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We used a hierarchical Bayesian modeling framework to estimate resource selection functions and survival for early and late brood-rearing stages of sage-grouse in relation to a broad suite of habitat characteristics evaluated at multiple spatial scales within the Great Basin from 2009 to 2019. Sage-grouse selected for greater perennial grass cover, higher relative elevations, and areas closer to springs and wet meadows during both early and late brood-rearing. Terrain characteristics, including heat load and aspect, were important in survival models, as was variation in shrub height. We also found strong evidence for higher survival for both early and late broods within previously burned areas, but survival within...
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereinafter sage-grouse) is a sagebrush obligate species and widely considered an indicator species for sagebrush ecosystems and other sagebrush-dependent species (Hanser and Knick, 2011; Prochazka and others, 2023). Sagebrush ecosystems are threatened by a wide range of disturbances and anthropogenic factors, including climate change, severe drought, altered wildfire regimes, expansion of invasive species, and anthropogenic development. Collectively, these threats have led to reduced ecological integrity and sage-grouse habitat quality within the sagebrush biome (Doherty and others, 2022). Steady and long-term declines in sage-grouse populations have led to large-scale...
We examined nest survival of Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) in relation to fine-scale habitat patterns that influenced nest site selection, using data from nests of telemetered females at 17 sites across 6 years in Nevada and northeastern California, USA. Importantly, sites spanned mesic and xeric average precipitation conditions and concomitant vegetation community structure across cold desert ecosystems of the North American Great Basin. Vegetative cover immediately surrounding sage-grouse nests was important for both nest site selection and nest survival, but responses varied between mesic and xeric sites. For example, while taller perennial grass was selected at xeric...
Escalated wildfire activity within the western U.S. has widespread societal impacts and long-term consequences for the imperiled sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) biome. Shifts from historical fire regimes and the interplay between frequent disturbance and invasive annual grasses may initiate permanent state transitions as wildfire frequency outpaces sagebrush communities’ innate capacity to recover. Therefore, wildfire management is at the core of conservation plans for sagebrush ecosystems, especially critical habitat for species of conservation concern such as the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage-grouse). Fuel breaks help facilitate wildfire suppression by modifying behavior through fuels...
We evaluated brood-rearing habitat selection and brood survival of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) in Long Valley, California, an area where the water rights are primarily owned by the city of Los Angeles and water is used locally to irrigate for livestock. This area thus represents a unique balance between the needs of wildlife and people that could increasingly define future water management. In this study, sage-grouse broods moved closer to the edge of mesic areas and used more interior areas during the late brood-rearing period, selecting for greener areas after 1 July. Mesic areas were particularly important during dry years, with broods using areas farther interior than...
We monitored Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, Sage-Grouse) nests and various habitat characteristics at the nest locations near Susanville in northeastern California, crossing over into northwestern Nevada. We employed a before-after-control-impact (BACI) experimental design to account for spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the system and to derive estimates of relative change in survival parameters. Sage-Grouse nest survival decreased after the Rush Fire but decreased more in the burned area relative to the unburned area. Although female Sage-Grouse continued to occupy burned areas, nest survival was reduced from 52 percent to 19 percent. Using a BACI ratio approach we found that nest survival...
These products were developed to provide scientific and correspondingly spatially explicit information regarding the distribution and abundance of conifers (namely, singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla), Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma), and western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis)) in Nevada and portions of northeastern California. Encroachment of these trees into sagebrush ecosystems of the Great Basin can present a threat to populations of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). These data provide land managers and other interested parties with a high-resolution representation of conifers across the range of sage-grouse habitat in Nevada and northeastern California that can be used for a variety of...
To better inform fuel break planning and assessment, we developed a comprehensive spatial database of known existing fuel breaks from 1953 to 2018 throughout the western United States. Each fuel break is represented as a polygon in the database and is attributed with the date of installation, the treatment type employed, and the data source. The availability of these data promotes the development of a monitoring framework to track the maintenance and longevity of different treatment types, as well as record the use, conditions, and outcomes of suppression activities at specific fuel break locations. The data also facilitate the quantification of important temporally varying qualities that may influence suppression,...
These data include encounter histories, nest attempts, hatched egg counts, brood counts, time-varying matrices, survival statistics, and lek counts, all used in an integrated population model (IPM) to determine the status of a population of translocated Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus; CSTG) in Nevada. Sharp-tailed grouse were translocated to a remote site in Nevada starting in 2013 through 2017. These data support the following publication: Mathews, S.R., ​Coates, P.S., Prochazka, B.G., Espinosa, S.P., and Delehanty, D.J., 2021, Offspring of translocated individuals drive the successful reintroduction of Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse in Nevada, USA, Ornithological Applications,...
These data are the results of a spatially interpolated integrated population model (SIIPM) fit to count and demographic data collected from populations of Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) located in Nevada, U.S.A. during 2013-2021. We used a novel framework, using integrated population models (IPMs), to express demographic relatedness among sampled and unsampled populations using geographic principles of spatial autocorrelation (Shepard, 1968; Tobler, 1970). Specifically, the framework pairs relatively inexpensive population count data with spatially interpolated demographic estimates. When conducted within a Bayesian framework, spatially interpolated demographic parameters...
These data identify the mean population growth rate and ratio change in abundance of common raven (Corvus corax; ravens) populations from 1966 through 2018, delineated by ecoregions defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This enables researchers and land managers to identify regions which may be more heavily affected by growing raven populations. These data support the following publication: Harju, S.M., Coates, P.S., Dettenmaier, S.J., Dinkins, J.B., Jackson, P.J. and Chenaille, M.P., 2022. Estimating trends of common raven populations in North America, 1966–2018. Human–Wildlife Interactions, 15(3), p.5.
We compiled and verified a dataset which represents a comprehensive inventory of communication tower infrastructure across the range of the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) from 1990 to 2023. Our dataset is an annual spatial time series product that allows users to visualize, assess, and analyze tower locations and duration (i.e., including date of construction through date of dismantlement) on western landscapes within the sagebrush ecosystem. Tower data were acquired from four publicly available infrastructure databases, data records were filtered to only include communication tower structures within the spatial extent of interest. Data records were then validated and checked for accuracy using...
We combined approximately 28,000 raven point count surveys with data from more than 900 sage-grouse nests between 2009 and 2019 within the Great Basin, USA. We modeled variation in raven density using a Bayesian hierarchical distance sampling approach with environmental covariates on detection and abundance. Concurrently, we modeled sage-grouse nest survival using a hierarchical frailty model as a function of raven density as well as other environmental covariates that influence risk of failure. Raven density commonly exceeded more than 0.5 ravens per square kilometer and increased at low relative elevations with prevalent anthropogenic development and/or agriculture. Reduced sage-grouse nest survival was strongly...
We use locations from previously released radio-marked greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage-grouse) in a resource selection function framework to evaluate habitat selection following translocation and identify areas of seasonal habitat to inform habitat management and potential restoration needs. We also evaluate possible changes in seasonal habitat since the late 1980s using spatial data provided by the Rangeland Analysis Platform coupled with resource selection modeling results. Our results serve as critical baseline information for habitat used by translocated individuals across life stages in this study area, and will inform future evaluations of population performance and potential...
We generated a spatially explicit map of categories of expected occurrence and density associated with predicted concentrations of resident and transient common ravens (Corvus corax; ravens) using the residuals from a generalized linear regression between the occurrence and density parameters. These data support the following publication: Webster, S.C., O'Neil, S.T., Brussee, B.E., Coates, P.S., Jackson, P.J., Tull, J.C. and Delehanty, D.J., 2021. Spatial modeling of common raven density and occurrence helps guide landscape management within Great Basin sagebrush ecosystems. Human–Wildlife Interactions, 15(3), p.10.
Wildfire events are becoming more frequent and severe on a global scale. Rising temperatures, prolonged drought, and the presence of pyrophytic invasive grasses are contributing to the degradation of native vegetation communities. Within the Great Basin region of the Western United States, increasing wildfire frequency is transforming the ecosystem toward a higher degree of homogeneity, one dominated by invasive annual grasses and declining landscape productivity. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage-grouse) are a species of conservation concern that rely on large tracts of structurally and functionally diverse sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) communities. Using a 12-year (2008-2019) telemetry...
These data are the result of an intersection between a surface representing the delta-finite rate of population change and another surface representing Greater Sage-grouse abundance and space-use. It was used to rank candidate sites according to greatest potential impact to Greater Sage-grouse populations resulting from the presence of geothermal energy activity. In 2022, candidate geothermal sites were identified in Nevada and eastern California, then buffered by 10 kilometers. While the extent of the overall raster layer encompasses a very large swath of the western US, data values are limited to fall within these 10 kilometer buffers. These data support the following publications: Coates, P.S., Prochazka, B.G.,...
We demonstrate a quantitative approach to differentiate source and sink habitats at large spatial scales using the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse), an indicator species for sagebrush ecosystems, as a case-study. We evaluated both selection and survival across multiple reproductive life stages (nesting, brood-rearing) in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment (DPS), a genetically distinct and geographically isolated population of sage-grouse on the southwestern edge of the species’ range. Our approach allowed us to identify both mismatches between selection and survival and trade-offs between life stages. These findings suggest competing resource demands across time, with...
We developed a framework that strategically targets burned areas for restoration actions (e.g., seeding or planting sagebrush) that have the greatest potential to positively benefit Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage-grouse) populations through time. Specifically, we estimated sagebrush (Artemisia Spp.) recovery following wildfire and risk of non-native annual grass invasion under three scenarios: passive recovery, active restoration with seeding, and active restoration with seedling transplants. We then applied spatial predictions of integrated nest site selection and survival models before wildfire, immediately following wildfire, and at 30 and 50 years post-wildfire based on each restoration...

    map background search result map search result map Geospatial Data for Object-Based High-Resolution Classification of Conifers within Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat across Nevada and a Portion of Northeastern California (ver. 2.0, July 2018) Geospatial Information and Predictive Maps of Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Selection in Southwestern North Dakota, USA Data to Inform an Integrated Population Model of Translocated Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse, Nevada 2013 - 2017 Trend Estimates of Common Raven Populations in the United States and Canada, 1966 - 2018 Raven Occurrence and Density in the Great Basin Region of the Western United States (2007-2019) Greater Sage-Grouse Nest Observations Before and After Wildfire Disturbance in Northeastern California (2007-2018) Spatially-Explicit Predictive Maps of Greater Sage-Grouse Brood Selection Integrated with Brood Survival in Nevada and Northeastern California, USA Sagebrush Restoration Following Fire Disturbance in the Virginia Mountains, Nevada (2018) Selection and Survival of Greater Sage-Grouse Broods in Mesic Areas of Long Valley, California (2003 - 2018) Median Estimates of Impact Potential from Geothermal Energy Production Activities on Greater Sage-Grouse Populations in Nevada and California (2022) Microhabitat Characteristics Influencing Sage-Grouse Nest Site Selection and Survival, Nevada and California (2012-2017) Predictive Maps of Fuel Break Effectiveness by Treatment Type and Underlying Resilience to Disturbance and Resistance to Invasion Across the Western U.S. Greater Sage-Grouse Adult and Nest Observations Before and After Wildfire in Northwest Nevada (2008-2019) Data to Support Hierarchical Models and Decision Support Maps to Guide Management of Subsidized Avian Predator Densities Rasters and Tables for Selection and Survival of Greater Sage-grouse Nests and Broods in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of California and Nevada Spatially Explicit Estimates of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Survival, Recruitment, and Rate of Population Change in Nevada, 2013-2021 Fuel Break Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome of the Western United States, 1953 - 2018 Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection, Survival, Abundance, and Space-Use in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of California and Nevada Greater Sage-Grouse Abundance in Sagebrush Focal Areas near Critical Mineral Resources Communication Towers across the Greater Sage-Grouse Range Selection and Survival of Greater Sage-Grouse Broods in Mesic Areas of Long Valley, California (2003 - 2018) Greater Sage-Grouse Nest Observations Before and After Wildfire Disturbance in Northeastern California (2007-2018) Geospatial Information and Predictive Maps of Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Selection in Southwestern North Dakota, USA Data to Inform an Integrated Population Model of Translocated Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse, Nevada 2013 - 2017 Greater Sage-Grouse Adult and Nest Observations Before and After Wildfire in Northwest Nevada (2008-2019) Rasters and Tables for Selection and Survival of Greater Sage-grouse Nests and Broods in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of California and Nevada Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection, Survival, Abundance, and Space-Use in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of California and Nevada Spatially Explicit Estimates of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Survival, Recruitment, and Rate of Population Change in Nevada, 2013-2021 Median Estimates of Impact Potential from Geothermal Energy Production Activities on Greater Sage-Grouse Populations in Nevada and California (2022) Geospatial Data for Object-Based High-Resolution Classification of Conifers within Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat across Nevada and a Portion of Northeastern California (ver. 2.0, July 2018) Data to Support Hierarchical Models and Decision Support Maps to Guide Management of Subsidized Avian Predator Densities Spatially-Explicit Predictive Maps of Greater Sage-Grouse Brood Selection Integrated with Brood Survival in Nevada and Northeastern California, USA Microhabitat Characteristics Influencing Sage-Grouse Nest Site Selection and Survival, Nevada and California (2012-2017) Greater Sage-Grouse Abundance in Sagebrush Focal Areas near Critical Mineral Resources Communication Towers across the Greater Sage-Grouse Range Raven Occurrence and Density in the Great Basin Region of the Western United States (2007-2019) Predictive Maps of Fuel Break Effectiveness by Treatment Type and Underlying Resilience to Disturbance and Resistance to Invasion Across the Western U.S. Fuel Break Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome of the Western United States, 1953 - 2018 Trend Estimates of Common Raven Populations in the United States and Canada, 1966 - 2018