K. A. Howard, 19750101, Geologic map of the crater Copernicus: , https://doi.org/10.5066/P9MB6Q11.
The brightly rayed crater Coperincus, one of the most familiar features of the Moon served as the type example of an impact crater in Shoemaker's (1962) classic analysis. This map shows the geology of the crater as interpreted in photographs taken by Lunar Orbiter V. A geologic map at 1:1000000 scale showing the regional setting of Copernicus and the extent of the rim deposits and satellite craters was prepaid from telescopic observations by Schmitt, Trask, and Shoemaker (1967).
The brightly rayed crater Coperincus, one of the most familiar features of the Moon served as the type example of an impact crater in Shoemaker's (1962) classic analysis. This map shows the geology of the crater as interpreted in photographs taken by Lunar Orbiter V. A geologic map at 1:1000000 scale showing the regional setting of Copernicus and the extent of the rim deposits and satellite craters was prepaid from telescopic observations by Schmitt, Trask, and Shoemaker (1967).
Digitized 1:250,000-scale geologic map of the Crater Copernicus region of the Moon. Originally mapped on Lunar Base Chart USAF-ACIC imagery. The scanned map sheet was imported into ArcMap and georeferenced to the more current 2013 global WAC mosaic basemap. Contacts and geologic units were digitized and attributed based on type and unit name.