pressure data (±1% accuracy, 0.05% resolution) at 20-sec intervals during daylight hours to document foraging patterns (dive profiles) while [...]


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COLO archival geolocator location data.csv 2.89 MB text/csv
Common loon winter archival geolocator tag location data Final.xml
Original FGDC Metadata

35.94 KB application/fgdc+xml


Archival geolocator tags were used to determine the migration patterns and wintering locations of breeding adult and young of the year juvenile common loons (Gavia immer) captured and marked on lakes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

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