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Filters: Contacts: Alaska Cooperative FIsh and Wildlife Research Unit (X)

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More information is needed about species composition, abundance, or distribution of the microfauna and meiofauna living within the interstitial spaces of the littoral zones along the Beaufort Sea coast. Shorebirds depend on meiofauna for food for pre-migratory fattening and these organisms make important contributions to bioremediation of oil spills.The information obtained from this jointly-funded research can contribute to development of mitigation measures and strategies to reduce potential impacts from post-lease exploration and development. This information need extends to the lower trophic levels forming the base of these complex food webs and the biochemistry that influences these relationships. Their contributions...
The Integrated Ecosystem Model for Alaska project (IEM) uses down-scaled climate models as the drivers of ecosystem change to produce forecasts of future fire, vegetation, permafrost and hydrology regimes at a resolution of 1km. This effort is the first to model ecosystem change on a statewide scale, using climate change input as a major driving variable. The objectives of the IEM project are as follows; to better understand and predict effects of climate change and other stressors on landscape level physical and ecosystem processes, and to provide support for resource conservation planning.The IEM will provide resource managers with a decision support tool to visualize future landscapes in Alaska. Model outputs...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, DYNAMIC VEGETATION/ECOSYSTEM MODELS, DYNAMIC VEGETATION/ECOSYSTEM MODELS, Datasets/Database, Federal resource managers, All tags...
In the Gulf of Alaska, streams will experience more dramatic low water events, interspersed with larger and potentially more frequent high flow events in the coming decades. Reduced stream flows are likely to occur due to diminished snowpack and seasonal droughts, while higher flow events are likely to occur with more frequent storms and rain-on-snow events. These changes are likely to influence the growth trajectories of juvenile salmon, such as coho salmon and chinook salmon, that live up to two years in freshwater before migrating to the ocean. Stream flows can influence juvenile salmon growth by modifying food availability, water clarity, temperature, and predation risk. This high-resolution study examines...
This dataset contains single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) information for aquatic insect species collected in tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA), as well as SNP information for individuals collected from reference reaches of the Upper Colorado River Basin in Utah. This dataset focuses specifically on three species that were common and widely distributed throughout tributary streams in Grand Canyon: a mayfly (Fallceon quilleri), a caddisfly (Hydrospyche oslari), and a water strider (Rhagovelia distincta).
These collections of NetMap stream reaches, confluence-to-confluence streamlines, reach contributing areas, and reach contributing area valley bottoms within the YK basin are organized by major river region, and by HUC8 hydrologic units within those river regions. These files form the basis of the main data release items covering the entire YK basin, and were included as a separate zip files here for users with a specific area of interest who do not wish to download the entire YK dataset. Attribute fields are identical to the YK dataset, and include uRCA fields for all HUC8-level features. The field representing the uRCA ID in the shapefile facilitates join operations between tables of various stream attribute data...
Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) are an important commercial, subsistence, and recreational fishery resource in Alaska, and recent population declines have resulted in closures of some Chinook Salmon fisheries. Research into environmental factors involved in the decline of salmon stocks has exposed information gaps regarding fine-scale freshwater habitat quality known to influence Chinook Salmon productivity. We developed spatially-explicit intrinsic habitat potential models for Chinook Salmon freshwater spawning and rearing life-stages based on geomorphic stream network attributes (e.g., gradient, mean annual flow, valley bottom width). Model predictions were applied to individual stream reaches and summarized...

    map background search result map search result map Integrated Ecosystem Model (AIEM) for Alaska and Northwest Canada Shorebirds and Invertebrate Distribution on Delta Mudflats along the Beaufort Sea The Influence of Stream Flow Patterns on Juvenile Salmon Growth in Southeast Alaska Population genetic analysis of three aquatic macroinvertebrate species from samples in Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA) tributaries and nearby reference streams, 2016-2021 Stream Attributes and Habitat Intrinsic Potential Model Results to examine Freshwater Habitat Potential for Chinook Salmon in the Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska NetMap Stream Reaches, Confluence to Confluence Streamlines, Reach Contributing Areas, and Reach Contributing Area Valley Bottoms for Major River Regions in the Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska Shorebirds and Invertebrate Distribution on Delta Mudflats along the Beaufort Sea Population genetic analysis of three aquatic macroinvertebrate species from samples in Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA) tributaries and nearby reference streams, 2016-2021 The Influence of Stream Flow Patterns on Juvenile Salmon Growth in Southeast Alaska Stream Attributes and Habitat Intrinsic Potential Model Results to examine Freshwater Habitat Potential for Chinook Salmon in the Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska NetMap Stream Reaches, Confluence to Confluence Streamlines, Reach Contributing Areas, and Reach Contributing Area Valley Bottoms for Major River Regions in the Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model (AIEM) for Alaska and Northwest Canada