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The Sauk River, a fedrally designated Wild and Scenic River, is one of the few large glacier-fed rivers in western Washington that is unconstrained by dams and drains a relatively pristine landscape which includes Glacier Peak, a glaciated stratovolcano. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a 5-year study (2012-2016 water years) of suspended-sediment and water temperature monitoring for the purpose of determining suspended-sediment loads and identifying sediment production regimes and associated seasonality of sediment transport. Monitoring occurred at three USGS streamgages on the Sauk River, including two long-term gages with more than 90 years of continuous record and a new gage installed for the purpose...
This release contains data collected to study the impacts of vegetation removal on the condition of Lake Ozette Sockeye spawning habitat. From October 2018 to May 2019, continuous sediment temperature and subsurface dissolved oxygen were collected at sites near Olsen's Beach on the eastern shore of Lake Ozette, WA. Data were collected from 3 sites; a spawning control (SC) where sockeye currently return to spawn; a vegetation control (VC) where nearshore vegetation inhibits the amount of sockeye spawning; and a vegetation treatment (TR) area where nearshore vegetation was manually removed to assess if habitat quality can be improved. In addition to the continuous data, particle size data from the nearshore were determined...
A total of 27 temperature sensors were deployed along the lower 90 miles of the Yakima River at 7 locations where cold water had been previously observed. These 7 cold-water areas had 3 to 6 temperature sensors installed to document the extent and duration of these cold-water areas and their impacts on mainstem temperatures of the Lower Yakima River. Cold-water areas included the mouths of tributaries, alongside channels, and within alcoves. Sensor deployments ranged from 1 to 2 years beginning in October 2018. All temperature data are included in the folder. Details of each monitoring location are provided in the site.locs.csv file. In addition to the raw data and site location information,...
This data release contains channel cross sections of the Nooksack River near North Cedarville, WA, collected during routine streamgaging and discharge measurement efforts at USGS streamgage 12210700. All cross sections were collected using an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) from the downstream side of the Highway 542 bridge. Raw ADCP measurement data were processed using a combination of WinRiver II and AreaComp2. The mean gage height during the measurement was used to convert ADCP depth measurements into elevations relative to the gage datum. The known offset between local gage datum and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) was further used to convert gage datum elevations to absolute elevations...
This data release summarizes suspended sediment monitoring results on the Bogachiel (USGS 12042800) and Calawah (USGS 12043000) Rivers between water years 2019 and 2021, based on a combination of continuous turbidity monitoring and discrete suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) measurements. Data and results for each monitoring station were combined into zip files. Each zip file contains: Summarized SSC measurements used in model calibration, a detailed model archive summary documenting the process used to estimate SSC at 15-minute intervals, and full 15-minute estimates of SSC and suspended loads between Oct. 1, 2018 and Sept 30, 2021. Metadata files within the zip files provide additional details on the file...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model (MODFLOW-NWT) of the Columbia Plateau Regional aquifer (CPRAS) in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho was developed to provide an integrated understanding of the hydrologic system to implement effective water-resource management strategies. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Groundwater Resources Program assessed the groundwater availability as part of a national study of regional systems ( The CPRAS assessment includes the status of groundwater resources, how these resources have changed over time, and development and application of tools to estimate system responses to stresses from future uses and climate variability and change. A major product...
Physical and chemical changes affect the biota within urban streams at varying scales ranging from individual organisms to populations and communities creating complex interactions that present challenges for characterizing and monitoring the impact on species utilizing these freshwater habitats. Salmonids, specifically cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), extensively utilize small stream habitats influenced by a changing urban landscape. This study used a comprehensive fish health assessment concurrent with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Pacific Northwest Stream Quality Assessment in 2015 to quantifiy impacts from disease in juvenile coho and cutthroat salmon, impacts to...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model was developed in 1997 to evaluate the groundwater flow system at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington ( In 2016, a regional groundwater flow model for the greater Kitsap Peninsula was developed ( Using information from the 2016 regional model, the 1997 groundwater flow model for the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard was updated with a new interpretation of the underlying hydrogeologic units, a refined model grid, and improved recharge estimates. A steady-state model version was constructed in MODFLOW-NWT to simulate equilibrium conditions. MODPATH forward...
This data release provides information on the chemistry and character of bed sediments accumulated in the 1.6-mile long impoundment behind Enloe Dam on the Similkameen River in Okanogan County, WA. Sediment samples were collected during four weeks in October – December 2019. The sampling locations were distributed among 10 transects that ranged from 0.1-0.2 miles apart along the length of the reservoir. Surficial grab samples of bed material were collected at 27 locations representing the left, right or center of the channel cross-section where sampling was possible using a Ponar sampler. Sediment cores were collected with a Vibracore at 12 locations at or near the surficial grab sample transects, and discrete sediment...
Measures used to assess trends in the 10th, 50th, and 90th quantiles of annual peak streamflow from 1916-2015 at 2,683 U.S. Geological Survey stations and within 191 4-digit HUCs in the conterminous United States. Linear quantile regression was applied to the selected quantiles of log-transformed annual peak streamflow to represent trends for a range of flood frequencies from small, common floods to large, infrequent floods. Comparative trends in pairs of quantiles were characterized as coherent, convergent, or divergent by comparing the slopes of linear quantile regression equations.
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model, constructed in MODFLOW-NWT, was developed to evaluate the groundwater flow system near Puget Sound, Pierce and King Counties, Washington. A steady-state model version was constructed to simulate equilibrium conditions, while a transient model version was constructed to simulate monthly variability from January 2005 to December 2015. The model was used to simulate several hydrologic scenarios. This data release contains the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report (
A three-dimensional, groundwater flow model (MODFLOW-NWT) was developed to examine groundwater storage changes in the Quincy Basin, Washington. The model was calibrated to conditions from 1920 to 2013. The model was used to (1) determine the change in groundwater storage from 1920 to 2013 , and (2) simulate the potential effects of increases in pumping, decrease in irrigation recharge, and increases in streamflow in Crab Creek by 100 cubic feet per second and 500 cubic feet per second. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report (
This dataset provides details from stream metabolism models for 20 stream sites in the United States that were sampled as part of the National Water Quality Program's Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA). Metabolism was estimated at each site using the streamMetabolizer package in R. For each of the 20 sites, three files are provided; (1) the input data, which includes continuous dissolved oxygen, water temperature, light, and stream depth, (2) the output data containing the daily metabolism estimates, and (3) a site-specific html 'guide' for running the streamMetabolizer package in R. The site 'short_name' is included in each file name to distinguish the files associated with each field site. Final metabolism...
These data present chemistry and toxicity results from freshwater stream sediments collected from 99 wadable stream sites across eleven states in the Midwestern U.S. as one component of a larger USGS study in the summer of 2013. This data presents a selected suite of chemistry collected at these sites (PAHs, Organochlorines, PCBs, Trace Elements, and current use pesticides) used in calculating a Probable Effect Concentration-Likely Effect Benchmark quotient mixture score for contaminants measured in sediments. The toxicity data presents results of toxicity tests following ASTM and US EPA standard methods for sediment toxicity tests with the amphipod Hyalella azteca (28-d exposure), the midge Chironomus dilutus (10-d),...
This data release provides source code and an R workspace with functions comprising a non-linear baseflow separation model, calibrated values of parameters and estimates of the baseflow component of daily streamflow at selected streamflow gages. Parameter values were determined by calibration of the model. Estimates of the baseflow component include daily values and the total baseflow as a fraction of streamflow for the analysis period. The file '' in the directory 'Nonlinear Baseflow Model Source Code, Functions, and Scripts" has a complete set of model functions, parameters for 13,208 USGS streamflow gages, and a script to run the model. Instructions and software requirements for running the model...
The dataset has basin characteristics (drainage area, land use, and reservoir storage), parameters for a relation between streamflow and velocity, and travel time metrics at 100 gaged sites in the southeastern United States.
Site-specific parameters for a non-linear baseflow separation model determined by automated calibration to maximize baseflow. The file "bf_param_usgs.csv" has parameter values for 13,208 sites where USGS operated a streamflow gage and calculated daily streamflow for at least 300 days from water year 1981 to 2020. The file "bf_param_wa_ecy.csv" has parameter values for 41 sites where the Washington Department of Ecology operated a streamflow gage from water year 1991 to 2019. The parameters may need to be re-calibrated at a site for some applications.
The Skykomish, Snoqualmie, and Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Basins have historically provided critical spawning, rearing, and core habitat for several salmonid species. These salmonid species include natural populations of Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha), steelhead trout (O. mykiss), and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus)—listed as “Threatened” under the Endangered Species Act—as well as coho salmon (O. kisutch)—listed as a ”Species of concern”—pink salmon (O. gorbuscha), chum salmon (O. keta), and native char (S. malma) (Solomon and Boles, 2002; Stohr and others, 2011; Svrjcek and others, 2013; Snohomish County Surface Water Management and the Sustainable Lands Strategy Executive Committee [SWM], 2017; U.S. Fish...
Smelter slag containing copper and other trace elements is widespread in riverbed sediment of the upper Columbia River (UCR) of the United States. To evaluate potential risk to aquatic life concentrations of copper and other trace elements were measured in shallow pore-water and in river water samples collected near the sediment-water interface. Samples were collected using an in-situ pore-water profiler to collect a suite of four water samples from above, at, and below the sediment-water interface at each of 29 sampling locations; pore-water collected with a drive-point sampler at 10 additional locations; and Stabilized Liquid Membrane Device samplers (SLMDs) to allow determination of trace-element concentrations...
This data release includes hourly water temperature data at 12 locations in the main stem of the Quinault River and its major tributaries, and data from a riparian vegetation survey conducted in the lower Quinault River, Washington. Water temperature data was collected during the summer of 2018 and 2019 at most locations. Variable collection periods by site are described within the dataset. Riparian vegetation surveys were conducted during the summer of 2018.

map background search result map search result map Sediment chemistry and sediment toxicity in wadable streams across the Midwestern United States, 2013 Trace elements concentrations in pore water and surface water near the sediment-water interface in the Upper Columbia River, Washington (2015) Suspended Sediment and Water Temperature Data in the Sauk River, Washington, Water Years 2012-16 Evaluating Coho Salmon in Streams Across an Urbanization Gradient—Part 1, Growth Potential Based on Environmental Factors and Bioenergetics Water temperature and riparian vegetation survey data for the lower Quinault River, WA for select periods in 2018 and 2019 Trends in annual peak streamflow quantiles for 2,683 U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the conterminous United States Stream metabolism estimates for the Regional Stream Quality Assessments of the National Water Quality Program, 2013 to 2016 Basin characteristics and travel time metrics for 100 sites in the southeastern United States Non-linear baseflow separation model with parameters and results (ver. 2.0, October 2022) Nonlinear Baseflow Model Parameters for USGS and other Agency Gages (ver. 2.0, October 2022) Dissolved Oxygen, temperature, particle-size distribution, and groundwater flux in the nearshore of Lake Ozette, WA, October 2018 to May 2019 Sediment chemistry and characteristics of samples collected in 2019 from the Similkameen River above Enloe Dam, Okanogan County, Washington (ver. 3.0, March 2022) Temperature data collected from the Lower Yakima River from October 2018 to October 2020 Suspended-Sediment Data for the Bogachiel and Calawah Rivers, WA for Water Years 2019-2021 Channel Cross Sections of the Nooksack River near North Cedarville, WA, 2017-2021 MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system near Puget Sound, Pierce and King Counties, Washington MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater storage changes in the Quincy Basin, Washington MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate the groundwater availability of the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho Water Temperature Mapping of the Skykomish, Snoqualmie, and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers, Washington—Longitudinal Stream Temperature Profiles, Significant Thermal Features, and Airborne Thermal Infrared and RGB Imagery Mosaics MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington Channel Cross Sections of the Nooksack River near North Cedarville, WA, 2017-2021 Sediment chemistry and characteristics of samples collected in 2019 from the Similkameen River above Enloe Dam, Okanogan County, Washington (ver. 3.0, March 2022) MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington Dissolved Oxygen, temperature, particle-size distribution, and groundwater flux in the nearshore of Lake Ozette, WA, October 2018 to May 2019 Water temperature and riparian vegetation survey data for the lower Quinault River, WA for select periods in 2018 and 2019 Trace elements concentrations in pore water and surface water near the sediment-water interface in the Upper Columbia River, Washington (2015) Water Temperature Mapping of the Skykomish, Snoqualmie, and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers, Washington—Longitudinal Stream Temperature Profiles, Significant Thermal Features, and Airborne Thermal Infrared and RGB Imagery Mosaics Suspended Sediment and Water Temperature Data in the Sauk River, Washington, Water Years 2012-16 MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system near Puget Sound, Pierce and King Counties, Washington MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater storage changes in the Quincy Basin, Washington Evaluating Coho Salmon in Streams Across an Urbanization Gradient—Part 1, Growth Potential Based on Environmental Factors and Bioenergetics MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate the groundwater availability of the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho Sediment chemistry and sediment toxicity in wadable streams across the Midwestern United States, 2013 Basin characteristics and travel time metrics for 100 sites in the southeastern United States Stream metabolism estimates for the Regional Stream Quality Assessments of the National Water Quality Program, 2013 to 2016 Trends in annual peak streamflow quantiles for 2,683 U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the conterminous United States Non-linear baseflow separation model with parameters and results (ver. 2.0, October 2022) Nonlinear Baseflow Model Parameters for USGS and other Agency Gages (ver. 2.0, October 2022)