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Estimated bedload transport rates at Rio Vista and Jersey Point, California, 2011-2020


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Ely, C.P., Marineau, M.D., 2023, Estimated bedload transport rates at Rio Vista and Jersey Point, California, 2011-2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data set contains estimates of bedload transport entering San Francisco Bay from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Bedload was estimated following the methods of van Rijn (1984) for the Sacramento River at Rio Vista (USGS 11455420) and the San Joaquin River at Jersey Point (USGS 11337190). The inputs the van Rijn (1984) equations included:bed-material particle size, bed-form dimensions, depth, and velocity. Bedload was estimated at 15-minute intervals from Water Year 2011 through Water Year 2020. A "low range" estimate and a "high range" estimate were made. The low-range estimate assumes plane bed conditions and uses only grain size to estimate a hydraulic roughness parameter. The high-range estimate incorporates both grain size [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

SacramentoRiver_RioVista_11455420_Qbed_parameters.csv 34.2 MB text/csv
SacramentoRiver_RioVista_11455420_wetted_perimeter.csv 2.28 KB text/csv
SanJoaquinRiver_JerseyPoint_11337190_qbed_parameters.csv 34.09 MB text/csv
SanJoaquinRiver_JerseyPoint_11337190_wetted_perimeter.csv 2.71 KB text/csv
Bedform_dimensions_and_chan_width.csv 156 Bytes text/csv
SacramentoRiver_RioVista_11455420_qbed_grain_and_bedform_ks.csv 11.15 MB text/csv
SacramentoRiver_RioVista_11455420_qbed_grain_ks.csv 10.72 MB text/csv
SanJoaquinRiver_JerseyPoint_11337190_qbed_grain_and_bedform_ks.csv 11.22 MB text/csv
SanJoaquinRiver_JerseyPoint_11337190_qbed_grain_ks.csv 10.96 MB text/csv
Sediment_mined_and_dredged.csv 556 Bytes text/csv


The data in this release are the estimated bedload exiting the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and entering Suisun Bay using the equations of van Rijn (1984). Also included in this release are the associated data that were necessary to evaluate bedload.


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  • USGS California Water Science Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9I18RGG

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