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This data release is comprised of a set of eight time travel map shapefiles (two tsunami inundation zones and four travel times) for use in GIS software applications and two population exposure by travel time tables (residents and nonresidences) for use in GIS software applications and other standalone spreadsheet applications. The travel time map was generated using the Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst model (version 1.0.1 for ArcGIS 10.5) from the USGS ( The travel time analysis uses ESRI's Path Distance tool to find the shortest distance across a cost surface from any point in the hazard zone to a safe zone. This cost analysis considers the direction...
Our country faces a wide array of natural hazards that threaten its safety, security, economic well-being, and natural resources. To minimize future losses, communities need a clear understanding of how they are vulnerable to natural hazards and of strategies for increasing their resilience. Vulnerability and resilience are influenced by (1) how communities choose to use hazard-prone land, (2) pre-existing socioeconomic conditions, (3) likely future patterns of land change, and (4) current efforts to reduce and manage risks. The objective of this project is to develop new ways of assessing and communicating community vulnerability and resilience to natural hazards. This work supports core elements of the USGS mission...
Landslide susceptibility maps are essential tools in infrastructure planning, hazard mitigation, and risk reduction. Susceptibility maps trained in one area have been found to be unreliable when applied to different areas (Woodard et al., 2023). This limitation leads to the need for a national map that is higher resolution and rigorous, but simple enough to be applied to diverse terrains and landslide types. The susceptibility maps presented here cover the conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska (AK), Hawaii (HI), and Puerto Rico (PR) with a resolution of 90-m. Other United States (U.S.) territories were not considered due to insufficient landslide and digital elevation data. We also provide information on the...
Categories: Data;
Tags: GHSC,
Geologic Hazards Science Center,
Landslide Hazard Program,
Puerto Rico,
Sinkholes present hazards to humans due to subsidence and by focusing contaminated surface water runoff into groundwater. Sinkholes create instability in the foundations of buildings, roads and other infrastructure, resulting in damage and in some cases loss of life, but may also play an important role as vernal pools in some ecosystems. This project created a prototype nationwide subsidence susceptibility map using established USGS research, existing USGS authoritative data (National Elevation Dataset, National Hydrography Dataset), and innovative processing techniques using the USGS Yeti supercomputer. By creating both a national polygon dataset of closed features and a heatmap of regions characterized by dense...
Categories: Project;
Tags: 2019,
All Funded Projects,
Data Release,
Data and Information Assets,
The dataset contains hazard-exposure estimates of FY2020 Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) data to 100-year and 500-year flood-hazard zones for the years 2022 and 2052. Flow depths for each of the four hazard zones were estimated for every FRPP record using geospatial analysis. Results include raw values for estimated flow depths in centimeters and bin values on a -1 to 5 scale. Flood-hazard zones were available for the conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. FRRP data records were limited to government-owned buildings and structures for all identified property uses, except for records identified as "navigation aids (other than buildings)."
An integral part of disaster risk management is identifying and prioritizing hazards and their potential impacts in a meaningful way to support risk-reduction planning. There has been considerable use and subsequent criticism of threat prioritization efforts that simply compare likelihoods and consequences of plausible threats. This data supports an article that summarizes a new mixed-methods and scalable approach for prioritizing risks in a multi-hazard, multi-objective, and multi-criteria organizational context. This data describes (1) hazard characterizations using subject-matter-expert (SME) elicitation, (2) expressed preferences in planning priorities provided by emergency managers, and (3) quantitative estimates...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Environmental Health,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
United States of America,
coastal processes,
Most methods for the assessment of sinkhole hazard susceptibility are predicated upon knowledge of pre-existing closed depressions in karst areas. In the United States (U.S.), inventories of existing karst depressions are piecemeal, and are often obtained through inconsistent methodologies applied at the state or county level and at various scales. Here, we present a first attempt at defining a karst closed depression inventory across the conterminous U.S. using a common methodology. Automated algorithms for extraction of closed depressions from 1/3 arc-second (approximately 10 m resolution) National Elevation Dataset (NED) were run on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) “Yeti” high-performance computing cluster....
Tsunami travel time maps for Del Norte and Humboldt Counties in California in vector (shapefile) format for both slow and fast walking speeds and for bridges intact and bridges removed.
USGS research in the Western Geographic Science Center has produced several geospatial datasets estimating the time required to evacuate on foot from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake-generated tsunami in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. These data, created as a result of research performed under the Risk and Vulnerability to Natural Hazards project, are useful for emergency managers and community planners but are not in the best format to serve their needs. This project explored options for formatting and publishing the data for consumption by external partner agencies and the general public. The project team chose ScienceBase as the publishing platform, both for its ability to convert spatial data into web services...
Categories: Project;
Tags: 2016,
All Funded Projects,
Computational Tools and Services,
Data Release,
These datasets support the conclusions in the journal article entitled "Current and future sinkhole susceptibility in karst and pseudokarst areas of the conterminous United States" as described in the abstract below: Sinkholes in karst and pseudokarst regions threaten infrastructure, property, and lives. We mapped closed depressions in karst and pseudokarst regions of the conterminous United States (U.S.) from 10-meter-resolution elevation data using high-performance computing, and then created a heuristic additive model of sinkhole susceptibility that also included nationally consistent data for factors related to geology, soils, precipitation extremes, and development. Maps identify potential sinkhole hotspots...
Closed depression density in karst regions of the conterminous United States: features and grid data
Most methods for the assessment of sinkhole hazard susceptibility are predicated upon knowledge of pre-existing closed depressions in karst areas. In the United States (U.S.), inventories of existing karst depressions are piecemeal, and are often obtained through inconsistent methodologies applied at the state or county level and at various scales. Here, we present a first attempt at defining a karst closed depression inventory across the conterminous U.S. using a common methodology. Automated algorithms for extraction of closed depressions from 1/3 arc-second (approximately 10 m resolution) National Elevation Dataset (NED) were run on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) “Yeti” high-performance computing cluster....
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