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Monthly crop irrigation withdrawals and efficiencies by HUC12 watershed for years 2000-2020 within the conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, September 2024)


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Haynes, J.V., Read, A.L., Chan, A.Y., Martin, D.J., Regan, R.S., Henson, W.R., Niswonger, R.G., and Stewart, J.S., 2023, Monthly crop irrigation withdrawals and efficiencies by HUC12 watershed for years 2000-2020 within the conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, September 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The USGS has published United States water-use data every five years since 1950. To increase the temporal and spatial availability of water use estimates using nationally consistent methods, the USGS is developing national water-use models for each major water-use category. This data release publishes crop irrigation withdrawals for the conterminous United States (CONUS) that are calculated using modeled irrigation consumptive use (Martin and others, 2024), irrigation efficiencies, and source-water proportions (Dieter and others, 2018). Crop irrigation withdrawals and irrigation consumptive use refer to water removed and consumed, respectively, from a groundwater or surface-water source to produce agricultural crops. Monthly withdrawals [...]


Attached Files

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version_history.txt 1.3 KB text/plain
IR_HUC12_GW_WD_monthly_2000_2020.csv 89.42 MB text/csv
IR_HUC12_Tot_WD_monthly_2000_2020.csv 90.73 MB text/csv
IR_HUC12_SW_WD_monthly_2000_2020.csv 87.89 MB text/csv
IR_HUC12_Eff_annual_2000_2020.csv 9.46 MB text/csv
state_crop_system_fraction.csv 49.02 KB text/csv
CDL_FRIS_crosswalk.csv 4.74 KB text/csv
Original FGDC Metadata

46.66 KB application/fgdc+xml
readme.txt 2.53 KB text/plain
crop_system_efficiency.csv 826 Bytes text/csv


This water-use reanalysis supports the Water Availability and Use Science Program goals of determining the quantity and quality of water that is available for human and ecological uses, now and in the future and identify where and when the Nation may have challenges meeting its demand for water because of insufficient water quantity or quality. National data, consistently estimated, that accounts for water removed (withdrawal) and consumed, respectively, from a groundwater or surface-water source provides needed information of how water is used for irrigation and can be used to evaluate the balance between supply and demand.



  • National Water Census
  • National Water Use Projects
  • Regional IWAAs – Integrated Methods for Base Evaluation Project
  • USGS Data Release Products

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Revision 2.0 by Jonathan Haynes on September 26, 2024. To review the changes that were made, see "version_history.txt" in the attached files section.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9LGISUM

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