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In March 2024, the U.S. Geological Survey New Mexico Water Science Center (NMWSC) and Idaho Water Science Center (IDWSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), completed bathymetric and topographic surveys on the San Juan River near Farmington, NM at the USBR Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project (NGWSP) intake and outfall structure. The bathymetric and topographic data provide coverage near the structures and banklines for an 800-foot length of the San Juan River. This data release contains an integrated bathymetric and topographic point cloud dataset and an interpolated DEM.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, used streamflow measurements at 11 partial-record sites and related them to nearby USGS or Idaho Power Company real-time streamgages (index sites) to provide daily mean streamflow values at ungaged (partial-record) sites within the Wild and Scenic River of the Owyhee Canyonlands Wilderness, Idaho. Daily mean streamflow was estimated by developing a regression relationship between streamflow at each partial-record site and the index site for the period of record of the index site. The regressions are then used to estimate annual and semimonthly 20-, 50-, and 80-percent exceedance probability streamflow statistics at each partial-record...
This model archive contains the MODFLOW 6 model used to simulate groundwater flow in the Treasure Valley for 1986 through 2015. The simulated results are described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper xxxx. The model archive includes the MODFLOW 6 model, PEST parameter estimation files, and a collection of python scripts that were used to develop the model. The README file describes all the files and directories in the archive and provides instructions for running the model.
Three water-quality models were generated to estimate total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and loads from 2002 – 2021 in the Boise River near Parma, Idaho. A Weighted Regression on Time Discharge and Season (WRTDS) model and a Weighted Regression on Time Discharge and Season with Kalman filtering (WRTDS-K) model were generated using all observations within the study period to quantify rate of change in TP concentrations and loads. Further, these two models in addition to the Load ESTimator (LOADEST) model were generated using a subset of the observation data and evaluated on the observations withheld from model generation. The results of the models generated with all data are provided in one file ("full_mod_results.csv"),...
This dataset includes field hydrologic measurements and laboratory analyses of surface and pore waters, sediments, benthic plants/biofilms, and biota along the Middle Snake River upgradient of the Hells Canyon Complex. The study region for this work focuses on a section of the Snake River heavily utilized for agriculture, with complex systems of irrigation diversion and return drainage, spanning 164 km above the Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon). The goal of this study was to identify potential loading sources of methylmercury from the upgradient Snake River into the reservoir complex, with a focus on the tributaries, irrigation return drains, and riparian zones adjacent to agricultural lands along the river....
To provide a consistent, long-term estimate of discharge from select tributaries to the lower Boise River, two datasets of daily discharge records were harmonized. Differences between a discharge record compiled by the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) and one compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) were computed, and the IDWR record was adjusted so that median discharge values equaled those of the USGS record. The 10th and 90th percentiles of the percent difference between discharge records were applied to the IDWR dataset to create lower and upper bounds on daily discharge estimates and to show the uncertainty around the median adjusted IDWR discharge values. The result is a harmonized discharge...
This dataset was developed to estimate point-source total nitrogen and phosphorous loads to streams in the conterminous United States (U.S.) from December 1999 to November 2020. This dataset uses discharge and concentration information from point sources to streams in the conterminous United States from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Integrated Compliance Information System - Permit Compliance System (ICIS-PCS) database. Nutrient concentrations were used to calculate point source loads. However, measured concentration data was often not available so “typical pollutant concentrations” (TPCs) were developed using concentration data from the same facility but a different time or from similar facilities....
Categories: Data; Tags: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, All tags...
This data release presents two calibration datasets that relate aquatic reflectance derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery with algal bloom conditions in the Brownlee Reservoir on the Idaho Oregon border. These datasets were developed to evaluate remote sensing methods for identifying algal blooms in Brownlee Reservoir like those from July 2022 that are illustrated in field photo (left) and satellite imagery (right) in “Picture1.png”. The first calibration dataset includes satellite-based spectra paired with chlorophyll-a concentrations in micrograms per liter analyzed by the Bureau of Reclamation Soil and Water Laboratory with standard method 10200 H.2 on water samples collected within 2 m of the surface by...
In July 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Science Center (USGS ASC) and the USGS Idaho Water Science Center (IDWSC), in cooperation with Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (AKDOT & PF), completed bathymetric and topographic surveys at four highway bridge structures using multibeam bathymetry and boat-mounted Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). The National Bridge Inventory structure number 524 on the Tanana River near Big Delta, AK is located on Alaska State Route 2 (commonly referred to as the Richardson Highway). Structure number 201 on the Tanana River near Nenana, AK is located on Alaska State Route 3 (commonly referred to as the Parks Highway). Structure number 254 on the Susitna...
This dataset describes biomass and methylmercury concentrations in zooplankton, other invertebrates, fish, and coarse and fine detritus samples collected at the outflow locations of Brownlee and Oxbow Reservoirs in the Snake River Hells Canyon Complex. Based on the sampling locations, the sampled materials were presumed to have flowed through the dam turbines or over the spillway, thereby representing biological export from the reservoirs. Samples were collected biweekly at each location over a sixteen-month period, June 2018 – September 2019. Sampling and analysis methods are described in the Processing Steps section of the metadata.
Model archive summary describing the development of an acoustic derived suspended sediment time series computation model. The model archive summary describes the methods and techniques used to develop the model for the Snake River at Weiser, ID – USGS site ID# 13269000. The model can be used to develop a time series of suspended sediment concentration based on acoustic backscatter and tributary flow data to determine the suspended sediment concentration at the site in real-time. The suspended sediment time series will help enable science entities, managers, and others, track the movement of sediment in the Snake River above Brownlee Reservoir.
This data set includes estimates of aquatic chlorophyll a concentration and reservoir temperature for Blue Mesa Reservoir, CO. A Random Forest modeling approach was trained to model near-surface aquatic chlorophyll a using near-coincident Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and water samples analyzed for chlorophyll a concentration. The trained chlorophyll a model was applied to Sentinel-2 imagery to produce maps of modeled chlorophyll a concentrations at 10 m spatial resolution for May through October for 2016 through 2023. Chlorophyll a concentrations for three sections (basins) of Blue Mesa Reservoir were extracted from the raster data to produce time-series of modeled chlorophyll a concentration summary statistics...
The two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic flow model iRIC FaSTMECH (Nelson, 2003) was used to simulate hydraulic conditions in the Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID during white sturgeon spawning season during 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022. Details on model development and calibration in FaSTMECH can be found in other studies (Dudunake and others, in progress; Barton and others, 2005; Barton and others, 2007; Logan and others, 2011; McDonald and others, 2016; McDonald and Nelson, 2018; McDonald and Nelson, 2020). Simulations were run with a 1-meter grid and six-hour time-steps from April 25 to August 15 of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022. Simulated depths and depth-averaged velocities were exported.
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Bonners Ferry, Boundary, Hydrology, Idaho, Kootenai, All tags...
Between 2011 and 2018, numerous restoration treatments were constructed in the Straight and Braided and Straight Reaches of the Kootenai River in northern Idaho as part of the Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Project. Led by the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, the project aimed to address a range of anthropogenic impacts inhibiting natural recruitment of the critically endangered Kootenai River white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and other native fish species. This data release contains information for two analyses used to assess the impact of the restoration treatments on channel morphology, flow depths, flow velocity, the extent of pools, and suspended sediment transport within the study reach. Two-dimensional...

map background search result map search result map Groundwater Water Quality Idaho Water Science Center - IN PROGRESS data releases Streamflow regressions and annual and semimonthly exceedance probability statistics for wild and scenic rivers, Owyhee Canyonlands Wilderness, Idaho Biomass and methylmercury concentrations in biweekly biological samples from Brownlee and Oxbow Reservoir outflows, Snake River Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho-Oregon), 2018-2019 Data and archive for a groundwater flow model of the Treasure Valley aquifer system, southwestern Idaho, 1986-2015 Chlorophyll-a concentrations and algal bloom condition paired with Sentinel-2 aquatic reflectance values collected for Brownlee Reservoir, ID from 2015 through 2020 Water quality modeling results of total phosphorus for the lower Boise River near Parma, Idaho 2002 - 2021 White sturgeon fine-scale habitat model archive, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 2017-2022 Impacts of restoration work on Kootenai River white sturgeon critical habitat, 2011-2022, Kootenai River, Idaho A Harmonized Discharge Record for Select Tributaries to the Lower Boise River, Southwestern Idaho, 1986-2022 Model Archive Summary for acoustic derived suspended-sediment concentration at 13269000 Snake River at Weiser, ID Bathymetric and Topographic Surveys at Select Alaska Highway Bridges, 2023 Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022 Remotely sensed and in-situ chlorophyll a and temperature data from Blue Mesa Reservoir, Colorado Point-Source Nutrient Loads to Streams of the Conterminous United States, 1999-2020 Integrated Bathymetric and Topographic Data of the San Juan River near Farmington, New Mexico, 2024 Water quality modeling results of total phosphorus for the lower Boise River near Parma, Idaho 2002 - 2021 Integrated Bathymetric and Topographic Data of the San Juan River near Farmington, New Mexico, 2024 White sturgeon fine-scale habitat model archive, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 2017-2022 Model Archive Summary for acoustic derived suspended-sediment concentration at 13269000 Snake River at Weiser, ID Impacts of restoration work on Kootenai River white sturgeon critical habitat, 2011-2022, Kootenai River, Idaho Chlorophyll-a concentrations and algal bloom condition paired with Sentinel-2 aquatic reflectance values collected for Brownlee Reservoir, ID from 2015 through 2020 A Harmonized Discharge Record for Select Tributaries to the Lower Boise River, Southwestern Idaho, 1986-2022 Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022 Data and archive for a groundwater flow model of the Treasure Valley aquifer system, southwestern Idaho, 1986-2015 Streamflow regressions and annual and semimonthly exceedance probability statistics for wild and scenic rivers, Owyhee Canyonlands Wilderness, Idaho Bathymetric and Topographic Surveys at Select Alaska Highway Bridges, 2023 Water Quality Idaho Water Science Center - IN PROGRESS data releases Point-Source Nutrient Loads to Streams of the Conterminous United States, 1999-2020