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Threat prioritization framework and input data for a multi-hazard risk analysis for the U.S. Department of the Interior


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Henry, K.D., Wood, N.J., Pennaz, A.B., Marineau, J., Jones, J.M., Jones, J.L., and Ng, P., 2022, Threat prioritization framework and input data for a multi-hazard risk analysis for the U.S. Department of the Interior: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


An integral part of disaster risk management is identifying and prioritizing hazards and their potential impacts in a meaningful way to support risk-reduction planning. There has been considerable use and subsequent criticism of threat prioritization efforts that simply compare likelihoods and consequences of plausible threats. This data supports an article that summarizes a new mixed-methods and scalable approach for prioritizing risks in a multi-hazard, multi-objective, and multi-criteria organizational context. This data describes (1) hazard characterizations using subject-matter-expert (SME) elicitation, (2) expressed preferences in planning priorities provided by emergency managers, and (3) quantitative estimates of asset exposure [...]


Attached Files

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Table2_AttributeCodes.csv 9 KB text/csv
Table3_SME_Hazard Analysis.csv 8.64 KB text/csv
Table4_AttributeImportance.csv 4.89 KB text/csv
Table5_PlannerPriorities.csv 3.8 KB text/csv
Table6_HazardExposure.csv 92.16 KB text/csv
Table7_IndexValues.csv 7.08 KB text/csv
SHIRA Threat Prioritization_AllTables.xlsx 104.57 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet


Data were collected to inform risk reduction planning in the Department of Interior and an associated journal article. Data can be used as a companion to information in the parent journal article

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9RKTXCT

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