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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative
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This map represents a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's 'Hardwood Forested Uplands' (HFU) Priority Resource (PR). The potential CT is Landscape Configuration. This layer was created for an initial investigation of potential CT's suggested at brainstorming workshops. The initial investigation entails locating available datasets to address the suggested CT as closely as possible and performing minimal analyses to determine their usefulness. The final set of CT's and their associated datasets will be chosen after targets (e.g., endpoints) are established as a threshold for achieving conservation success for that CT. The available data layer to address landscape configuration is CLIP 4.0 core data -- Landscape...
In 2006, the Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida called for an identification of those lands and waters in the state that are critical to the conservation of Florida’s natural resources. In response, the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission collaborated to produce CLIP - the Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project. CLIP is a GIS database of statewide conservation priorities for a broad range of natural resources, including biodiversity, landscape function, surface water, groundwater, and marine resources. CLIP is now being used to inform planning decisions by the Peninsular Florida...
Our objective was to develop a species-distribution model using habitat associations that represent probability of suitable habitat for the species historical range and the range under climate change scenarios including a hot/dry prediction (MIROC3.2) and a cool/wet prediction (ECHAM5) and 1-m and 2-m sea level rise scenarios; urban growth was also inlcuded. Future model predictions were based on extrapolated data for two time steps in the 21st century: mid (2046-2064) and late (2081-2100). Species distributions were modeled with Maxent (Maximum Entropy presence-only algorithm); climate change scenarios were based on precipitation and temperature changes as applied to stream conditions (e.g., flow) modeled with...
External projects funded by the Peninsular Florida LCC.
This dataset is intended to assess trends and percent change per year (PCPY) in yearly averages of ammonia within 300 meters of mangrove swamp. Assessments (condition) was classified depending on the following follow thresholds for PCPY: <= -1.0% - “Decreasing” > -1.0 & < 0.0% - “Stable (-)” = 0.0% - “Stable (No Change)” > 0.0 & < 1.0% - “Stable (+)” >= 1.0% - “Increasing”
This layer represents the combined Priority Resources of the PFLCC and FWC and the Aggregated Priorities layer of CLIP 4.0. Included the combined layer is the 10 terrestrial Priority Resources (Non-marine) and the 6 Priority Levels (labelled 0 through 5 (lowest (0) to highest Priority (5) and Outside Prioritized Model (l -1) -- for a Total Possible Combinations of 70 (Total actual are 69). Each Priority Resource comprises 6-7 rows in the Attribute Table -- one row for each combination of Priority Resource and CLIP Priority.
This layer shows the results for initial analyses of the ' Connectivity' potential Conservation Target for the Freshwater Forested Wetlands Priority Resource (PR). Three datasets were used in this exploration of Connectivity: CLIP 4.0 Greenways, CLIP 4.0 Landscape Integrity, and the Local Connectedness layer, one of the core datasets in the Nature Conservancy's Resiliency Project. Each dataset provides a slightly different aspect of Connectivity. Each one of the potential data layers was masked using the PR raster to result in a spatial data layer of values within Freshwater Forested Wetlands. Further information on these analyses can be found in the Freshwater Forested Wetlands Initial Investigation of Conservation...
The GeoAdaptive and GeoDesign scenarios were extended to the state of Florida line and incorporated CLIP 3.0 into the scenarios for the ecological input. The scenarios will consist of urbanization level of 31,000,000 people by 2060 and sea level rise of 1.0m, and policies and assumptions such a build first conserve second (BAU) and conserve first build second (proactive). The type of conservation was varied; fee simple purchase and easement percentages. The first scenario had a 50/50 split between fee simple purchase and easements and the second and third scenario had 90% easement and 10% fee simple purchase. The difference in scenario was in the process of conservation (CLIP priority area 1 or Florida Forever land...
Refinement of Gopher Tortoise Habitat Identification and Related Land Cover Data. The benefits of this project include: 1) much improved gopher tortoise remote habitat identification that could have a strong influence on potential listing status (with the likelihood that significantly more habitat may be identified); 2) better statewide land cover data regarding scrubby flatwoods and potentially refined mesic flatwoods and dry prairie classifications; and 3) potential spin off benefits regarding better habitat identification for related species such as gopher frogs and other xeric adapted species that might be found in on drier flatwoods and dry prairie sites.This raster represents a potential habitat for the Florida...
The PFLCC and Florida’s State Wildlife Action Plan have goals in common including working with partners to develop shared priorities, working at the landscape scale, developing conservation targets to monitor progress of species and habitat conservation efforts, and providing a forum for dialogue about the most important actions to take to conserve Florida’s natural and cultural resources. Partnering in these initiatives will achieve greater results for wildlife and habitat conservation in Florida. In addition, the FWC has already undertaken key activities that are foundational to the PFLCC including development of the Cooperative Conservation Blueprint and support of the Critical Lands and Waters Identification...
These data represent a potential Conservation Target for the Working Lands Priority Resource of the PFLCC. The potential Conservation Target is the connectivity of Working Lands. The Florida Greenways layer from CLIP 4.0 provides a context for Connectivity with natural habitats that provide connections between large natural areas in Florida. For additional metadata on CLIP 4.0, see the gallery of the same name in the Peninsular Florida LCC Community. The data set shown depicts the Greenways priorities within the Working Lands Priority Resource only. The Working Lands Priority Resource raster layer was used as a mask to extract the Greenways priority values for pattern analysis.
The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.The conservation priorities and mechanisms expressed in these scenarios are based on a wide set of contributing factors, and simulated conservation is purposefully...
The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.The conservation priorities and mechanisms expressed in these scenarios are based on a wide set of contributing factors, and simulated conservation is purposefully...
Conservation planning, the process of deciding how to protect, conserve, enhance and(or) minimize loss of natural and cultural resources, is a fundamental process to achieve conservation success in a time of rapid environmental change. Conservation targets, the measurable expressions of desired resource conditions, are an important tool in biological planning to achieve effective outcomes. Conservation targets provide a focus for planning, design, conservation action, and collaborative monitoring of environmental trends to guide landscape-scale conservation to improve the quality and quantity of key ecological and cultural resources. It is essential to have an iterative and inclusive method to define conservation...
These data show the protected hardwood forested uplands indicator conservation assets that are part in the Landscape Conservation Project for Florida. Protected hardwood forested uplands are an ecological indicator of the Florida Landscape Conservation Project (LCP). The LCP entails a large-scale assessment of and planning for the health of important natural resources, known as Conservation Assets (CAs), in Florida. Conservation planning at the landscape scale provides a framework for safeguarding functional ecosystems, and their interconnected processes required for maintaining healthy resources. Spatially explicit data from the project informs coordination and prioritization for making conservation decisions....
These data show the Fire History Indicator for the Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie Conservation Asset in Florida. Fire Regime is an ecological indicator for the Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie Conservation Asset of the Florida Landscape Conservation Project (LCP). The LCP entails a large-scale assessment of and planning for the health of important natural resources, known as Conservation Assets (CAs), in Florida. Conservation planning at the landscape scale provides a framework for safeguarding functional ecosystems, and their interconnected processes required for maintaining healthy resources. Spatially explicit data from the project informs coordination and prioritization for making conservation decisions. A suite...
This dataset is intended to assess trends and percent change per year (PCPY) in yearly averages of dissolved oxygen within 300 meters of coral & hardbottom. Assessments (condition) was classified depending on the following follow thresholds for PCPY: -1.0 & 0.0 & = 1.0% - “Increasing” This dataset is part of the Florida Landscape Conservation project. The project seeks to better understand the trends of indicators within prioritized conservation assets (or habitats). The trends and analysis carried by the project will be used to aid in informing management and conservation actions at, both, the broader and detailed spatial scales. Further information on the FLCP, conservation asset extent, and metadata:
This dataset is intended to assess trends and percent change per year (PCPY) in yearly averages of pH within 300 meters of saltwater marsh. Assessments (condition) was classified depending on the following follow thresholds for PCPY: <= -1.0% - “Decreasing” > -1.0 & < 0.0% - “Stable (-)” = 0.0% - “Stable (No Change)” > 0.0 & < 1.0% - “Stable (+)” >= 1.0% - “Increasing”
These data show Conservation Opportunities for the Southwestern Region. Opportunities include Pinelands, Lakes, Rivers, and Streams, Coastal, and Freshwater.

map background search result map search result map Florida Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project 4 0 Projects Florida climate change, urbanization, and policy assumption scenario for conservation planning for the PFLCC. FFW  Connectivity HFU Configuration Habitat Grids Statewide Impact Assessment Reports Working Lands - Connectivity Priority Resources and CLIP Priorities apalachicola_Floater.mxd Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie - Fire Regime Final Indicator Hardwood Forested Upland in Protection Saltwater Marsh – pH Trends (FLCP Indicator) Coral & Hardbottom - Living Tissue Area Assessment (FLCP Indicators) Mangrove Swamp – Ammonia Trends (FLCP Indicator) Southwest Region Conservation Opportunities Projects apalachicola_Floater.mxd Southwest Region Conservation Opportunities Coral & Hardbottom - Living Tissue Area Assessment (FLCP Indicators) Hardwood Forested Upland in Protection Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie - Fire Regime Final Indicator Mangrove Swamp – Ammonia Trends (FLCP Indicator) Saltwater Marsh – pH Trends (FLCP Indicator) HFU Configuration Priority Resources and CLIP Priorities Working Lands - Connectivity Florida Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project 4 0 Florida climate change, urbanization, and policy assumption scenario for conservation planning for the PFLCC. Habitat Grids Statewide Impact Assessment Reports FFW  Connectivity