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This data release presents results from a laboratory study designed to measure the effect of temperature on denitrification rates in sediments collected from 5- to 30-cm depth below the lake bottom, at a location where groundwater discharges to the lake. Sediment cores were collected June 25, 2014 from the West site (Fishermans Cove) in Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, MA then shipped to Boulder, CO for laboratory experiments. Groundwater used for these experiments was collected from a well just upgradient of the sediment collection site. Denitrification rates were determined on sediment plus groundwater slurries maintained under anaerobic conditions and employing the acetylene block method. Nitrous oxide concentrations...
The U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program at Cape Cod has been investigating the fate and transport of a treated-wastewater, groundwater contaminant plume. A portion of the contaminated groundwater discharges into Ashumet Pond, a kettle hole, freshwater lake. A study was conducted from June 2013 to June 2015 to document transport, transformation, and discharge of dissolved inorganic nitrogen species (DIN; nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide) from the contaminant plume to the lake, across the groundwater-surface water interface. As part of that study, in October 2014, two natural gradient tracer tests were conducted within the lake bed sediments using nitrite as a reactive tracer and bromide as...
To study the mechanisms, pathways, and rates of transformation of carbon and nitrogen compounds (natural and contaminant) mediated by microorganisms in aquatic habitats and identify factors controlling these transformations and to examine the effect that these transformations have upon other biogeochemical processes.
High latitude, boreal watersheds are nitrogen-limited ecosystems that export large amounts of organic carbon. Key controls on carbon cycling in these environments are the biogeochemical processes affecting the nitrogen cycle. This data release presents results of a 3-year field study from 2008-2011 to document the relation between seasonal and transport-associated changes in carbon and nitrogen pools within Nome Creek, an upland headwater tributary of the Yukon River, Alaska, and two first order tributaries to Nome Creek, West Twin Creek and East Twin Creek. Stream-water geochemistry was characterized using: a) biweekly sampling at fixed sampling stations to assess changes through the course of a summer season;...
The data presented here was collected at Prado Wetlands in Riverside County, CA, USA. Physical water column parameters were collected using a multprobe sonde and includes date and time of sample collection, location (inlet, outlet), temperature (degrees Celsius), pH, specific conductivity (mircoSiemens per centimeter), and dissolved oxygen (milligrams per liter). An ISCO autosampler was utilized to remotely collect diel water samples at the inlet and outlet of the wetland. These samples were analyzed for dissolved metals (aluminum, arsenic, boron, barium, beryllium, bismuth, bromine, calcium, cadmium, cerium, cobalt, chromium, copper, dysprosium, erbium, europium, iron, gallium, gadolinium, holmium, potassium, lanthanum,...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides a comprehensive dataset of water-quality results, physical-parameter measurements, hydrologic measurements, and site information collected to study the nature and extent of water quality along groundwater flow paths adjacent to glacial-kettle lakes on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Water-quality samples were collected in 2003, 2005, and 2012 through 2018 in and near seven kettle lakes located on western Cape Cod, with most of the data collected in 2015-2017 from Ashumet Pond, which is located in the towns of Falmouth and Mashpee. Data were also collected at other lakes to compare the lake-specific influences of geochemistry and hydrology on the downgradient groundwater...
This U.S. Geological Survey data release provides a comprehensive dataset of water-quality data and sampling-site characteristics collected in 1978–2018 during a study of the effects of land disposal of treated wastewater on groundwater quality in an unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifer on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Treated sewage-derived wastewater was discharged to rapid-infiltration beds at Joint Base Cape Cod for nearly 60 years before the disposal was moved to a different location in December 1995. The discharge formed a plume of contaminated groundwater that partly discharges to a glacial kettle lake about 1,600 feet from the beds and extends about 4.5 miles toward coastal saltwater bodies at Vineyard Sound....
Wetlands are frequently used in the U.S. for treating nitrate in agricultural runoff. However, numerous other biologically active contaminants, such as antibiotics and nitrification inhibitors, regularly co-occur with nitrate and many can affect the efficiency of nitrate removal. This project evaluated the discrete and combined effects of specific veterinary and human antibiotics and a common nitrification inhibitor (nitrapyrin) on nitrate-N treatment efficiency in saturated sediments and floating treatment wetlands. Sediment and water samples were collected from 3 locations at the USDA Meat Animal Research Facility near Clay Center NE in August 2019 for assessment of background conditions in order to determine...
This data release presents results from a laboratory study designed to measure the effect of temperature on rates of oxygen consumption within lake-bottom surface sediments at 0- to 5-cm depth. Sediment and lake water samples were collected June 8, 2016 from the South site in Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, MA, where lake water recharges to the aquifer. Samples were shipped to Boulder, CO for laboratory experiments. Oxygen concentrations were measured over the course of several days or weeks on serum bottles containing either sieved sediment (<2 mm) combined with filtered lake water, unfiltered lake water only, or deionized water (DIW) only at 3 different incubation temperatures (5, 15, 24 degrees Celsius). The oxygen consumption...
The U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program at Cape Cod has been investigating the fate and transport of a treated-wastewater, groundwater contaminant plume. A portion of the contaminated groundwater discharges into Ashumet Pond, a kettle hole, freshwater lake. A study was conducted from June 2013 to June 2015 to document transport, transformation, and discharge of dissolved inorganic nitrogen species (DIN; nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide) from the contaminant plume to the lake, across the groundwater-surface water interface. Groundwater, lakewater, lake sediment porewater, and sediment cores were collected and analyzed for DIN constituents as well as functional gene abundance for key N-cycle...
A comprehensive study of water quality in two streams was conducted in the Midwestern United States in 1999 to 2003. The Iroquois River and Sugar Creek, located in northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois have been heavily impacted by agricultural land use and contain relatively high concentrations of inorganic nitrogen, primarily as nitrate. As part of that study, samples were collected and analyzed for dissolved methane and nitrous oxide concentrations to determine greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the streams and the relation of GHG concentrations to concentrations of other inorganic nitrogen species in the water. These data are the results of that study. The data include GHG and nutrient samples collected...

    map background search result map search result map Chemical Data From 40 Years of Monitoring a Treated-Wastewater Groundwater Plume in a Sand and Gravel Aquifer, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1978-2018 Methane and nitrous oxide temporal and spatial concentrations in the Iroquois River and Sugar Creek in Northwestern Indiana and Northeastern Illinois, 1999-2003 (ver. 2.0, November 2020) Water-Quality Data in and near Groundwater Flow-Through Kettle-Hole Lakes, Western Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2003 - 2018 Natural gradient, lakebed tracer tests using nitrite in a nitrate-contaminated groundwater discharge zone in Ashumet Pond, Massachusetts Seasonal and spatial variation in the location and reactivity of a nitrate-contaminated groundwater discharge zone in a lakebed Determination of the effect of temperature (Q10) on rates of oxygen consumption in surface sediments collected from Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, MA (2016) Surface Water and Porewater Chemistry of Cell 3A, Prado Wetlands, Riverside, CA, USA (2018) Nitrogen biogeochemistry in a boreal headwater stream network in Interior Alaska, 2008 to 2011 Determination of the effect of temperature (Q10) on denitrification rates in sediments collected from a groundwater discharge site in Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, MA Surface Water and Porewater Chemistry of Cell 3A, Prado Wetlands, Riverside, CA, USA (2018) Natural gradient, lakebed tracer tests using nitrite in a nitrate-contaminated groundwater discharge zone in Ashumet Pond, Massachusetts Seasonal and spatial variation in the location and reactivity of a nitrate-contaminated groundwater discharge zone in a lakebed Determination of the effect of temperature (Q10) on rates of oxygen consumption in surface sediments collected from Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, MA (2016) Determination of the effect of temperature (Q10) on denitrification rates in sediments collected from a groundwater discharge site in Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, MA Water-Quality Data in and near Groundwater Flow-Through Kettle-Hole Lakes, Western Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2003 - 2018 Methane and nitrous oxide temporal and spatial concentrations in the Iroquois River and Sugar Creek in Northwestern Indiana and Northeastern Illinois, 1999-2003 (ver. 2.0, November 2020) Chemical Data From 40 Years of Monitoring a Treated-Wastewater Groundwater Plume in a Sand and Gravel Aquifer, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1978-2018 Nitrogen biogeochemistry in a boreal headwater stream network in Interior Alaska, 2008 to 2011