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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > USGS New England Water Science Center ( Show all descendants )

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This data release provides a comprehensive dataset of sampling-site characteristics and baseline groundwater-quality data collected from a network of multilevel sampling wells installed in a densely developed coastal neighborhood undergoing a conversion from onsite septic systems to municipal sewering. Groundwater samples were collected during multiple events from a total of 227 well screens at 15 locations using a peristaltic pump between June 2016 and March 2024. Samples were collected and preserved following methods documented in the U.S. Geological Survey National Field Manual (variously dated) and Savoie and others (2012). This dataset provides well construction information, groundwater levels, water-quality...
This data release includes water-quality data collected at up to thirteen locations along the Merrimack River and Merrimack River Estuary in Massachusetts. In this study, conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, discrete samples were collected, and continuous monitoring was completed from June to September 2020. The data include results of measured field properties (water temperature, specific conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen) and laboratory concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus species, total carbon, pheophytin-a, and chlorophyll-a. These data were collected to assess selected (mainly nutrients) water-quality conditions in...
This dataset contains water-quality data, quality-control data, and input and output data for geochemical models that support the findings of a study of lead in drinking water in the Sturbridge, Massachusetts, study area. These data include major and trace element data for unfiltered and filtered (dissolved) samples collected from both taps and well heads at private well sites, and quality-control data, including blank sample data and replicate sample data. The computer program PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appelo, 2013) was used with the water-quality data and the WATEQ4F thermodynamic database (Ball and Nordstrom, 1991) to calculate aqueous and surface speciation; mineral saturation index (SI=log (IAP/K), where IAP is...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed a regression model for estimating mean August baseflow per square mile of drainage area in cooperation with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to help resource managers assess relative amounts of baseflow in streams with Maine Atlantic Salmon habitat (Lombard and others, 2021). The model was applied to each reach of a stream network derived from select National Hydrography Dataset Plus High-Resolution (NHDPlusHR) data in the State of Maine south of 46º 21′55″ N latitude. The spatial coverage developed from the stream network contains model-estimated mean August baseflow per square mile of drainage area as an attribute of each NHDPlusHR reach. Please...
This data release contains data used to develop models and maps that estimate the probabilities of exceeding various thresholds of arsenic concentrations in private domestic wells throughout the conterminous United States. Three boosted regression tree (BRT) models were developed separately to estimate the probability of private well arsenic concentrations exceeding 1, 5, and 10 micrograms per liter (µg/L). A random forest (RF) model was developed to estimate the most probable arsenic concentration category (≤5, >5 to ≤10, or >10 µg/L). The models use arsenic concentration data from private domestic wells located throughout the conterminous United States and independent variables that are available as geospatial...
This data release supports analyses of the relations between monthly average nutrient concentrations in the Herring River on the ebb tide near Wellfleet Massachusetts and monthly average precipitation, temperature, runoff, solar radiation, ocean water temperature, mean sea level, nutrient concentrations in Wellfleet Harbor, and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen 2015-2021. The Environmental_Variables.csv file contains the monthly average precipitation, temperature, runoff, solar radiation, ocean water temperature, mean sea level, nutrient concentrations in Wellfleet Harbor, and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen data. The Velocity_andgage_height.csv file contains the data on surface water velocity that were used...
This data set contains historical data on concentrations of total and dissolved organic carbon in Massachusetts streams from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS) database. The data were compiled from NWIS using site and sample selection criteria to retrieve all publicly available data from surface-water samples that contained analysis of both total and dissolved organic carbon. The data set was screened, as much as possible from the site and sample description information in NWIS, to retain only routine environmental samples from stream sites. The final data set consists of 223 samples from 52 sites and were collected from 1978 to 2007.
Soil frost measurements have been made at Sleepers River Research Watershed starting in 1983. Measurements were made by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory from 1983 to 1993, followed by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1993 to the present. Measurements started at 5 sites and has increased to 10 sites. Sites range in elevation from 225 to 670 meters and are in a mix of field and forest types. Soil frost measurements are made with tubes filled with methylene blue solution; on freezing, the methylene blue remains in the liquid phase, yielding clear ice that marks the depth of soil frost (Ricard and others, 1976). Soil frost measurements typically are made 2 to 4 times a month...
During the spring and summer of 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey collected water-quality samples for nutrient analysis at 45 stations across the state of Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island to better understand the groundwater discharge component of nitrogen loading to the Long Island Sound. The targeted stations were located in small drainage basins (less than 50 square kilometers) in the southern portion of the Long Island Sound watershed. Sites were selected randomly from groups based on expected drivers or controls on baseflow nitrogen loads. Factors used in the grouping included four metrics calculated for the upstream watershed: percent impervious cover, septic system density, percent...
In a study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, detectable concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were found in the soil at every site despite targeting locations with no known PFAS sources (Santangelo and others, 2022). The widespread distribution of PFAS concentrations in New Hampshire has since sparked critical interest into understanding whether recharge to groundwater contains significant concentrations of PFAS after infiltration through soils. To address this concern, the USGS implemented a pilot study designed to evaluate whether PFAS infiltrate through shallow soil into shallow groundwater. Five sites were selected...
High-water marks were collected following Hurricane Sandy, October 29-30, 2012, along the coastal areas of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. Information on 371 high-water marks that were flagged following Hurricane Sandy is presented in this data release. The general information on the high-water marks presented includes site identification number, location, elevation, quality, type, and website links to the data. Of the 371 high-water marks flagged, 364 high-water marks were surveyed and 7 high-water marks were not found. The U.S. Geological Survey identified and flagged the high-water marks during October and November 2012 following Hurricane Sandy; and surveyed the marks during October and November...
We computed mean groundwater ages and age distributions at eight wells by calibrating lumped parameter models (LPMs) to concentrations of tracers (3H, CFCs, SF6) in samples using the computer program TracerLPM (Jurgens and others, 2012). We also measured 14C but all samples contained ancient carbonate from the limestone bedrock, and we were unable to resolve the atmospherically-derived 14C sufficiently to use it as a tracer. Tritium was below the detection level in two of the eight well-water samples, indicating the water was recharged prior to about 1950. Groundwater from the other six wells could be fitted to LPMs that were either piston flow models (PFM), exponential – piston flow models (EPM), or binary mixing...
Water-quality data were collected by the Providence Water Supply Board (PWSB) from tributaries in the Scituate Reservoir drainage area, October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2022 (water years 2018 through 2022). Water-quality samples were collected by the PWSB either monthly or quarterly at fixed stations on 38 tributaries in the Scituate Reservoir drainage area, Rhode Island. These data were used to calculate instantaneous loads and yields of constituents in reports by the U.S. Geological Survey. Water-quality samples were collected following a strict sampling schedule so that water-quality samples would be representative of various weather conditions. Samples were analyzed at the PWSB water-quality laboratory...
In 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) made 107 horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) passive seismic geophysical measurements at four transportation infrastructure sites in New Hampshire to determine the benefits of HVSR as an enhancement to traditional geotechnical site characterizations performed by NHDOT. Typically, data are obtained from the subsurface during borings to characterize geotechnical properties but often borings are spaced hundreds of feet apart. Geotechnical site characterization guided by geophysical surveys (such as the HVSR method) between borings will help provide a more thorough characterization. By combining...
Lake-bottom sediment and associated quality-control samples were collected in August 2020 from one coring location (U.S. Geological Survey station 413756070321301, ASHUMET POND, MASHPEE MI-ASHPD-0011) in Ashumet Pond downgradient from a former fire-training area on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The core was collected to determine if per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were present in the bottom sediments of a lake known to have elevated concentrations of PFAS in surface water and groundwater (Tokranov and others, 2021), and whether the sediments could act as a continuous source of PFAS to the lake. Processing the sediment core entailed collection of discrete samples at intervals ranging from 1-5 centimeters (cm)...
Groundwater samples from public and private drinking water wells throughout the state of New Hampshire were analyzed for total Arsenic (As). Samples were collected after pH, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature had met stabilization criteria as outlined in the USGS National Field Manual (United States Geological Survey 2005). The As analyses were carried out in the geochemistry laboratory in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of New Hampshire (UNH). Not including replicate analysis, a total of 527 samples were analyzed via a hydride generator-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (HG-ICP-MS) using a Cetac HGX-200 plumbed into a Nu Instruments Attom high-resolution...
This data release contains input data and programs (scripts) used to estimate monthly water demand for retail customers of Providence Water, located in Providence, Rhode Island. Explanatory data and model outputs are from July 2014 through June 2021. Models of per capita (for single-family residential customers) or per connection (for multi-family residential, commercial, and industrial customers) water use were developed using multiple linear regression. The dependent variables, provided by Providence Water, are the monthly number of connections and gallons of water delivered to single- and multi-family residential, commercial, and industrial connections. Potential independent variables (from online sources) are...
Water levels in Goose Pond were collected while collecting geophysical surveys in May 2017. Three transducers were set to monitor the change in water level associated with tidal changes.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Mission Area (WMA) - Ecosystems Mission Area (EMA) EcoDrought project is comprised of interdisciplinary teams in five pilot regions across the country. The over-arching project goal is to measure streamflow in headwater streams and to relate flow variation to stream fish population dynamics. For the catchments located in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, the Virginia/West Virginia Science Center and the New England Water Science Center (NewEngWSC) partnered with the fish ecology group at Leetown Science Center, a part of the EMA’s Eastern Ecological Science Center, in order to establish gaging stations in headwater streams with ongoing ecological data collection and modeling...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently completed a report documenting methods for peak-flow frequency analysis following implementation of the Bulletin 17C guidelines ( The methods provide estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) for selected streamgages operated by the USGS and Environment Canada. In association with the report, this data release presents peak-flow frequency analyses for 148 streamgages (127 stations in Maine, 16 in New Hampshire, and 5 in New Brunswick, Canada). Included are 148 individual ".PRT" text files that contain results of the flood-frequency analyses of annual peak flows...

map background search result map search result map High-water mark data from Hurricane Sandy for the coastal areas of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, October 29-30, 2012 Groundwater Age-Tracing Data and Models in a PFOA-Contaminated Bedrock Aquifer, North Bennington, Vermont Baseline Groundwater-Quality Data from a Densely Developed Coastal Neighborhood, Falmouth, Massachusetts (June 2016 - March 2024)(ver. 5.0, July 2024) Stage Measurements of Goose Pond at Callahan Mine Site: May 2017 to July 2018 Results of peak-flow frequency analysis and regionalization for selected streamgages in or near Maine, based on data through water year 2019 (ver. 3.0, August 2021) Total and Dissolved Organic Carbon Data to Support Implementation of Revised Freshwater Aluminum Water-Quality Criteria in Massachusetts Soil Frost at Sleepers River Research Watershed, Danville, Vermont Water-quality data from the Providence Water Supply Board for tributary streams to the Scituate Reservoir (ver. 3.0, November 2023) Data for Occurrence and Sources of Lead in Private Wells, Sturbridge, Massachusetts Water-Quality Data for Discrete Samples and Continuous Monitoring on the Merrimack River, Massachusetts, June to September 2020 Spatial Coverage for Estimated Baseflow for Streams Containing Endangered Atlantic Salmon in Maine, USA (version 1.1, June 2022) USGS EcoDrought Stream Discharge, Gage Height, and Water Temperature in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (ver. 2.0, November 2023) Data Supporting Analysis of Relations Between Nutrient Concentrations in the Herring River on the Ebb Tde, Near Wellfleet, Massachusetts and Environmental Conditions, 2015- 2022 Passive Seismic Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Measurements at Transportation Infrastructure Sites in New Hampshire, 2022 Data for Regression Models to Estimate Water Use in Providence, Rhode Island, 2014-2021 Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Lake-Bottom Sediments of Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2020 (ver. 2.0, February 2024) Nitrogen Loads, Yields, and Associated Field Data Collected During Baseflow Conditions and Site Attributes for Small Basins Draining to Long Island Sound Pilot Study of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Infiltration to Shallow Groundwater Through Selected Soils in New Hampshire, 2023 Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Lake-Bottom Sediments of Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2020 (ver. 2.0, February 2024) Baseline Groundwater-Quality Data from a Densely Developed Coastal Neighborhood, Falmouth, Massachusetts (June 2016 - March 2024)(ver. 5.0, July 2024) Soil Frost at Sleepers River Research Watershed, Danville, Vermont Data Supporting Analysis of Relations Between Nutrient Concentrations in the Herring River on the Ebb Tde, Near Wellfleet, Massachusetts and Environmental Conditions, 2015- 2022 Data for Occurrence and Sources of Lead in Private Wells, Sturbridge, Massachusetts Groundwater Age-Tracing Data and Models in a PFOA-Contaminated Bedrock Aquifer, North Bennington, Vermont Water-quality data from the Providence Water Supply Board for tributary streams to the Scituate Reservoir (ver. 3.0, November 2023) Data for Regression Models to Estimate Water Use in Providence, Rhode Island, 2014-2021 Water-Quality Data for Discrete Samples and Continuous Monitoring on the Merrimack River, Massachusetts, June to September 2020 USGS EcoDrought Stream Discharge, Gage Height, and Water Temperature in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (ver. 2.0, November 2023) Passive Seismic Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Measurements at Transportation Infrastructure Sites in New Hampshire, 2022 Total and Dissolved Organic Carbon Data to Support Implementation of Revised Freshwater Aluminum Water-Quality Criteria in Massachusetts Nitrogen Loads, Yields, and Associated Field Data Collected During Baseflow Conditions and Site Attributes for Small Basins Draining to Long Island Sound Pilot Study of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Infiltration to Shallow Groundwater Through Selected Soils in New Hampshire, 2023 High-water mark data from Hurricane Sandy for the coastal areas of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, October 29-30, 2012 Spatial Coverage for Estimated Baseflow for Streams Containing Endangered Atlantic Salmon in Maine, USA (version 1.1, June 2022) Results of peak-flow frequency analysis and regionalization for selected streamgages in or near Maine, based on data through water year 2019 (ver. 3.0, August 2021)