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Digital flood-inundation maps for an approximate 2.5-mile (mi) reach of the Clear Fork Mohican River that extends approximately from State Route 97 to the downstream corporate boundary for Bellville, Ohio, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. The flood-inundation maps show estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at the USGS streamgage on the Clear Fork Mohican River at Bellville (station number 03131982). The maps can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science Web site at Near-real-time stages at this streamgage...
The depth grids show the depth of flooding on the Clear Fork Mohican River near Bellville, Ohio on local map backgrounds, based on stages of 9.0 ft to 17.0 ft at the USGS streamgage, Clear Fork Mohican River at Bellville, Ohio, 03131982.
Water velocities and water-quality constituents were measured along planned survey lines, which were generally perpendicular to the shoreline and spaced 100 meters apart, over an approximately 2.3-mile section of nearshore Lake Erie on June 10-12, 2019 (survey 1), and August 19-21, 2019 (survey 2), using a 1200 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), a YSI 6920 V2 multiparameter sonde, and a YSI EcoMapper autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Water-quality data collected in this area included near-surface and three-dimensional measurements of water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll, and phycocyanin (blue-green algae). The data were geo-referenced with an integrated...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), at the request of the U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC), evaluated the capabilities of two borehole technologies to measure horizontal groundwater velocity and direction of flow in a parallel-plate fractured-rock simulator. A colloidal borescope flowmeter (HB) and a heat-pulse flowmeter (HH) were deployed in 4-inch and 6-inch inner-diameter simulated uncased wells that spanned 0.39- and 1.0-inch apertures with simulated groundwater velocities ranging from 2 to 958 feet per day. Measurements were made at the USGS Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility in the Hydraulics Laboratory and the Indianapolis office of the USGS Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Water Science Center. Ten measurements...
Climatic data are from Daymet (Thornton and others, 2016) and include maximum daily air temperature and total daily precipitation on a 1-km resolution; these data replace and update the original climate data used for the tool (Williamson and others, 2009).
_README_Contents-Directory.txt 1. model-software-version.txt (file) Identifies the modeling software, version, and website. 2. modelgeoref.txt (file) Includes reference to the model documentation report, data release, and bounding box coordinates. 3. Source (directory) Contains the URL to the installer files. 4. Models(directory) Contains the model input and output files for the hydraulic model.
_README_Contents-Directory.txt 1. model-software-version.txt (file) Identifies the modeling software, version, and website. 2. modelgeoref.txt (file) Includes reference to the model documentation report, data release, and bounding box coordinates. 3. Source (directory) Contains the URL to the installer files. 4. Models(directory) Contains the model input and output files for the hydrologic model.
In 2009, the Kentucky Water Science Center completed the Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources (WATER-KY), which provided the ability to simulate streamflow for the period 1980-2000. This model integrated TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirkby, 1979) for pervious portions of the landscape with simulation of flow generated from impervious surfaces (USDA, 1986). Associated products included a flow-duration curve, load-duration curves when water-quality data were available, and general water balance. WATER-KY required a dedicated ArcGIS license with the Spatial Analyst extension, which made it difficult to use for some cooperators and limited integration with other hydrologic approaches. This new version translates...
The heat-pulse flowmeter (HH) used in this testing is a KVA Model 200 system. The instrument computes groundwater vectors from heat arrival and decay in an array of four thermistors that surround a single heat source. An external compass attached to the top of the deployment system is used to orient the flowmeter in the borehole. The HH measured groundwater velocity and flow in the x-y plane. Fuzzy packers were filled with 0.08-inch diameter glass beads for all tests. The HH thermistors were centered over the simulated fracture during measurements. One to four measurements were made with the HH for each simulated flow.
The colloidal borescope flowmeter (HB) used in this testing was developed by AquaVISION, Llc. The instrument employs a charge-coupled device camera, an optical magnification lens (140x), and a light-emitting diode (LED) illumination source to visually track neutrally buoyant colloids (approximately 1-5 microns) moving horizontally through the borehole. The device measured groundwater velocity and flow direction in the x-y (horizontal) plane. The HB magnetometer was checked with a compass to assure proper instrument orientation before deployment into the simulators. Borescope data were collected for each flow condition for a period of at least 30 minutes. After data collection, borescope data were inspected for anomalous...
The development and the generation of the datasets that are published through this data release were based on the results and findings of the report Ostheimer, C.J., Boldt, J.A., and Buszka, P.M., 2021, Supporting Data and Simulation of Hypothetical Bighead Carp Egg and Larvae Development and Transport in the Ohio River between Markland Locks and Dam and McAlpine Locks and Dam, Kentucky and Indiana, by use of the Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator: U.S. Geological Survey, The geospatial dataset contain final versions of the raster and vector geospatial data and its related metadata, and the model archive dataset contains all relevant files to document and re-run the surface-water (SW)...
This is the model archive for the HEC-RAS model. The zipped folder contains: 1. model-software-version.txt (file) Identifies the modeling software, version, and website. 2. modelgeoref.txt (file) Includes reference to the model documentation report, data release, and bounding box coordinates. 3. source (directory) Contains the URL to the installer file. 4. inputs-outputs (directory) Contains the model input and output files. 5. calibration-target (directory) Contains the target water-surface elevations for each stage (table4.xlsx). 6. geospatial (directory) Contains ArcGIS shapefiles for bridges, culverts, and study limits.
_README_Contents-Directory.txt 1. model-software-version.txt (file) Identifies the modeling software, version, and website. 2. modelgeoref.txt (file) Includes reference to the model documentation report, data release, and bounding box coordinates. 3. Source (directory) Contains the URL to the installer files. 4. Models(directory) Contains the model input and output files for Cedar Fork and Clear Fork Mohican River hydraulic models.
Digital flood-inundation maps were created for a 7.1-mile reach of the North Fork Kentucky River at Hazard, Kentucky. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Flood Inundation Mapping Science website at, depict estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at the USGS streamgage on the North Fork Kentucky River at Hazard, Kentucky (USGS station number 03277500). Near-real-time stages at this streamgage may be obtained on the Internet from the USGS National Water Information System at or the National Weather Service (NWS) Advanced Hydrologic...
Water-quality constituents were measured along planned survey lines, which were generally perpendicular to the shoreline and spaced 100 meters apart, over an approximately 2.3-mile section of nearshore Lake Erie on June 10-12, 2019 (survey 1), and August 19-21, 2019 (survey 2), with a YSI EcoMapper autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) using an undulating dive pattern (a 15-degree dive angle between the surface and 6 feet above the bottom). Water-quality data collected in this area included three-dimensional measurements of water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and phycocyanin (blue-green algae). The water-quality data were measured at 1-second intervals and were geo-referenced...
Data collection, along with hydraulic and fluvial egg transport modeling, were completed along a 70.9-mile reach of the Ohio River between Markland Locks and Dam and McAlpine Locks and Dam. Data were collected during two surveys: October 27–November 4, 2016, and June 26–29, 2017. Water-quality data collected in this reach included surface measurements and vertical profiles of water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, relative chlorophyll, and relative phycocyanin. Streamflow and velocity data were collected simultaneously with the water-quality data at cross sections and along longitudinal lines (corresponding to the water-quality surface measurements) and at selected stationary locations...
The effects of vertical flowmeter placement relative to the vertical fracture opening were examined using the colloidal borescope flowmeter (HB). For these measurements, the HB measurement interval was located at a depth equal to 0.5-inch above and below the top and bottom edges of the fracture, respectively; at upper and lower edge of the fracture; at the center of the fracture; and 0.25-inch above and below the center of the fracture. The HB measurement interval was radially centered in the borehole. For those tests, the simulated flow direction was 180, aperture was 1.0-inch and the velocity was held steady at 297 ft/d. This sub-study was intended to identify potential influence of turbulent eddies on measured...
Data collection, along with hydraulic and fluvial egg transport modeling, were completed along a 70.9-mile reach of the Ohio River between Markland Locks and Dam and McAlpine Locks and Dam. Water-quality data collected in this reach included surface measurements and vertical profiles of water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, relative chlorophyll, and relative phycocyanin. Data were collected during two surveys: October 27–November 4, 2016, and June 26–29, 2017. Streamflow and velocity data were collected simultaneously with the water-quality data at cross sections and along longitudinal lines (corresponding to the water-quality surface measurements) and at selected stationary locations...

map background search result map search result map Laboratory Assessment of Colloidal Borescope and Heat-Pulse Flowmeters in Measuring Horizontal Flow in Fractured-Rock Simulators Shapefiles of the flood-inundation maps for the North Fork Kentucky River at Hazard, Kentucky Depth grids for flood-inundation maps in and near Bellville, Ohio Floodplain boundaries for flood-inundation maps in and near Bellville, Ohio Experimental Results for Vertical Placement of Colloidal Borescope Flowmeter Experimental Results for Colloidal Borescope Flowmeter Experimental Results for Heat-Pulse Flowmeter Geospatial data and models for the Simulation of Hypothetical Bighead Carp Egg and Larvae Development and Transport in the Ohio River between Markland Locks and Dam and McAlpine Locks and Dam, Kentucky and Indiana, by use of the Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator Output kml file for the simulation of bighead carp eggs in the Ohio River between Markland and McAlpine Dams, Kentucky and Indiana, by use of the Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator Velocity surveys and three-dimensional point measurements of basic water-quality constituents in nearshore Lake Erie in the vicinity of Villa Angela Beach and Euclid Creek, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10–12, 2019, and August 19–21, 2019 Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 - Soils Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 - Climate Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 - Land-Cover, Waterbodies and Topography Water-quality measurements (three-dimensional) in nearshore Lake Erie in the vicinity of Villa Angela Beach and Euclid Creek, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10–12, 2019, and August 19–21, 2019 Water-quality measurements (three-dimensional) in nearshore Lake Erie in the vicinity of Villa Angela Beach and Euclid Creek, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10–12, 2019, and August 19–21, 2019 Velocity surveys and three-dimensional point measurements of basic water-quality constituents in nearshore Lake Erie in the vicinity of Villa Angela Beach and Euclid Creek, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10–12, 2019, and August 19–21, 2019 Shapefiles of the flood-inundation maps for the North Fork Kentucky River at Hazard, Kentucky Geospatial data and models for the Simulation of Hypothetical Bighead Carp Egg and Larvae Development and Transport in the Ohio River between Markland Locks and Dam and McAlpine Locks and Dam, Kentucky and Indiana, by use of the Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator Output kml file for the simulation of bighead carp eggs in the Ohio River between Markland and McAlpine Dams, Kentucky and Indiana, by use of the Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 - Soils Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 - Climate Water Availability Tool for Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Kentucky updated for 2019 - Land-Cover, Waterbodies and Topography Laboratory Assessment of Colloidal Borescope and Heat-Pulse Flowmeters in Measuring Horizontal Flow in Fractured-Rock Simulators Experimental Results for Vertical Placement of Colloidal Borescope Flowmeter Experimental Results for Colloidal Borescope Flowmeter Experimental Results for Heat-Pulse Flowmeter