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This indicator represents the amount of overall acres of forested wetlands currently present in the South Atlantic geography.Reason for SelectionOverall acreage of existing forested wetlands provides an indicator of whether forested wetlands being inundated by sea level rise are being replaced or restored somewhere else. It is also well monitored and resonates with a diversity of audiences.Input Data– 2016 National Land Cover Database (NLCD)Mapping StepsAny pixels identified as “woody wetlands” in the 2016 NLCD were considered existing forested wetland.Final indicator valuesIndicator values were assigned as follows:1 = Forested wetlandDisclaimer: Comparing with Older Indicator VersionsThere are numerous problems...
This cultural resource indicator is an index of sites on the National Register of Historic Places surrounded by limited urban development. It identifies significant historic places that remain connected to their context in the natural world. This indicator originates from the National Park Service and various state historic resource agencies. Reason for Selection Low-urban historic landscapes indicate significant cultural landscapes whose cultural context has been less impacted by urban growth. Cultural landscapes are “properties [that] represent the combined works of nature and of man” (UNESCO 2012). Reductions in natural habitat within these cultural landscapes reduce their overall historic and cultural value....
This indicator captures how far upstream migratory fish in the Gulf of Mexico have been observed. How far upstream migratory fish can travel reflects not just the presence of dams and other barriers, but also the presence of measures like fish ladders that allow specific species to access habitat upstream of dams. This indicator originates from The Nature Conservancy’s Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project and applies to the Environmental Protection Agency’s estimated floodplain, which spatially defines areas estimated to be inundated by a 100-year flood, also known as the 1% annual chance flood.Reason for SelectionMigratory fish presence reflects uninterrupted connections between freshwater, estuarine,...
This indicator measures the amount of natural landcover in the estimated floodplain of rivers and streams within each catchment. It assesses the stream channel and its surrounding riparian buffer, measuring the percent of unaltered habitat like forests, wetlands, or open water (rather than agriculture or development). This indicator originates from the 2019 National Land Cover Database and applies to the Environmental Protection Agency’s estimated floodplain, which spatially defines areas estimated to be inundated by a 100-year flood, also known as the 1% annual chance flood.Reason for SelectionHabitat near rivers and streams is strongly linked to water quality and instream flow (Naiman 1997), is easy to monitor...
The Southeast Blueprint 2022 Development Process is a final report that explains in detail how this version of the Blueprint was created. It combines the metadata available on the Blueprint page of the SECAS Atlas for the indicators, combined Zonation results, hubs and corridors, and final Blueprint priorities. It is intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to the Southeast Blueprint data sources and methodology that could enable an interested reader to reproduce the Blueprint independently.
The Blueprint uses a least-cost path connectivity analysis to identify connections between priority areas. A program called Linkage Mapper defines corridors that link hubs across the shortest distance possible, while also routing through as much Blueprint priority as possible. Inland corridors connect large patches of highest priority Blueprint areas and/or protected lands. Marine and estuarine corridors connect large estuaries and/or large patches of highest priority Blueprint areas, within broad marine mammal movement areas.INLAND HUBS & CORRIDORSINLAND RESISTANCE RASTERThis is the resistance raster or cost surface used in the Linkage Mapper-based connectivity analysis for the inland portion of the Base Blueprint...
The purpose of this project is to support the development and refinement of the Conservation Blueprint (v 2.0) by:1) Supporting the sharing and creation of geospatial data related to the Blueprint through South Atlantic Conservation Planning Atlas (CPA) maintenance and creation of Service Definition files to upload; modify symbology in ArcMap; copying and updating metadata; loading data onto the Landscape Conservation Map and linking it to the CPA; monitoring the data site to check forbroken links; responding to questions about the CPA; locating data and organizing metadata by receiving and reviewing data from project leaders and update metadata; and perfom1ing basicGIS analyses including rerunning ArcGIS models...
UPDATEThe Southeast Conservation Blueprint is the primary product of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS). It is a living, spatial plan to achieve the SECAS vision of a connected network of lands and waters across the Southeast and Caribbean. The Blueprint is regularly updated to incorporate new data, partner input, and information about on-the-ground conditions.
The Southeast Blueprint User Guide is a resource to help conservation professionals use the Blueprint to bring in new resources and inform decision-making. It compiles different examples of real Blueprint uses to provide new ideas about how to connect to this larger strategy. It showcases the approaches, wording, and maps that Blueprint staff have found to work best in different situations. It showcases a range of case studies, grouped into a few themes that summarize the primary ways people have used the Blueprint.
This indicator measures the average percent of non-impervious cover within each catchment. It originates from the 2019 National Land Cover Database percent developed impervious layer. Reason for Selection Impervious cover is easy to monitor and model, and is widely used and understood by diverse partners. It is also strongly linked to water quality, estuary condition, eutrophication, and freshwater inflow. The 90% permeable surface threshold (i.e., 10% impervious) is a well-documented signal of major, negative changes to aquatic ecosystems (Schueler et al. 2009). The 95% permeable surface threshold (i.e., 5% impervious) has been documented to impact Piedmont fish [tricolor shiner (Cyprinella trichroistia), bronze...
This project includes the following tasks: Update the viewer to add the following components from future Blueprint versions and data products: a) Update Blueprint priority layer with future versions, and b) Update indicator charting at level of individual indicators and ecosystems. Develop pixel-level filtering feature: a) Build a user interface to allow users to filter the Blueprint by indicator value, and b) Set up appropriate computing resources, including cloud-hosted virtual machine and software installation. Scope and develop mobile responsive design: a) Investigate and develop strategy to incorporate mobile capability into the Simple Viewer, and b) Build compatible mobile responsive interface. Investigate...
Marshes are a critical habitat for a diversity of fauna and the ecological functioning of the coast. Despite their renowned vulnerability, uncertainty of wetland responses to sea-level rise remains a pervasive concern in coastal science and management, particularly for coastal resource conservation and climate change adaptation. Inventorying and mapping marsh dynamics have emerged as high priorities for assessing regional vulnerability to sea-level rise, requiring synthesis of existing marsh habitat maps, improved methodology for their continual monitoring, and assessment of their vulnerability with modeling and analysis. Multispectral remote sensing (balloon-, airplane- and satellite-based), LiDAR, NWI wetland...
The South Atlantic LCC website’s project section will be updated to feature an interactive listing of related projects. Users will be able to browse a full listing, filter on the fly by selecting relevant tags or entering search terms, and view details of individual projects. The applications development will take place against the existing SALCC database in Zoho Creator and the interface will be displayed on the existing Ning site.
The proposed project focuses upon two major goals:1. Designate Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs) in the South Atlantic Landscape, and develop an adaptive management plan for those areas.2. Determine whether PARCAs provide an effective strategy for integrated, long-term conservation of biodiversity and cultural resources in the South Atlantic Landscape; and develop a comprehensive biodiversity protection plan for the SALCC.To achieve these goals, we have identified the following objectives:Objective 1. Identify areas within the SALCC that are vitally important to preserving the rich diversity of amphibians and reptiles in the region, focusing upon rare species distribution, diversity, and...
The South Atlantic Blueprint User Guide is a resource to help conservation professionals use the Blueprint to bring in new resources and inform decision-making. It compiles different examples of real Blueprint uses to provide new ideas about how to connect to this larger strategy. It showcases the approaches, wording, and maps that Blueprint staff have found to work best in different situations. It includes a range of case studies, grouped into a few themes that summarize the primary ways people have used the Blueprint.
The Blueprint 2020 Data Gallery is a website dedicated to the Blueprint 2020 spatial data. This website is located on the South Atlantic Blueprint Atlas. On this website, users can explore the Blueprint 2020 spatial data as well as the spatial data used to create Blueprint 2020. This website features an interactive mapping feature so that users who do not have access to desktop GIS can explore the spatial data.
This indicator prioritizes areas for reforestation within the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV) based on benefits to three species of forest breeding birds that depend on large interior cores of bottomland hardwood habitat (Swainson’s warbler, cerulean warbler, swallow-tailed kite). The model considers the core size, number of cores, and percent of local forest cover that would result from reforestation, as well as risk of conversion to agriculture based on flooding frequency. The highest scores represent drier areas where reforestation would create new forest patches containing interior cores at least 2,000 ha (~5,000 ac). It originates from the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture’s MAV forest breeding bird...
This indicator represents the condition and location of playas, which are round, shallow depressions found primarily in the western Great Plains that serve as temporary wetlands by collecting water from rainfall and runoff. It defines a healthy playa as one that is not farmed, hydrologically modified, within a wind farm, or impacted by sediment accumulation due to agriculture. It also considers the increased benefits to wildlife provided by clusters of nearby playas, compared to more sparsely distributed playas. This indicator originates from the Playa Lakes Joint Venture’s probable playas dataset.Reason for SelectionThe unique wet-dry cycle that characterizes this important wetland ecosystem makes playas a biodiversity...
This indicator measures the condition of migratory fish habitat along the Atlantic coast within each catchment, using metrics of water quality, aquatic connectivity, habitat fragmentation, flow alteration, and more. Areas of excellent fish habitat are already in good condition and face few threats; restoration opportunity areas are doing well in some respects, but restoration projects could significantly improve them; degraded areas of opportunity face many challenges, and restoration projects are unlikely to increase available fish habitat unless particularly large in scope and scale. This indicator originates from the Atlantic Coast Fish Habitat Partnership’s fish habitat conservation area mapping and prioritization...
This indicator represents important habitat for island-dependent species across the Southeast. The highest scores go to island critical habitat for six threatened and endangered animal and plant species: piping plover, loggerhead sea turtle, Cape Sable thoroughwort, Florida semaphore cactus, silver rice rat, and Bartram’s hairstreak butterfly. This indicator originates from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service critical habitat data and island boundaries from the U.S. Geological Survey and Esri.Reason for SelectionIslands provide important habitat for many species, including birds, sea turtles, mammals, insects, and plants. Their relative isolation from disturbance and mainland predators can make them important breeding...

map background search result map search result map Synthesis of high and low marsh habitat mapping, vulnerability and responses to sea-level rise in the South Atlantic region Determining Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas in the South Atlantic landscape, and assessing their efficacy for cross-taxa conservation Web application for South Atlantic LCC projects Improve viewer for South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Version 2.1 and 2.2 Collaborative conservation design project: Science support for the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Conservation Blueprint (Version 2.0-2.2) South Atlantic Blueprint User Guide Southeast Blueprint User Guide Blueprint 2020 Data Gallery Indicator: Forested Wetland Extent Southeast Blueprint 2022 Development Process Mississippi Alluvial Valley Forest Birds - Reforestation Playas South Atlantic Low-Urban Historic Landscapes Atlantic Migratory Fish Habitat Gulf Migratory Fish Connectivity Natural Landcover in Floodplains Permeable Surface Islands Base Blueprint Hubs & Corridors Southeast Conservation Blueprint 2024 Synthesis of high and low marsh habitat mapping, vulnerability and responses to sea-level rise in the South Atlantic region Web application for South Atlantic LCC projects Improve viewer for South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Version 2.1 and 2.2 Collaborative conservation design project: Science support for the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Conservation Blueprint (Version 2.0-2.2) South Atlantic Blueprint User Guide Blueprint 2020 Data Gallery Determining Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas in the South Atlantic landscape, and assessing their efficacy for cross-taxa conservation Indicator: Forested Wetland Extent Southeast Blueprint User Guide Mississippi Alluvial Valley Forest Birds - Reforestation Playas South Atlantic Low-Urban Historic Landscapes Atlantic Migratory Fish Habitat Gulf Migratory Fish Connectivity Natural Landcover in Floodplains Permeable Surface Islands Base Blueprint Hubs & Corridors Southeast Blueprint 2022 Development Process Southeast Conservation Blueprint 2024