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Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022


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Poulin, B.A., Krause, V.M., Baldwin, A.K., Ogorek, J., Tate, M.T., Janssen, S.E., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Eagles-Smith, C.A., Willacker, J.J., Pierce, J., and Yoder, A.M., 2023, Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset includes field hydrologic measurements and laboratory analyses of surface and pore waters, sediments, benthic plants/biofilms, and biota along the Middle Snake River upgradient of the Hells Canyon Complex. The study region for this work focuses on a section of the Snake River heavily utilized for agriculture, with complex systems of irrigation diversion and return drainage, spanning 164 km above the Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon). The goal of this study was to identify potential loading sources of methylmercury from the upgradient Snake River into the reservoir complex, with a focus on the tributaries, irrigation return drains, and riparian zones adjacent to agricultural lands along the river. To this end, 16 locations [...]


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Original FGDC Metadata

34 KB application/fgdc+xml
“Site descriptions”
5.52 KB text/csv
“Data dictionary defining column headings in Tables 3-8”
52.67 KB text/csv
“Surface water chemistry data”
18.5 KB text/csv
“Pore water chemistry data”
5.24 KB text/csv
“Sediment chemistry data”
5.06 KB text/csv
“Submerged macrophyte and biofilm data”
2.44 KB text/csv
“Hydrologic data”
2.97 KB text/csv
“Biota data”
16.77 KB text/csv
Upgradient Data Release_PhotoV1.jpg
“Collecting a sediment core in the Snake River, Idaho”
thumbnail 1.23 MB image/jpeg


The purpose of these data is to characterize potential loading sources of methylmercury from the upgradient Snake River into the Hells Canyon reservoir complex, with a focus on the tributaries, irrigation return drains, and riparian zones adjacent to agricultural lands along the river. This work was done as part of a 10-year study (2014-2023) by researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Power Company, and the University of California at Davis to gain a process-level understanding of the biogeochemical processes that control mercury cycling in the Hells Canyon Complex.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9QWE56T

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