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The LANDFIRE (LF) Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) product depicts fuel types as an identifiable association of fuel elements of distinctive species, form, size, arrangement, and continuity. CFFDRS exhibits characteristic fire behavior under the specified burn conditions. In LF 2022 Canadian fuel models are derived from the Fuel Model Guide to Alaska Vegetation (Alaska Fuel Model Guide Task Group, 2018) and subsequent updates. The LF CFFDRS product contains the fuel models used for the Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) system fuel type inputs. Default values assigned to the Canadian Fuel Models required to run the Prometheus fire behavior software (Prometheus, 2021) are added as attributes to the...
LANDFIRE's (LF) 2022 Forest Canopy Height (CH) describes the average height of the top of the canopy for a stand. CH is used in the calculation of Canopy Bulk Density (CBD) and Canopy Base Height (CBH). CH supplies information for fire behavior models, such as FARSITE (Finney 1998), that can determine the starting point of embers in the spotting model, wind reductions, and the volume of crown fuels. To create this product, plot level CH values are calculated using the canopy fuel estimation software, Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS). Pre-disturbance Canopy Cover and CH are used as predictors of disturbed CH using a linear regression equation per Fuel Vegetation Type (FVT), disturbance type/severity, and time since...
LANDFIRE (LF) disturbance products are developed to provide temporal and spatial information related to landscape change. LF 2022 Fuel Disturbance (FDist) uses the latest Annual Disturbance products from the effective disturbance years of 2013 to 2022. FDist is created from LF 2022 Historical Disturbance (HDist) which in turn aggregates the Annual Disturbance products. FDist groups similar disturbance types, severities and time since disturbance categories which represent disturbance scenarios within the fuel environment. FDist is used in conjunction with Fuel Vegetation Type (FVT), Cover (FVC), and Height (FVH) to calculate Canopy Cover (CC), Canopy Height (CH), Canopy Bulk Density (CBD), Canopy Base Height (CBH),...
LANDFIRE's (LF) 2022 update (LF 2022) Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) represents the vertically projected percent cover of the live canopy for a 30-m cell. EVC is produced separately for tree, shrub, and herbaceous lifeforms. Training data depicting percentages of canopy cover are obtained from plot-level ground-based visual assessments and lidar observations. These are combined with Landsat imagery (from multiple seasons), to inform models built independently for each lifeform. Tree, shrub, and herbaceous lifeforms each have a potential range from 10% to 100% (cover values less than 10% are binned into the 10% value). The three independent lifeform datasets are merged into a single product based on the dominant...
LANDFIRE (LF) disturbance products are developed to provide temporal and spatial information related to landscape change. Historical Disturbance (HDist) is developed from the base annual LF disturbance products, and attribute code system, to represent the history of disturbance for a 10-year span. Each year's disturbance scenarios are checked against time relevant LF vegetation products to check for logical inconsistencies. Errant codes are flagged and updated to a discard code with the remaining disturbance types cross-walked/aggregated to Fuel Disturbance (FDist) types. HDist includes the year of disturbance that is recorded for that pixel. In LF 2022, the time since disturbance code is the same for both HDist...
LANDFIRE (LF) 2022 Fuel Vegetation Type (FVT) represents the LF Existing Vegetation Type Ecological Systems (EVT) product, modified to represent pre-disturbance EVT in areas where disturbances have occurred over the past 10 years. Due to shifting EVT codes and labels throughout the years, the FVT codes are based on an early version of EVT codes translated from the current version. FVT is an input for fuel transitions related to disturbance. Fuel products in LF 2022 were created with LF 2016 Remap vegetation in non-disturbed areas. To designate disturbed areas where FVT is modified, the aggregated Annual Disturbance products from 2013 to 2022 in the Fuel Disturbance (FDist) product are used. All existing disturbances...
LANDFIRE's (LF) 2022 Forest Canopy Cover (CC) describes the percent cover of the tree canopy in a stand. CC is a vertical projection of the tree canopy cover onto an imaginary horizontal plane. CC supplies information for fire behavior models to determine the probability of crown fire initiation, provide input in the spotting model, calculate wind reductions, and to calculate fuel moisture conditioning. To create this product, plot level CC values are calculated using the canopy fuel estimation software, Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS). Pre-disturbance CC and Canopy Height (CH) are used as predictors of disturbed CC using a linear regression equation per Fuel Vegetation Type (FVT), disturbance type/severity, and...
LANDFIRE (LF) 2022 Fuel Vegetation Cover (FVC) represents the LF Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) product, modified to represent pre-disturbance EVC in areas where disturbances have occurred over the past 10 years. EVC is mapped as continuous estimates of canopy cover for tree, shrub, and herbaceous lifeforms with a potential range from 10% to 100%. Continuous EVC values are binned to align with fuel model assignments when creating FVC. FVC is an input for fuel transitions related to disturbance. Fuel products in LF 2022 were created with LF 2016 Remap vegetation in non-disturbed areas. To designate disturbed areas where FVC is modified, the aggregated Annual Disturbance products from 2013 to 2022 in the Fuel Disturbance...
The LCMAP Intensification Reference Data Product was utilized for evaluation and validation of the Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) land cover and land cover change products. The LCMAP Intensification Reference Data Product includes the collection of an independent dataset of 2,000 30-meter by 30-meter plots selected via stratified random sampling across the conterminous United States (CONUS). This dataset was collected via manual image interpretation to aid in validation of the land cover and land cover change products as well as area estimates. The LCMAP Intensification Reference Data Product collected variables related to primary and secondary land use, primary and secondary land cover(s),...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Conterminous United States (CONUS),
Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection,
Land Use Change,
LANDFIRE's Annual Disturbance products track how landscapes change across space and time on an annual basis. The Annual Disturbance (Dist) product identifies satellite-detected areas larger than 4.5 hectares (11 acres) that underwent natural or human-caused changes within a specific year (for Dist23, October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023), or represent fire activity/field treatments as small as 80 square meters. While creating the Annual Disturbance product a variety of data sources are leveraged. 1) National fire mapping programs: This includes information from Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS), Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC), and Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG),...
LANDFIRE's 2023 Update (LF 2023) Forest Canopy Base Height (CBH) supplies information used in fire behavior models to determine the critical point at which a surface fire will transition to a crown fire in conjunction with other environmental factors (such as wind speed and moisture content). CBH data is continuous from 0 to 9.9 meters (to the nearest 0.1m) and describe the lowest point in a stand where there is enough available fuel (0.25in diameter) to propagate fire vertically through the canopy. Critical CBH is defined as the lowest point at which the Forest Canopy Bulk Density (CBD) is .012kg m-3. Under different scenarios of disturbance and based on previous research incorporating plot-level CBH calculations,...
The LANDFIRE Preliminary Annual Disturbance (PDist)23 product is a new product introduced with the LF 2023 Update (LF 2023). While LDist23 is a first "draft", PDist23 is akin to a second “draft” of the LANDFIRE Annual Disturbance product and includes disturbance events captured through October 31, 2023. PDist23 is releasing for these extents throughout the calendar year 2024: Conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska (AK), Hawaii (HI), and Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands (PRVI). See the LF 2023 page for more information as this page will be added to as more details are available. Preliminary Annual Disturbance (PDist23) was created with Landsat imagery, submitted disturbance...
LANDFIRE's 2023 Update (LF 2023) 40 Scott and Burgan Fire Behavior Fuel Models (FBFM40) product represents distinct distributions of fuel loadings found among surface fuel components (live and dead), size classes, and fuel types (Scott and Burgan 2005). The fuel models are described by the most common fire carrying fuel type (grass, grass/shrub, brush, timber, or slash), loading and surface area-to-volume ratio by size class and component, fuel bed depth, and moisture of extinction. FBFM40 contains more fuel models for every fuel type than 13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Models (FBFM13) and the number of fuel models representing relatively high dead fuel moisture content is increased. In FBFM40 fuel models with an...
LANDFIRE’s (LF) 2023 Vegetation Condition Class (VCC) is a reclassification and categorization of the LF 2023 Vegetation Departure (VDep) product. VCC indicates the general level to which current vegetation is different from the simulated historical reference condition. Therefore, VCC is a derivative of VDep; the VDep product indicates how different current vegetation is compared to the estimated historical reference condition, and is based on change to species composition, structure, and canopy closure. Condition classes for VCC are defined in two ways; the original 3 category system from Fire Regime Condition Class Guidebook (FRCC Guidebook), and a newer 6 category system that provides additional thematic detail....
LANDFIRE's 2023 Update (LF 2023) Forest Canopy Base Height (CBH) supplies information used in fire behavior models to determine the critical point at which a surface fire will transition to a crown fire in conjunction with other environmental factors (such as wind speed and moisture content). CBH data is continuous from 0 to 9.9 meters (to the nearest 0.1m) and describe the lowest point in a stand where there is enough available fuel (0.25in diameter) to propagate fire vertically through the canopy. Critical CBH is defined as the lowest point at which the Forest Canopy Bulk Density (CBD) is .012kg m-3. Under different scenarios of disturbance and based on previous research incorporating plot-level CBH calculations,...
The Fire Return Interval (FRI) product quantifies the average period between fires under the presumed historical fire regime. FRI is intended to describe one component of historical fire regime characteristics in the context of the broader historical time period represented by the LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings (BpS) product and BpS Model documentation. To learn more about FRI go to At the release of LF 2016 Remap Fire Regime Groups (FRG_NEW), Percent of Low-severity Fire (PRC_SURFAC), Percent of Mixed-severity Fire (PRC_MIXED), Percent of Replacement-severity Fire (PRC_REPLAC), and Fire Return Interval (FRI_ALLFIR) were included as attributes in the Biophysical Settings (BPS)...
LANDFIRE’s 2023 Update (LF 2023) Fuel Vegetation Height (FVH) product represents the LF Existing Vegetation Height (EVH) product, modified to represent pre-disturbance EVH in areas where disturbances have occurred over the past 10 years. EVH is mapped as continuous estimates of canopy height for tree, shrub, and herbaceous lifeforms with a potential range of 0-100m. Continuous EVH values are binned to align with fuel model assignments when creating FVH. FVH is an input for fuel transitions related to disturbance and fuel products in LF 2023 were created with LF 2016 Remap vegetation in non-disturbed areas. To designate disturbed areas where FVH is modified, the aggregated Annual Disturbance products from 2014 to...
The LANDFIRE Limited Disturbance (LDist)23 product is a new product introduced with the LF 2023 Update (LF 2023). LDist23 is an early "draft" of the LANDFIRE Annual Disturbance product and includes disturbance events captured through October 31, 2023. LDist23 is the first of three Annual Disturbance products releasing in the LF 2023 Update. LDist23 releases in January 2024, then Preliminary Disturbance (PDist)23 will release mid-year 2024. PDist23 will be the second "draft" of Annual Disturbance for the LF 2023 update. Finally, in the fall of 2024 the final "draft" of Annual Disturbance (Dist23) will be released.
LANDFIRE’s 2023 Update (LF 2023) Fuel Vegetation Height (FVH) product represents the LF Existing Vegetation Height (EVH) product, modified to represent pre-disturbance EVH in areas where disturbances have occurred over the past 10 years. In LF 2023, vegetation products are created through an image-based process (within the Conterminous United States (CONUS)) that assesses canopy structure (Forest Canopy Height (CH) and Cover (CC)). EVH is mapped as continuous estimates of canopy height for tree, shrub, and herbaceous lifeforms with a potential range of 0-100m. Continuous EVH values are binned to align with fuel model assignments when creating FVH. FVH is an input for fuel transitions related to disturbance and fuel...
LANDFIRE's 2023 Update (LF 2023) Forest Canopy Base Height (CBH) supplies information used in fire behavior models to determine the critical point at which a surface fire will transition to a crown fire in conjunction with other environmental factors (such as wind speed and moisture content). CBH data is continuous from 0 to 9.9 meters (to the nearest 0.1m) and describe the lowest point in a stand where there is enough available fuel (0.25in diameter) to propagate fire vertically through the canopy. Critical CBH is defined as the lowest point at which the Forest Canopy Bulk Density (CBD) is .012kg m-3. Under different scenarios of disturbance and based on previous research incorporating plot-level CBH calculations,...
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