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Hydrogeological and climatic data related to recent (1970-2022) development of the Troublesome Aquifer in the Greater Pole Creek Basin, Grand County, Colorado


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Rosenberry, D.O., and Stoughton, D., 2024, Hydrogeological and climatic data related to recent (1970-2022) development of the Troublesome Aquifer in the Greater Pole Creek Basin, Grand County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The upper portion of the Troublesome Aquifer is the sole source of water for domestic use in the Greater Pole Creek Basin, situated in the western portion of the upper Fraser River Valley in Grand County, Colorado. Data from drilling records for wells installed near and within recent home developments, municipal water-suppliers, water-quality records, and published reports are summarized as an initial synthesis of aquifer water quantity and quality. In spite of persistent drought and increased domestic aquifer-water usage, aquifer water storage remains robust with water levels little changed during the past 25 years. Water-quality data indicate substantial variability with depth beneath the top of the aquifer. Data from wells completed [...]


Point of Contact :
Donald O Rosenberry
Originator :
Donald O Rosenberry, Dean Stoughton
Metadata Contact :
Donald O Rosenberry
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
SDC Data Owner :
Earth System Processes Division
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

Annual_Precipitation_Grand_County_CO.csv 526 Bytes text/csv
Upper_Pole_Creek_Basin_Drilling_Log_Quality_and_Sand_Quantity.csv 47.04 KB text/csv
Upper_Pole_Creek_Basin_Pump_Wtr_Static_Level_All_Wells.csv 41.8 KB text/csv
Upper_Pole_Creek_Basin_Well_Constructed_Wtr_Static_Level_All_Wells.csv 7.87 KB text/csv
Water_Quality_Well_Samples.csv 1.09 KB text/csv


Residential development in the Pole Creek drainage has increased substantially, as has the number of domestic water-supply wells. Aquifer characteristic and aquifer volumes have never been determined, necessitating a detailed analysis of existing data and a first estimate of aquifer storage volume.



  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P13AB4MJ

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