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Note: this data release has been superseded by version 2.0, available here: This dataset contains discrete groundwater elevation measurements for wells in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota.
Geographically Isolated Wetlands (GIWs) occur along gradients of hydrologic and ecological connectivity and isolation, even within wetland types (e.g., forested, emergent marshes) and functional classes (e.g., ephemeral systems, permanent systems, etc.). Within a given watershed, the relative positions of wetlands and open-waters along these gradients influence the type and magnitude of their chemical, physical, and biological effects on downgradient waters. In addition, the ways in which GIWs connect to the broader hydrological landscape, and the effects of such connectivity on downgradient waters, depends largely upon climate, geology, and relief, the heterogeneity of which expands with increasing scale. Developing...
The upper portion of the Troublesome Aquifer is the sole source of water for domestic use in the Greater Pole Creek Basin, situated in the western portion of the upper Fraser River Valley in Grand County, Colorado. Data from drilling records for wells installed near and within recent home developments, municipal water-suppliers, water-quality records, and published reports are summarized as an initial synthesis of aquifer water quantity and quality. In spite of persistent drought and increased domestic aquifer-water usage, aquifer water storage remains robust with water levels little changed during the past 25 years. Water-quality data indicate substantial variability with depth beneath the top of the aquifer. Data...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Extent Hydrogeologic Framework for National Water Census (NEHF) project is a multi-year effort (2022 through 2025) that will compile existing assets (approaches, data, software, etc.), develop a strategic plan, and implement an operational framework that is dynamic and multi-scale. Within the USGS, numerical groundwater-flow and solute- and heat-transport models have been created for a variety of purposes that include water-resource assessments, contaminant-transport evaluations, and water-management planning. These models are often supported by hydrogeologic-framework studies that describe the surface and subsurface distribution of geologic materials and their hydrologic...
This project investigates the spatial and temporal variability of ground-water surface-water exchange in response to changes in the geometry and hydrogeologic properties of this interface that are driven by episodic and sustained fluvial and hydrologic events. Episodic events are common and occur across a broad range of physical and climatic settings and are rarely accounted for in scientific investigations or resource management. Linkages between a dynamic sediment-water interface and the resulting fluxes between ground water and surface water need to be understood, quantified, and modeled to determine their influence on the quantity and quality of our Nation’s water resources as well as the ecological changes...
This data set contains the following parameters: sediment and water temperature, dissolved nitrate plus nitrite dissolved, ammonium, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, soluble orthophosphate, dissolved phosphorus, total phosphorus, and dissolved organic carbon.
The Shingobee Headwaters Aquatic Ecosystem Project is a long-term, multi-disciplinary monitoring and research study of a 28-square-kilometer headwaters watershed in north-central Minnesota that began in 1978. Emphasis is on processes related to hydrology, limnology, geochemistry, and watershed ecology and the land-water and atmosphere-water interfaces. Lakes are a substantial focus and integrator of many of the physical, chemical, and biological processes that occur within watersheds. Large volumes of groundwater discharge provide resilience to lakes and wetlands in response to anthropogenic and climatic influences. Minnesota, located in north-central USA, has been both warmer and wetter than normal during the past...
Note: this data release has been superseded by version 2.0, available here: This dataset contains water surface elevations for the wetlands in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota.
Rates of flow across the sediment-water interface (seepage), measured every 5 seconds with an automated seepage meter and summarized every minute with a digital datalogger, are presented for 17 measurement locations at Newtown Creek, NY. Final values are presented in cm/day. An electromagnetic seepage meter, custom made for USGS by Quantum Engineering, was capable of measuring seepage averaged each minute with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 cm/d. Deployments at each location lasted at least two tidal cycles. Three ESM systems were available but most of the time only two systems were operated simultaneously, requiring several weeks to obtain measurements at all 17 locations. Data are presented in an Excel workbook composed...
We conducted a scoping review to assess the current state of the science and knowledge gaps of post-wildfire water quality. A scoping review is a rapid, systematic approach that is more superficial compared to traditional reviews, and can be considered a preliminary study that informs future in-depth reviews, meta-analyses, or modelling efforts (Robinne et al., 2020). We developed a driver, factor, stressor, effect (DFSE) conceptual framework to evaluate information gathered from the review. Drivers are categorical variables representing a natural or anthropogenic process or characteristic driving post-fire effects. Factors are measurable variables or properties of a driver used to explain changes in water quality,...
Efficiency of seepage meters, long considered a fixed property associated with the meter design, is not constant in highly permeable sediments. Instead, results from this study indicate that efficiency varies substantially with seepage-bag fullness, duration of bag attachment, depth of meter insertion into the sediments, and seepage velocity. Efficiency also varies substantially in response to variable hydraulic conductivity. The first worksheet titled "Literature efficiency" presents seepage-meter efficiency values from the literature to show the progression of efficiency versus time. The remaining 7 worksheets present time-series data showing seepage-meter efficiency related to several different tests: (1) flow...

    map background search result map search result map Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Water Surface Elevations Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Groundwater Elevations Measurement of seepage at Newtown Creek, NY, May-June 2015 Seepage meter efficiency in highly permeable settings source data (2020) Long-term hydrological and biological data from Williams and Shingobee Lakes, north-central Minnesota Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Water Surface Elevations (ver. 2.0) Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Groundwater Elevations (ver. 2.0) Annotated bibliography of 64 papers reviewed and summarized in a conceptual framework to assess post-wildfire water quality Hydrogeological and climatic data related to recent (1970-2022) development of the Troublesome Aquifer in the Greater Pole Creek Basin, Grand County, Colorado Seepage meter efficiency in highly permeable settings source data (2020) Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Water Surface Elevations Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Groundwater Elevations Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Water Surface Elevations (ver. 2.0) Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Groundwater Elevations (ver. 2.0) Measurement of seepage at Newtown Creek, NY, May-June 2015 Hydrogeological and climatic data related to recent (1970-2022) development of the Troublesome Aquifer in the Greater Pole Creek Basin, Grand County, Colorado Long-term hydrological and biological data from Williams and Shingobee Lakes, north-central Minnesota Annotated bibliography of 64 papers reviewed and summarized in a conceptual framework to assess post-wildfire water quality