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Nitrogen biogeochemistry in a boreal headwater stream network in Interior Alaska, 2008 to 2011


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Smith, R.L., Repert, D.A., and Koch, J.C., 2020, Nitrogen biogeochemistry in a boreal headwater stream network in Interior Alaska, 2008 to 2011: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


High latitude, boreal watersheds are nitrogen-limited ecosystems that export large amounts of organic carbon. Key controls on carbon cycling in these environments are the biogeochemical processes affecting the nitrogen cycle. This data release presents results of a 3-year field study from 2008-2011 to document the relation between seasonal and transport-associated changes in carbon and nitrogen pools within Nome Creek, an upland headwater tributary of the Yukon River, Alaska, and two first order tributaries to Nome Creek, West Twin Creek and East Twin Creek. Stream-water geochemistry was characterized using: a) biweekly sampling at fixed sampling stations to assess changes through the course of a summer season; b) synoptic sampling [...]


Attached Files

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Diel sampling station pics_ver 2.pdf 1.32 MB application/pdf
Nome Creek and West Twin Creek Tracer Test Injection Details.csv 537 Bytes text/csv
Nome Creek and West Twin Creek Tracer Test locations.csv 576 Bytes text/csv
Nome Creek and West Twin Creek Tracer Test QW data.csv 56.64 KB text/csv
Nome Creek and West Twin Creek Tracer Test Sensor data.csv 300.97 KB text/csv
Nome Creek data description.csv 109.39 KB text/csv
Nome Creek_2010 Biweekly Sampling.csv 4.46 KB text/csv
Nome Creek_2010 Diel QW data.csv 28.05 KB text/csv
Nome Creek_2010 Diel sensor data.csv 109.29 KB text/csv
Nome Creek_Site ID_Synoptic Sampling.csv 15.58 KB text/csv
Sediment_aerobic nitrogen mineralization and net nitrification.csv 54.38 KB text/csv
Sediment_aerobic urea mineralization.csv 6.88 KB text/csv
Sediment_anoxic nitrate uptake.csv 23.25 KB text/csv
Sediment_carbon dioxide production.csv 17.92 KB text/csv
Sediment_denitrification potential.csv 18.27 KB text/csv
Sediment_details and incubation rate summaries.csv 3.68 KB text/csv
Sediment_oxygen consumption.csv 21.03 KB text/csv


This dataset was collected to document spatial and temporal changes in total dissolved and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in Nome Creek Alaska and selected first order tributaries to serve as a baseline for potential climate-related changes in carbon and nitrogen export due to increased permafrost thawing.


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DOI doi:10.5066/P9K61317

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