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Problem - The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) is constructing or proposing water tunnels under New York City and areas of southeastern New York (Hudson River Basin). These tunnels can intersect faults and fractures that produce large amounts of ground water. For example, one tunnel excavation intersected fractures that produced over 200 gallons per minute of ground-water flow into the tunnel. Consequently, there is a need to determine the potential of intersecting ground-water producing fractures during tunnel excavation. The use of advanced borehole geophysical techniques by the USGS during tunnel excavations in northern Queens County demonstrated that geophysical techniques can...
The combination of a complex hydrogeologic framework, narrow land masses surrounded by saltwater, and extensive ground-water public-supply pumpage has produced localized areas of elevated chloride concentrations in ground water. This project uses advanced surface and borehole geophysical methods to determine the extent of saltwater intrusion and road-salt plumes at selected sites in eastern Suffolk County, Long Island, NY. Two-dimensional resistivity sections have been integrated with borehole geophysical logs and water-quality data to produce cross-sections of road-salt plumes. Borehole geophysical logs are collected twice a year to determine variations in chloride concentration and thicknesses of intrusive...
During October-November 2017 twelve time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys were collected in Nassau and Queens County. The data were collected to estimate the extent of saltwater intrusion in support of the Long Island Groundwater Sustainability Project in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. In the TDEM method, an electrical current is run through a wire in a transmitter loop, which in turn produces a magnetic field. The strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the strength of the electrical current. The current is rapidly shut off and due to Faraday’s Law, a secondary current is induced. The strength of the secondary current is proportional to the rate of...
This data release contains data from five seismic-reflection surveys in New York’s East River between Governors Island and the Queensboro Bridge. Data are provided in the original proprietary data format, a SEGy data exchange format, and as a shape file of locations and depths to bedrock. Depths to bedrock were derived from the seismic signal travel time and an assumed speed of sound of 5,000 feet/second.
Using a combination of public and proprietary historical construction test borings, recent exploration drilling, USGS observation wells, outcrops, and seismic measurements, a series of geospatial overlays for bedrock elevation and overburden thickness were created for the Five Boroughs of New York City, New York. Rasters were interpolated from a point elevation data set and refined using published and interpretive bedrock contours, and interpreted glacial valleys and faults. Contours for bedrock elevation were generated at 100-ft contour intervals and smoothed. This data release includes shapefiles containing the input point elevation features and output contours, and rasters of interpolated bedrock elevation and...
Problem The Town of Riverhead in the northeastern Suffolk County includes rural farmland and suburbs and is bounded by the Long Island Sound to the north and Peconic Bay to the southeast. Riverhead’s close proximity to saline embayments and its location along the northeastern discharge area for Long Island’s groundwater flow system makes it vulnerable to saltwater intrusion. Several public-supply wells in Riverhead have experienced increased chloride concentrations recently due to the encroachment of saltwater. Riverhead is underlain by a sequence of unconsolidated deposits ranging in age from Pleistocene to Upper Cretaceous that overlie a basement complex of Precambrian bedrock. These deposits are part of Long...
This data release contains two child item datasets including a compilation of available chloride concentration data in groundwater and related isochlors as well as geospatial data defining the hydrogeologic framework for Kings, Queens, and Nassau Counties in Long Island, New York. These data are accessible as an online webmap:
This child item dataset contains 22,871 records of chloride concentration in groundwater across Kings, Queens, and Nassau Counties in Long Island, New York. Compiled records span the period from 1889 to 2022. Records are provided in a shapefile of point data compiled from several sources detailed in the metadata. Chloride isolines (isochlors) are also included as a shapefile of interpolated point data representing average conditions over 11 twenty-year time periods in the two main Long Island aquifer complexes (Upper glacial-Jameco-Magothy and North Shore-Lloyd). Interpolation methods are discussed in Stumm and others (2024). These data are accessible as an online webmap:
Twenty-six time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) soundings were collected on Shelter Island, New York between March of 2017 and October of 2018. Soundings were collected using the Geonics ProTEM and ABEM WalkTEM acquisition systems. Depending on the size of the site, one of the following square-loop transmitter geometries was used: 1) 20 by 20 meter, 2) 40 by 40 meter, or 3) 100 by 100 meter. A high-frequency receiver with an effective area of 31.4 m^2 was used with the Geonics ProTEM system. With the ABEM WalkTEM system, a central induction array was used with two square receiver loops (0.5 by 0.5 meters and 10 by 10 meters) setup within the transmitter loop; the two receiver loops created effective receiver areas...
This data release contains time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys collected at three different sites in Dering Harbor, Shelter Island, New York. The TDEM surveys were collected in 2018, 2022, and 2023.
Problem The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) has asked the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to assist in two major studies: 1) delineation of the source(s) of shallow groundwater and the extent that the Delaware Aqueduct is contributing to local flooding issues, and 2) delineation of the structural, geologic, and hydrologic conditions along proposed tunnel construction paths using advanced surface and borehole geophysical methods. The NYCDEP needs to determine the source of groundwater and surface water and their possible relation to leakage from the Delaware Aqueduct in upstate New York. The Delaware Aqueduct, which supplies a significant portion of New York City's water supply, has...
Problem Perchlorate detected in a shallow supply well within the southern portion of the Locust Valley Water District (LVWD) has prompted interest in determining the possible existence of a deeper confined aquifer (North Shore Aquifer) that may be protected from shallow contamination (fig. 1). Previous USGS studies in this area indicate the northern part of Nassau County has a complex hydrogeologic framework (Stumm and others, 2004). A previously mapped buried glacial valley may extend and be present at this location. If such a buried valley exists, all Cretaceous age deposits (Magothy aquifer, Raritan clay, and Lloyd aquifer) may have been eroded and Pleistocene-aged deposits including the North Shore aquifer...
From March 2019 to September 2020, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the New York City Department of Design and Construction and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, collected horizontal-to-vertical seismic (HVSR) surveys at 140 locations in New York, Bronx, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties to estimate the thickness of unconsolidated sediments and the depth to bedrock (Lane and others, 2008). The passive-seismic method uses a single, broad-band three-component (two horizontal and one vertical) seismometer to record ambient seismic noise. In areas that have a strong acoustic contrast between the bedrock and overlying sediments, the seismic noise induces resonance at frequencies...
This child item dataset contains shapefiles and rasters defining the hydrogeologic framework of Kings, Queens, and Nassau Counties, New York. These data were derived from 643 lithologic and (or) geophysical logs, defining 1,715 contacts between different aquifers and confining units across western Long Island. Extents, contour elevation lines and interpolated surfaces were created for each of the framework units. These data are accessible as an online webmap:

    map background search result map search result map Delineation of Rock Fractures, Faults, and Groundwater Flow in the Vicinity of Proposed Water Tunnels, New York City and Southeastern New York Delineation of Groundwater Flow, Lithology, Faults, and Fractures Along Existing and Proposed Water Tunnel Delineation of the Freshwater-Saltwater Interface at Selected Public-Supply Wells Using Advanced Surface and Borehole Geophysical Techniques, in Eastern Suffolk County, New York Hydrogeology and Water Quality of the North Shore Aquifer in Locust Valley,  Town of Oyster Bay, New York Delineation of the Saltwater-Freshwater Interface at Selected Well Locations in the Town of Riverhead, NY Time Domain Electromagnetic Surveys Collected to Estimate the Extent of Saltwater Intrusion in Nassau and Queens County, New York, October-November 2017 Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Soundings and Depth-to-Bedrock Data for New York City and Long Island, NY Geospatial Data for Bedrock Elevation and Overburden Thickness Maps of the Five Boroughs, New York City, New York Hydrogeologic Framework and Chloride Data for Kings, Queens, and Nassau Counties, Long Island, New York Continuous Marine Seismic-Reflection Surveys and Derived Depth-to-Bedrock Point Data from the East River, New York City, New York Geospatial Data Defining the Hydrogeologic Framework of Kings, Queens, and Nassau Counties, Long Island, New York Chloride Concentration Data and Isochlors for Groundwater in Kings, Queens and Nassau Counties, Long Island, New York Continuous Marine Seismic-Reflection Surveys and Derived Depth-to-Bedrock Point Data from the East River, New York City, New York Hydrogeology and Water Quality of the North Shore Aquifer in Locust Valley,  Town of Oyster Bay, New York Delineation of the Saltwater-Freshwater Interface at Selected Well Locations in the Town of Riverhead, NY Time Domain Electromagnetic Surveys Collected to Estimate the Extent of Saltwater Intrusion in Nassau and Queens County, New York, October-November 2017 Hydrogeologic Framework and Chloride Data for Kings, Queens, and Nassau Counties, Long Island, New York Geospatial Data Defining the Hydrogeologic Framework of Kings, Queens, and Nassau Counties, Long Island, New York Chloride Concentration Data and Isochlors for Groundwater in Kings, Queens and Nassau Counties, Long Island, New York Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Soundings and Depth-to-Bedrock Data for New York City and Long Island, NY Geospatial Data for Bedrock Elevation and Overburden Thickness Maps of the Five Boroughs, New York City, New York Delineation of the Freshwater-Saltwater Interface at Selected Public-Supply Wells Using Advanced Surface and Borehole Geophysical Techniques, in Eastern Suffolk County, New York Delineation of Rock Fractures, Faults, and Groundwater Flow in the Vicinity of Proposed Water Tunnels, New York City and Southeastern New York Delineation of Groundwater Flow, Lithology, Faults, and Fractures Along Existing and Proposed Water Tunnel