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Invasive annual grasses are a primary, severe, and challenging threat to habitat conservation and restoration for sage-dependent wildlife across federal, state and private lands. Successful management solutions for sagebrush rangelands are likely to be multiphasic, involving some sequence of interventions such as herbicides, seeding of competitive natives that also create habitat, and temporarily altering land use, in an adaptive-management approach. The proposed work tests different herbicides and options for applying them with different seeding and land uses, across a gradient of climate and soils in Interior Regions 5 and 7.This research will examine the efficacy of management options for controlling cheatgrass...
Invasive annual grasses are a primary, serverre, and challenging threat to habitat conservation and restoration for sge-dependent wildlife across federal, state and private lands. Successful management solutions for sagebrush ranglands vary and require an integrated approach involving some sequence of interventions such as herbicides, seeding of competitive natives that also create habitat, and temporarily alter land use such as grazing, in an adaptive-management approach. The proposed work will test different herbicides and options for applying them with different seeding and land uses in differnet sites across the sagebrush landscpae within Interior Regions 5,7,9, and 10. Research outcomes will identify and demonstrate...
Promote and facilitate joint implementation with partners sagebrush conservation strategy, DOI Science Framework, Science Actionable Plan, and Western Weed Action Plan. Goals of this agreement are to address the elements of sahgebrush conservation strategy, saghgebrush initiatve coordination, greater sage-grouse population data and trend analysis, invasives and fire policy, conservation delivery and science acquisition, and sagebrush conservation design, network governance, and monitoring and adaptive management.Start date: 9/1/2021Project end date: 9/20/2025Award ID: Not Yet Determined
The funding will support a post-doctoral researcher for 2 years to work directly on regional projects focused on invasive annual grasses: Combining multiple existing data sets over multiple years from Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho, and New Mexico using a meta-analytical framework to evaluate:1) Relationship between invasive annual grass abundance and desirable plant community characteristics (productivity, diversity, abundance, etc.), 2) Responses of desirable plant communities to invasive annual grass management (herbicides first, then other management methods), and 3) Enhance an existing project to develop an index of sagebrush quality and susceptibility to impacts from invasive annual grasses. The groundwork...
Invasions of exotic annual grasses (EAGs like cheatgrass have caused major losses of native shrubs and grasses in western U.S. rangelands. They also decrease the productivity and carbon storage in these ecosystems, which is expected to create dryer soils that may cause further losses in plant productivity. This cycle is the hallmark of desertification – or, fertile lands turning into deserts. Management actions that target EAGs are one of the most widespread land management actions taken in Western U.S. rangelands, but it is unclear which specific actions can simultaneously enhance drought resilience of native plant communities and increase carbon sequestration and storage. This project aims to identify the restoration...
There is a critical science need of identifying costs, amortized into the future, associated with prioritizing invasive annual grass management as fuels management to prevent costs of further wildland fire in high priority core areas. An invasive annual grass economic assessment will increase awareness of the resource needs and cost-effectiveness based on an evaluation of return on investment through a spatially prioritized approach for implementation. Realistic estimates for costs and ecological outcomes from allocation scenarios will define resources needed stepped down from a conservation design of Defend and Grow the Core Sagebrush Areas. This information will directly inform programmatic implementation levels...
The SET is a cross-programmatic, cross-regional team consisting of US Fish and Wildlife Service sagebrush ecosystem conservation practitioners.Our mission: The SETs mission is to represent and work across US Fish and Wildlife Service programs and partnerships to deliver strategic conservation solutions for the sagebrush biome.Our vision: Our vision is for a healthy, functional sagebrush biome that supports wildlife AND people.Operational approach: The SET thrives on inclusion, partnerships, actionable science and delivery. We believe conservation investments should be transparent, accountable, and focused on strategic investments in common landscape-scale priorities and objectives. We understand the Service is but...
Identify invasive species management costs based on monetizing prevention, early detection and rapid response, aggressive management and restoration for ecological states associated with intact cores, low/moderate invasion transition cores, and high invasion mitigation areas; 2) identify raw cost in dollars of invasie species management implemente3d through a “defend and grow the core: aproach based on current level of invasion and future level of invasion after 40 years based on status quo of resources and 25%, 50% and 75% increase of investment of resources; 3) utilize matrix of costs for intact core, mild/mod invaded, and heavily invaded “cores” and create spatial scenaiors of assuming some level of effectiveness...
Understanding the current risk of the threat of invasive annual grasses to the sagebrush ecosystem is needed for biological planning and conservation design of appropriate conservation delivery mechanisms that will enhance and maintain priority wildlife species of conservation concern. Current efforts with partners have developed a 250 m near-real time herbaceous annual percent cover map in western portion of the ecosystem for identifying wildfire risk but this effort needs to be expanded to the eastern portion of the biome. In addition, localized detailed information is needed at 30m scale for increased accuracy of identifying the degree and extent of invasions. This information at the landscape scale will facilitate...
Data are cross-listed on Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and other invasive annual grasses represent one of the single largest threats to the health and resilience of western rangelands. To address this challenge, the Western Governors Association (WGA)-appointed Western Invasive Species Council convened a cheatgrass working group to develop a new regional vision for invasive annual grass management across the West. Foundational to implementing this new vision is the creation of a common spatial map to guide strategic actions. The WGA cheatgrass working group sought to develop a 30-m base map of annual herbaceous cover to support a common spatial strategy for tackling invasive annual...
Wyoming Big Sagebrush communities with degraded or absent herbaceous vegetation occupy vast expanses of the western United States and contribute to sage-grouse population decline. Annual grasses are invading these sagebrush systems and replacing perennial grasses and forbs. Unfortunately, little is understood about restoring degraded sagebrush community understories. Past studies have suggested that burning and herbicide treatment may be an effective approach to increasing perennial grasses, but herbicide alone produced moderate success (Davies 2011). However, using burning as a treatment in core sage-grouse habitat is unlikely. Information on effectively establishing a diverse and healthy forb population is especially...
Understanding current and future threat of invasive annual grasses (invasives) in the sagebrush ecosystem is a critical need for resource and wildfire management, biological planning and conservation design for this imperiled ecosystem. Many land managers are challenged with selecting the most appropriate invasives dataset or tool for their planning efforts due to difficulties in understanding dataset attributes (e.g., scale, resolution, sensitivity) and lining them up with management objectives. This project will: (1) develop an annotated bibliography of recent, peer-reviewed literature for three invasive annual grass species of highest concern (cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata); (2) review all geospatial...
This project seeks to put science into practice, helping land managers scale-up conservation delivery to address the largest threat to the sagebrush biome: invasive annual grasses. Centered around the proactive Defend and Grow the Core framework, leading experts in applied science and management of invasive annual grasses will embark on a campaign to equip land managers with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to implement effective invasive annual grass management. Experts will translate the latest science into highly usable technical materials, foster experiential learning through field workshops and online modules, and establish an innovative multi-state demonstration and monitoring network that enables adaptive...

    map background search result map search result map Annual Herbaceous Cover across Rangelands of the Sagebrush Biome Land Manager Guidance for Invasive Annual Grass Risk Assessment Datasets and Tools Landscape risk assessment tool expanded for detecting invasive annual grass threat to FWS sagebrush priority migratory birds ranges in the eastern portion of the sagebrush biome Assessing annual grass management effectiveness in the sagebrush biome USFWS Conservation and Restoration of the Sagebrush Biome Integrated with Western States and Other Partners Baker LIT Sagebrush Understory Enhancement Assessment of fuel break performance  fire risk, ecology, and economy Enhancing Regional Decision Making for Invasive Grass Management Assess the economic costs and benefits of implementing a "Defend and Grow the Core" Approach for invasive annual grass management as a pre-emptive measure for costs and benefits and prevent expansion of losses from wildfire risk Sagebrush Ecosystem Team (SET) Invasive Annual Grass Tech Transfer Partnership: Empowering Land Managers to Defend and Grow Sagebrush Cores Assessing the Impacts of Rangeland Restoration on Carbon Sequestration and Co-Benefits for Drought Resilience in the Sagebrush Steppe and Mixed Grass Prairie Sagebrush Biome Invasive Annual Grass Economic Assessment Baker LIT Sagebrush Understory Enhancement Land Manager Guidance for Invasive Annual Grass Risk Assessment Datasets and Tools Assessing the Impacts of Rangeland Restoration on Carbon Sequestration and Co-Benefits for Drought Resilience in the Sagebrush Steppe and Mixed Grass Prairie Enhancing Regional Decision Making for Invasive Grass Management Landscape risk assessment tool expanded for detecting invasive annual grass threat to FWS sagebrush priority migratory birds ranges in the eastern portion of the sagebrush biome Assessment of fuel break performance  fire risk, ecology, and economy Assessing annual grass management effectiveness in the sagebrush biome USFWS Conservation and Restoration of the Sagebrush Biome Integrated with Western States and Other Partners Assess the economic costs and benefits of implementing a "Defend and Grow the Core" Approach for invasive annual grass management as a pre-emptive measure for costs and benefits and prevent expansion of losses from wildfire risk Sagebrush Ecosystem Team (SET) Invasive Annual Grass Tech Transfer Partnership: Empowering Land Managers to Defend and Grow Sagebrush Cores Sagebrush Biome Invasive Annual Grass Economic Assessment Annual Herbaceous Cover across Rangelands of the Sagebrush Biome