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A pool, or group of pools, within a specified geographic area that contain oil or natural gas. Fields are not specific to producing geological formation(s). Fields are used for well naming purposes relative to the well site surface coordinates and the objective formation of the well.
TEM_50K contains Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes completed at a scale of 1:50,000 or smaller (i.e. 1:100,000). TEM divides the landscape into units according to a variety of ecological features including climate, physiography, surficial material, bedrock geology, soils and vegetation. TEM methods include manual air photo interpretation supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE and PROJECT_MAP_SCALE attributes. By accessing this dataset you agree to the Province's license available...
This data set contains boundaries and tags for major geologic units in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In addition to the polygons representing the areal extent of geologic units, it identifies major faults and continental glaciation in Alaska. The data depict the geology of the bedrock that lies at or near the land surface, but not the distribution of surficial materials such as soils, alluvium, and glacial deposits. This map complements the Generalized Geologic Map of the Conterminous United States by Reed and Bush. The data are generalized from a compilation prepared for use in the Geologic Map of North America, published as a paper map by the Geological Society of America and...
Digital file containing a bedrock geology polygon coverage for British Columbia. Polygon coverage of geology compiled at 1:100,000 scale as part of the B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, BC Geological Survey Branch mineral potential project, 1994-1996. Original coding revised and rationalized in 2001-2002 by D.G. MacIntyre, updated and revised in 2002-2004 by N.W.D. Massey. Coverage generalized on lithostratigraphic map unit (MAPLABEL) designation. New mapping completed after 1996 is being added to this file on an ongoing basis. Bedrock Geology - This theme consists of a single layer of bedrock geology polygons. Polygons depict the nature of the bedrock geology based on a compilation of all geologic mapping done...
The Department of Natural Resources, Geology and Earth Resources Division (DGER), also known as the Washington Geological Survey, actively identify, assess, and map landslide hazards using modern geotechnical and geophysical methods. Our hazard maps are critical for land-use and emergency-management planning, disaster response, and building-code amendments. As our population grows, there is increasing pressure to develop in hazardous areas, thus delineating these areas is imperative. In response to the Growth Management Act's mandate to use the 'best available science', our geologists meet with local governments and citizens in at-risk communities to educate about geologic hazards and ensure these hazards are taken...
The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) has completed the six-year project to digitally compile geologic data for the entire state. This effort brings together the best available geologic mapping from state and federal agency sources, student thesis work, and consultants. The project will create a new statewide digitally-compiled geologic map coverage that will become a component of the Geoscience Theme within the Oregon Framework Themes. The Oregon Framework Themes effort is coordinated by the Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office, Oregon Department of Administrative Services
This dataset for the State of Washington provides geologic information for planning, land management, scientific, recreational, and other purposes. It contains the following feature classes: contact_250k dike_250k dike_swarm_line_250k dike_swarm_poly_250k fault_250k fold_250k geologic_unit_poly_250k ice_limit_250k volcanic_vent_250k
Mineral_occurrence - This feature depicts a body of rock containing, or thought to contain, ore minerals or potential ore minerals. A geographic location depicts the most significant physical reference point to the mineralization. MINFILE contains geological, location and economic information on over 12,600 metallic, industrial mineral and coal occurrences in B.C. The database is used by government, industry and academia for resource management, land-use planning, exploration and research.
Quaternary Alluvium and Cover is a data set that is represented as a cover layer on the maps of MapPlace. It is part of the Digital Geology Map of British Columbia Project that was designed to produce a seamless digital map of the Province with consistent geological tagging. Note: the extensive Quaternary deposits of the Rocky Mountain foothills and the Peace River area have been omitted as they would completely cover and obscure the bedrock geology.
This dataset for the State of Washington provides geologic information for planning, land management, scientific, recreational, and other purposes. It contains the following feature classes: age_date_100k contact_100k dike_100k dike_swarm_line_100k dike_swarm_poly_100k fault_100k fold_100k geologic_unit_point_100k geologic_unit_poly_100k line_100k structure_100k volcanic_vent_100k
A polygon coverage showing the location of coalfields with coalbed methane (cbm) potential in BC By accessing this dataset you agree to the Province's license available for review at: The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources maintains a library of over 861 Coal Assessment Reports submitted by exploration companies and dating from 1900. Reports off-confidential are available for viewing on the Web or for purchase on CD-ROM. Some exploration data from the reports, such as trench, borehole and bulk sample information, have been summarized into a set to digital tables called COALFILE. This map features Coal Geology layers, data tables from COALFILE and links...
Digital file containing a faults line coverage for British Columbia. Faults are identified by a type attribute. Geology compiled at 1:100,000 scale as part of the B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, Geological Survey Branch mineral potential project, 1994-1996. Original coding revised and rationalized in 2001-2002 by D.G. MacIntyre, updated and revised in 2002-2004 by N.W.D. Massey. Coverage generalized on lithostratigraphic map unit (MAPLABEL) designation. New mapping completed after 1996 is being added to this file on an ongoing basis. By accessing this dataset you agree to the Province's license available for review at:
This dataset consists of a polygon coverage and associated attribute data derived from the onshore portion of the 1996 "Generalized Thermal Maturity Map of Alaska" compiled by M.J. Johnsson and D.G. Howell, which was published as Plate 1 in US Geological Survey Bulletin 2142: "Thermal Evolution of Sedimentary Basins in Alaska". The published map summarizes vitrinite reflectance and conodont alteration index data (both measure the thermal maturity of rocks) into generalized units that can be shown cartographically at 1:2,500,000. This digital dataset includes the 8 map units indicated on the original map. (5 thermal maturity levels; 2 rock or sediment type; 1 "no data"). The data quality of the generalized information...
This dataset consists of a polygon coverage and associated attribute data derived from the onshore and offshore portions of the 1994 "Map showing Sedimentary Basins in Alaska" by C.E. Kirschner. This map is Plate 7 in Volume G-1: "The Geology of Alaska", published by the Geological Society of America, as part of their Decade of North American Geology (DNAG) series of publications. The published map indicates the locations of Cenozoic basins, their age and thickness of sedimentary fill; the locations of Mesozoic flysch basins, Cenozoic volcanic rocks, and some metasedimentary rocks, generalized to be shown cartographically at 1:2,500,000 scale. This digital dataset includes the 6 map units indicated on the original...
This data set represents part of a systematic effort to release geologic map data for the United States in a uniform manner. Geologic data in this series has been compiled from a wide variety of sources, published and unpublished, ranging from state and regional geologic maps to field mapping. Preliminary Geologic Map of Southcentral to Southeast AK - ranging from the Cook Inlet region, located at the northern part of the Gulf of Alaska to Prince Rupert and Dixon Entrance quadrangles on the south. This data set is a portion of a statewide geology database, which is being compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Surveys and Analysis (S) project, whose goal is to compile geologic geochemical, geophysical,...
One of the primary chronic and most devastating geologic hazards in Oregon is landslides. Average annual repair costs for landslides in Oregon exceed $10 million and severe winter storm losses can exceed $100 million (Wang and others, 2002). As population growth continues to expand and development into increased landslide susceptible terrain occurs, greater losses are likely to result. In order to begin reducing losses from landslides, large-scale endeavors are necessary at all community levels from state government to individual family homes. One successful way to reduce losses from landslides is through pre-disaster mitigation, which can be performed at many scales from statewide to local. To begin pre-disaster...
This dataset consists of a polygon coverage and associated attribute data derived from the 1994 map "Latest Cretaceous and Cenozoic magmatic rocks of Alaska" compiled by E.J. Moll-Stalcup, D.A. Brew, and T.L. Vallier. This map was originally published (at 1:2,5000,0000) as Plate 5 in Volume G-1, "The Geology of Alaska", edited by G. Plafker and H.C. Berg, and published by the Geological Society of America (GSA). Volume G-1 (The Geology of Alaska) is one of a series published by GSA for the Decade of North American Geology (DNAG), and is often referred to as the DNAG-Alaska volume. The map (Plate 5) is a statewide summary of magmatic (igneous) rocks grouped into geologic units that can be portrayed cartographically...

map background search result map search result map MINFILE Mineral Database Coal Fields of BC with Coal Bed Methane Potential Geology Faults Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table - 1:50,000 Spatial View OGC Oil and Gas Fields Bedrock Geolog Quaternary Alluvium and Cover OR Oregon Geologic Data Compilation Oregon Landslide Deposits WA Surface Geology, 1:100,000 Scale Surface Geology, 1:250,000 Scale Landslides 1:24000 Generalized Geologic Map of the United States AK Polygon Data from 1996 "Generalized Thermal Maturity Map of Alaska" Polygon Data from "Latest Cretaceous and Cenozoic Magmatic Rocks of Alaska" Polygon Data from 1994 "Map Showing Sedimentary Basins in Alaska" Preliminary Geologic Map of Southcentral to Southeast AK AK Surface Geology, 1:100,000 Scale Surface Geology, 1:250,000 Scale Landslides 1:24000 Oregon Geologic Data Compilation Oregon Landslide Deposits Preliminary Geologic Map of Southcentral to Southeast AK MINFILE Mineral Database Coal Fields of BC with Coal Bed Methane Potential Geology Faults Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table - 1:50,000 Spatial View OGC Oil and Gas Fields Bedrock Geolog Quaternary Alluvium and Cover Polygon Data from 1996 "Generalized Thermal Maturity Map of Alaska" Polygon Data from "Latest Cretaceous and Cenozoic Magmatic Rocks of Alaska" Polygon Data from 1994 "Map Showing Sedimentary Basins in Alaska" Generalized Geologic Map of the United States