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This data release includes physical and chemical characteristics of field collected sediment and soil samples in Missouri representing potential sediment/soil that may enter the water column during construction related activities. Three samples were collected, including Spring River sediment, Osage River bank soil and Columbia crushed limestone. The impacts of increased suspended solid level due to the three samples on early-stage freshwater mussels were examined using three freshwater mussel species, including Fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea), Arkansas Brokenray (Lampsilis reeveiana), and Washboard (Megalonaias nervosa). Specifically, toxicity endpoints including survival, biomass, and growth of juveniles were...
Sensory input and systems are critical for organisms to respond to their environment, allowing movement to suitable habitat and potential escape from predators. While many stages of grass carp ontogeny have been described, neurosensory development remains unclear. Using behavioral tests, we looked at phonotaxis and chemotaxis from initial gas bladder inflation to the development of the second gas bladder chamber (the period during which larvae leave the drift and move into nursery areas). Rheotaxis was examined from hatch through gas bladder inflation by quantifying orientation in a laboratory flume.
This dataset contains two- and quasi-three-dimensional hydrodynamic model outputs from the Flow and Sediment Transport with Morphologic Evolution of CHannels (FaSTMECH) hydrodynamic model in the open-source binary Visualization Toolkit (VTK) format ( The simulations were run at flows in the range of 185-635 cms at increments of 30 cms. This set of flow conditions pertains to the base lateral eddy viscosity scenario referred to as LEVx1 in Call et al., 2023. Files can be opened using the open-source software program Paraview: (
These two datasets contain metrics from hydrodynamic and particle tracking simulations for two sub-reaches of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT. The upstream reach is referred to as the “upper” reach while the downstream reach is referred to as the “lower” reach. Simulations were performed for 16 flows in the range of 185-635 cms at increments of 30 cms.
Historical lead mining in Madison County, Missouri, USA has left a legacy of metals contamination. Laboratory studies were conducted to examine the effect of water hardness and age of crayfish on the toxicity of environment-based metals mixture. Additionally, the effects of chronic exposure to a metals mixture to egg development in adult crayfish were assessed. These data are comprised of measurements of elements (i.e., cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead), major anions (e.g., chloride, sulfate), dissolved organic carbon, and major cations (e.g, sodium, calcium, magnesium) in water samples collected during laboratory-based diluter exposure studies.
Historical lead mining in Madison County, Missouri, USA has left a legacy of metals contamination. Laboratory studies were conducted to examine the effect of water hardness and age of crayfish on the toxicity of environment-based metals mixture. Additionally, the effects of chronic exposure to a metals mixture to egg development in adult crayfish were assessed. These data are comprised of measurements of elements (i.e., cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead), major anions (e.g., chloride, sulfate), dissolved organic carbon, and major cations (e.g, sodium, calcium, magnesium) in water samples collected during laboratory-based diluter exposure studies. Measurements of elements (i.e., cobalt, nickel, copper,...
These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.), major anions (chloride, nitrite+nitrate as nitrogen, sulfate, etc.), organic carbon, and general water quality characteristics in Pinyon Plain Mine containment pond water, invertebrate, vegetation and sediment samples, collected in calendar year 2022.
These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.) in Pinyon Plain Mine containment pond sediment samples collected in calendar year 2022.
The Buffalo National River in Arkansas was established as the first national river in 1972 and later designated as an Extraordinary Resource Water with a Wild and Scenic section in the upper portion. The Buffalo National River's water quality database indicates nitrogen compounds have increased since the 1980s. This study aimed to investigate the potential threat of elevated nutrients and its association with freshwater mussel declines in the Buffalo National River through laboratory and in situ exposures. We evaluated (1) the toxicity of receiving water and sediment samples containing elevated ammonia and nitrate to native juvenile Lampsilis reeveiana (Arkansas Brokenray) and three common aquatic test species (Ceriodaphnia...
This dataset contains particle starting location files for particle tracking simulations of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT using the “Fluvial Particle” particle tracking model ( The file “DriftExperiment_StartLocations_n30000.csv” corresponds to particle simulations of a July 1, 2019, larval drift experiment. This file is configured to simulate 30,000 particles run in serial (i.e., 30,000 particles run on a single CPU). The files “ReachComparison_StartLocations_Lower_n250.csv” and “ReachComparison_StartLocations_Upper_n250.csv” correspond to particle simulations comparing the upper and lower sub-reaches of the larger model reach. Each of these simulations also used...
This dataset contains two- and quasi-three-dimensional hydrodynamic model outputs from the Flow and Sediment Transport with Morphologic Evolution of CHannels (FaSTMECH) hydrodynamic model in the open source binary Visualization Toolkit (VTK) format ( The simulations were run at 348 cms as measured on July 1, 2019, during a larval drift experiment conducted on the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT. Three different variations of the model were run at multiples of 0.5, 1, and 2 times the calculated lateral eddy viscosity (LEV) value to account for uncertainty in this parameter. These are labeled as LEVx0p5, LEVx1, and LEVx2 respectively. Files can be opened using the open-source software program...
This dataset contains shapefiles for three longitudinal water surface elevation profiles collected by boat on the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT between June 2018 and July 2019. The dataset was collected to calibrate a multidimensional hydrodynamic model.
Data include fasta files of full mitochondrial sequence data for the male and female mitotypes of the mucket (Ortamannia ligamentina). These have been deposited in the NCBI database under BioSample Accession number SAMN39271813, SRA Accession number SRR27608898, and GenBank Accession numbers : PP103562 and PP103563.
Monitoring of vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the eggs of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) collected from lakes Huron and Michigan has been conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey since the mid-1990’s. The results of this monitoring effort have been used by natural resource management agencies and native American tribes within the Great Lakes basin to evaluate the reproductive health of lake trout. The data in this release are the thiamine concentrations measured in lake trout collected from 1996-2018. Results are reported as total thiamine (nmol/g-egg), collection site, lake, year collected, and reference to the analysis methods.
Categories: Data; Tags: Canada, EMS, Early Mortality Syndrome, Fish, Fish Spawning and Larval Aggregation, All tags...
These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.) in Pinyon Plain Mine containment pond vegetation samples collected in calendar year 2022.
The dataset contains a hybrid bathymetric-topographic digital elevation model (DEM) of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT. The DEM was generated within ArcGIS by compositing bathymetric data from multiple single beam sonar surveys collected between June 2018 and July 2019 with previously existing topographic data collected from airborne LiDAR into a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The resulting TIN was then manually edited and exported as a raster for use in developing a hydrodynamic model.
We tested salinity tolerance of grass carp and silver carp eggs and larvae during two phases of development – pre-gas bladder inflation and post gas bladder inflation to the development of the second gas bladder chamber, using 6 different salinity concentrations ranging from 0 to 36 ppt. Growth and developmental rates were also observed after exposure. After the initiation of horizontal swimming, grass carp larvae were tested in a Y-maze to assess any preferences for salinity levels.
This project summarizes broad, two-dimensional spatial availability of fish habitat across the Lower Missouri River (from its confluence with the Big Sioux River near Sioux City, Iowa downstream to its confluence with the Mississippi River near St. Louis, Missouri). One of the main objectives of the project was to delineate and categorize dike fields, which we define as areas directly downstream from man-made, earthen dike structures. Dike fields represent potential refuge habitats from the fast-flowing navigation channel maintained for boat traffic along the river thalweg. Dike fields were drawn within the boundaries of the main channel of the Missouri River given bankfull conditions and with reference to existing...
This data release includes sampling location data, laboratory processed surface water chemistry data (anions, cations, total nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon, deuterium, trace metals), laboratory processed pore water chemistry data (anions, cations, total nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon, trace metals), laboratory process sediment data (trace metals), and whole-body trace metal concentrations plus stable isotope values (carbon, nitrogen, deuterium) for larval aquatic insects, emergent adult insects, and two riparian spider families from Torch Lake and Gratiot Lake (N=3 sites at each lake). Torch Lake (Houghton County, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan, USA) is a Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) owing to a high concentration...
Data includes fish abundance and habitat data collected at ten sites in the Sandusky River, OH. Fish were collected using two 3.67 m long hoop nets with an initial hoop diameter of 0.91 m. Nets were set perpendicular to the current, opening toward the shoreline. Nets were set for approximately 24 hours and catch rates for each set were defined as the number of fish caught in the two hoop nets per 24-hour sampling period. Fish were identified to species, measured for total length (mm), and released. Water quality was taken daily at each site at approximately the same time of day with a YSI Exo2 multiparameter sonde. Physical habitat data was recorded at the start of each trial. Vegetation coverage was characterized...

map background search result map search result map Total thiamine concentrations in lake trout Salvelinus namaycush eggs in lakes Huron and Michigan, 1996-2018 Impact of suspended sediments/soils to juvenile mussels Child 1: Hybrid bathymetric-topographic digital elevation model for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Child 2: Longitudinal water surface elevation profiles of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Child 5: Start location files for the “Fluvial Particle” model used in generating particle tracking simulations for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Child 8: Metrics from hydrodynamic and particle tracking simulations of two sub-reaches of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Outputs from hydrodynamic simulations of flow on July 1, 2019, for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Outputs from hydrodynamic simulations of flows between 185-635 cms at 30 cms increments for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022 Data for assessment of the containment pond sediment at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022 Data for assessment of the containment pond vegetation at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022 Analytical chemistry data for the exposure waters and tissue samples collected during the Madison County crayfish laboratory studies Chemistry data for the exposure waters collected during the Madison County crayfish laboratory studies. Fish Community and habitat assessment in the Sandusky River, OH, April 2021 through October 2021 Salinity tolerance of grass carp and silver carp during egg and early larval stages Dike Fields and Macrohabitats of the Lower Missouri River In Situ Studies in the Buffalo National River, Arkansas Complete female and male mitogenomes of the mucket mussel (Ortmanniana ligamentina) Water chemistry, stable isotopes, and trace metals in sediment, water and biota in Torch Lake and Gratiot Lake, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan, USA, July and October 2021 Behavioral responses to different sensory stimuli in larval Grass Carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Complete female and male mitogenomes of the mucket mussel (Ortmanniana ligamentina) Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022 Data for assessment of the containment pond sediment at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022 Data for assessment of the containment pond vegetation at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022 Analytical chemistry data for the exposure waters and tissue samples collected during the Madison County crayfish laboratory studies Chemistry data for the exposure waters collected during the Madison County crayfish laboratory studies. Salinity tolerance of grass carp and silver carp during egg and early larval stages Behavioral responses to different sensory stimuli in larval Grass Carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Child 1: Hybrid bathymetric-topographic digital elevation model for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Child 8: Metrics from hydrodynamic and particle tracking simulations of two sub-reaches of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Outputs from hydrodynamic simulations of flow on July 1, 2019, for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Outputs from hydrodynamic simulations of flows between 185-635 cms at 30 cms increments for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Water chemistry, stable isotopes, and trace metals in sediment, water and biota in Torch Lake and Gratiot Lake, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan, USA, July and October 2021 In Situ Studies in the Buffalo National River, Arkansas Impact of suspended sediments/soils to juvenile mussels Dike Fields and Macrohabitats of the Lower Missouri River Total thiamine concentrations in lake trout Salvelinus namaycush eggs in lakes Huron and Michigan, 1996-2018