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These data represent an resource selection function (RSF) for translocated sage-grouse in North Dakota during the brooding season. Human enterprise has led to large‐scale changes in landscapes and altered wildlife population distribution and abundance, necessitating efficient and effective conservation strategies for impacted species. Greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage‐grouse) are a widespread sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) obligate species that has experienced population declines since the mid‐1900s resulting from habitat loss and expansion of anthropogenic features into sagebrush ecosystems. Habitat loss is especially evident in North Dakota, USA, on the northeastern fringe of sage‐grouse’...
This dataset contains data pertaining to vegetation type, woody versus herbaceous versus non-vegetated, for a random selection of points within the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area of Southern California. These data were obtained from aerial imagery for the years 1947, 1977, 1995, 2005, and 2014 and were used to determine changes in cover type over time. These data support the following publication: Syphard, A.D., Brennan, T.J. and Keeley, J.E., 2018. Drivers of chaparral type conversion to herbaceous vegetation in coastal Southern California. Diversity and Distributions.
Drainage areas (or watersheds) were calculated for each stream segment in the National Hydrography Dataset High Resolution Plus Beta (NHD HR Plus Beta) using non-end junction points and the provided hydrologically enforced Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The DEM was used to create a flow direction raster. The pour points used were determined from junction points at each stream intersection excluding stream ends (i.e. channel heads are not included). Watershed calculations were automated using the ArcGIS "watershed" tool and then edited manually for accuracy. In western San Diego County (non-desert) there were 39,980 drainage areas calculated. The percent impervious in each watershed was calculated using the National...
The spatial data results of USGS surveys for Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus, LBVI) along the Tijuana River and San Diego River in 2023 to determine abundance and distribution of vireos to facilitate population trend analyses and collect information on dispersal and site fidelity of banded vireos as part of long-term demographic studies at multiple sites.
Dataset contains 32 terrestrial lidar scans of conifer forests and associated shapefile of locations in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National parks from the summer of 2022. These scans were co-located within field plots from a larger ongoing U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) project collecting wildfire fuels and forest structure data (informally known as the Fire and Fuels Project). These data can also be found in a USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) database named IntELiMon (
Arid ecosystems are often vulnerable to transformation to invasive-dominated states following fire, but data on persistence of these states are sparse. The grass/fire cycle is a feedback process between invasive annual grasses and fire frequency that often leads to the formation of alternative vegetation states dominated by the invasive grasses. However, other components of fire regimes, such as burn severity, also have the potential to produce long-term vegetation transformations. Our goal was to evaluate the influence of both fire frequency and burn severity on the transformation of woody-dominated communities to communities dominated by invasive grasses in major elevation zones of the Mojave Desert of western...
We generated a spatially explicit map of categories of expected occurrence and density associated with predicted concentrations of resident and transient common ravens (Corvus corax; ravens) using the residuals from a generalized linear regression between the occurrence and density parameters. These data support the following publication: Webster, S.C., O'Neil, S.T., Brussee, B.E., Coates, P.S., Jackson, P.J., Tull, J.C. and Delehanty, D.J., 2021. Spatial modeling of common raven density and occurrence helps guide landscape management within Great Basin sagebrush ecosystems. Human–Wildlife Interactions, 15(3), p.10.
Data presented are results of surveys and monitoring in 2019 for San Diego Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) in southern San Diego County. Surveys were conducted at 493 plots. Plots were surveyed twice in 2019 and the number, age (adult or juvenile), banding status (color banded or not), breeding status (paired, unpaired, or unknown), and nesting status (active nest detected or not) of all wrens recorded. Habitat covariate data were collected including amount of dead and stressed cactus in the plot, percent cover of bare ground, and the dominant and percent cover of invasive species. During weekly monitoring visits, nests were located and checked to determine the number of eggs laid, the number of eggs...
These data are the result of an intersection between a surface representing the delta-finite rate of population change and another surface representing Greater Sage-grouse abundance and space-use. It was used to rank candidate sites according to greatest potential impact to Greater Sage-grouse populations resulting from the presence of geothermal energy activity. In 2022, candidate geothermal sites were identified in Nevada and eastern California, then buffered by 10 kilometers. While the extent of the overall raster layer encompasses a very large swath of the western US, data values are limited to fall within these 10 kilometer buffers. These data support the following publications: Coates, P.S., Prochazka, B.G.,...
Five principal components are used to represent the climate variation in an original set of 12 composite climate variables reflecting complex precipitation and temperature gradients. The dataset provides coverage for future climate (defined as the 2040-2070 normal period) under the RCP4.5 emission scenarios. Climate variables were chosen based on their known influence on local adaptation in plants, and include: mean annual temperature, summer maximum temperature, winter minimum temperature, annual temperature range, temperature seasonality (coefficient of variation in monthly average temperatures), mean annual precipitation, winter precipitation, summer precipitation, proportion of summer precipitation, precipitation...
Five principal components are used to represent the climate variation in an original set of 12 composite climate variables reflecting complex precipitation and temperature gradients. The dataset provides coverage for current climate (defined as the 1980-2010 normal period). Climate variables were chosen based on their known influence on local adaptation in plants, and include: mean annual temperature, summer maximum temperature, winter minimum temperature, annual temperature range, temperature seasonality (coefficient of variation in monthly average temperatures), mean annual precipitation, winter precipitation, summer precipitation, proportion of summer precipitation, precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation...
Five principal components are used to represent the climate variation in an original set of 12 composite climate variables reflecting complex precipitation and temperature gradients. The dataset provides coverage for future climate (defined as the 2010-2040 normal period) under the RCP4.5 emission scenario. Climate variables were chosen based on their known influence on local adaptation in plants, and include: mean annual temperature, summer maximum temperature, winter minimum temperature, annual temperature range, temperature seasonality (coefficient of variation in monthly average temperatures), mean annual precipitation, winter precipitation, summer precipitation, proportion of summer precipitation, precipitation...
These data represent an resource selection function (RSF) for translocated sage-grouse in North Dakota during the nesting season. Human enterprise has led to large‐scale changes in landscapes and altered wildlife population distribution and abundance, necessitating efficient and effective conservation strategies for impacted species. Greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage‐grouse) are a widespread sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) obligate species that has experienced population declines since the mid‐1900s resulting from habitat loss and expansion of anthropogenic features into sagebrush ecosystems. Habitat loss is especially evident in North Dakota, USA, on the northeastern fringe of sage‐grouse’...
This dataset contains data pertaining to chaparral vegetation dieback based on the difference or change in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) prior to and 6 years into an extensive drought before the 2017 Thomas and 2018 Woolsey Fires in southern California. The difference in mean NDVI is provided for 9322 study plots as are values for a number of physical and climatological variables and burn severity following the two fires. These data support the following publication: Keeley, J.E., Brennan-Kane, T.J., and Syphard, A.D., 2022. The effects of prolonged drought on vegetation dieback and megafires in southern California chaparral. Ecosphere, 13(8), e4203.
Data presented are results of surveys in 2020 for San Diego Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) in southern San Diego County. Surveys were conducted at 378 plots. Plots were surveyed twice in 2020 and the number, age (adult or juvenile), banding status (color banded or not), and breeding status (paired, unpaired, or unknown) of all wrens recorded. Habitat covariate data were collected including amount of dead and stressed cactus in the plot, percent cover of bare ground, and the dominant and percent cover of invasive species.
Locations of sites at which U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) biologists surveyed for Temblor legless lizards (Anniella alexanderae) in 2022 and 2023 and the results of those surveys. At the time of the species description, little was known about the distribution of the Temblor legless lizard beyond a few localities. Surveys were designed to gather information on the distribution of Temblor legless lizards to help inform a Species Status Assessment by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Binary values for each year indicate whether Temblor legless lizards were detected under cover boards at a site in that year (1) or were not detected at that site in that year (0). Non-detection of Temblor legless lizards at a site does...
Provided are data containing condition assessments on individual giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum; SEGI) stems and post-fire regeneration counts within Board Camp, Suwanee, New Oriole Lake, Homer’s Nose, and a subset of Redwood Mountain and Dillonwood groves of Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks, respectively. Stem data contain condition-related attributes (e.g., spatial location, diameter breast height, status - live or dead, percent canopy that is live, scorched or torched). Regeneration plots are located using a spatially-balanced sampling design (Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified - 'GRTS'). Each regeneration plot is a fixed radius circle (11.35 meters or 17.84 meters) and contain count data...
Five principal components are used to represent the climate variation in an original set of 12 composite climate variables reflecting complex precipitation and temperature gradients. The dataset provides coverage for future climate (defined as the 2010-2040 normal period) under the RCP8.5 emission scenario. Climate variables were chosen based on their known influence on local adaptation in plants, and include: mean annual temperature, summer maximum temperature, winter minimum temperature, annual temperature range, temperature seasonality (coefficient of variation in monthly average temperatures), mean annual precipitation, winter precipitation, summer precipitation, proportion of summer precipitation, precipitation...
The GIS shapefile "Range extent of southern sea otters 2018" is a simple polyline representing the geographic distribution of the southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) in mainland California, based on data collected during the spring 2018 range-wide census. The USGS range-wide sea otter census has been undertaken each year since 1982, using consistent methodology involving both ground-based and aerial-based counts. The spring provides the primary basis for gauging population trends by State and Federal management agencies. Sea otter distribution in California (the mainland range) is considered to comprise a band of potential habitat stretching along the coast of California, and bounded to the north and south...

map background search result map search result map Cover of Woody and Herbaceous Functional Groups in Burned and Unburned Plots, Mojave Desert, 2009-2013 Annual California Sea Otter Census: 2018 Range Extent Shapefile Chaparral Type Conversion into Herbaceous Vegetation in Coastal Southern California from 1947 to 2014, Data Compiled from Aerial Imagery, Geographic NAD83 (2017) Principal components of climate variation in the Desert Southwest for the future time period 2010-2040 (RCP 8.5) Principal components of climate variation in the Desert Southwest for the future time period 2040-2070 (RCP 4.5) Principal components of climate variation in the Desert Southwest for the time period 1980-2010 Principal components of climate variation in the Desert Southwest for the future time period 2010-2040 (RCP 4.5) Brooding RSF of Translocated Greater Sage-grouse in North Dakota, 2017 - 2018 Nesting RSF of Translocated Greater Sage-grouse in North Dakota, 2017 - 2018 Raven Occurrence and Density in the Great Basin Region of the Western United States (2007-2019) The Effect of Prolonged Drought on Chaparral Dieback within the Perimeters of the Thomas and Woolsey Fires in Southern California, USA Surveys and Monitoring of Coastal Cactus Wren in Southern San Diego County, 2019 Surveys and Monitoring of Coastal Cactus Wren in Southern San Diego County, 2020 Median Estimates of Impact Potential from Geothermal Energy Production Activities on Greater Sage-Grouse Populations in Nevada and California (2022) Assessment of Giant Sequoia Mortality and Regeneration within Burned Groves in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (ver. 2.0, January 2024) Terrestrial Lidar Scans of Conifer Forests in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, 2022 Drainage Areas for Stream Segments in Western San Diego County Survey Results for Temblor Legless Lizards (Anniella alexanderae) in the San Joaquin Valley of California, 2022 and 2023 Distribution and Breeding Status of Least Bell’s Vireo along the San Diego and Tijuana Rivers in San Diego County, California (2023) Greater Sage-Grouse Abundance in Sagebrush Focal Areas near Critical Mineral Resources Terrestrial Lidar Scans of Conifer Forests in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, 2022 Surveys and Monitoring of Coastal Cactus Wren in Southern San Diego County, 2020 Distribution and Breeding Status of Least Bell’s Vireo along the San Diego and Tijuana Rivers in San Diego County, California (2023) Surveys and Monitoring of Coastal Cactus Wren in Southern San Diego County, 2019 Chaparral Type Conversion into Herbaceous Vegetation in Coastal Southern California from 1947 to 2014, Data Compiled from Aerial Imagery, Geographic NAD83 (2017) Assessment of Giant Sequoia Mortality and Regeneration within Burned Groves in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (ver. 2.0, January 2024) The Effect of Prolonged Drought on Chaparral Dieback within the Perimeters of the Thomas and Woolsey Fires in Southern California, USA Brooding RSF of Translocated Greater Sage-grouse in North Dakota, 2017 - 2018 Nesting RSF of Translocated Greater Sage-grouse in North Dakota, 2017 - 2018 Drainage Areas for Stream Segments in Western San Diego County Annual California Sea Otter Census: 2018 Range Extent Shapefile Survey Results for Temblor Legless Lizards (Anniella alexanderae) in the San Joaquin Valley of California, 2022 and 2023 Cover of Woody and Herbaceous Functional Groups in Burned and Unburned Plots, Mojave Desert, 2009-2013 Median Estimates of Impact Potential from Geothermal Energy Production Activities on Greater Sage-Grouse Populations in Nevada and California (2022) Greater Sage-Grouse Abundance in Sagebrush Focal Areas near Critical Mineral Resources Principal components of climate variation in the Desert Southwest for the future time period 2040-2070 (RCP 4.5) Principal components of climate variation in the Desert Southwest for the time period 1980-2010 Principal components of climate variation in the Desert Southwest for the future time period 2010-2040 (RCP 8.5) Principal components of climate variation in the Desert Southwest for the future time period 2010-2040 (RCP 4.5) Raven Occurrence and Density in the Great Basin Region of the Western United States (2007-2019)