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We collected diets on Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) above (Yellowstone cutthroat trout allopatry) and below (Yellowstone cutthroat trout sympatry with brown trout) a natural barrier in Duck Creek, Montana. We used gastric lavage methods to collect diets, and samples were placed in storage containers and taken back to our lab and frozen until sorting. All samples were sorted by Rhithron, Inc. (Missoula, MT) with individuals identified down to the order.
We investigated the dynamics of canine distemper virus (CDV) in grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and wolves (Canis lupus) of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) using serological data collected from 1984 to 2014. 565 sera samples were obtained from 425 unique grizzly bears (134 females and 291 males) from 1984 to 2014 and 319 sera samples were obtained from 285 unique wolves (130 females and 155 males) from 1996 to 2014. Here we provide the unique identifier for each individual, the species and sex, the date the individual was captured, the estimated birth year and age, and the CDV antibody titer results based upon serum neutralization assays.
This dataset is focused on alpine plant species presence/absence, species turnover, and trends in species abundance on four mountain summits in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA from 2003 through 2014. Two summit sites were established in 2003 on Dancing Lady and Bison Mountain, east of the continental divide. Two additional summit sites were established in 2004 on Pitamakin and Mt. Seward, also east of the continental divide. This multi-summit approach to monitoring alpine plant species follows the protocols of the Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA) that were initiated by the University of Vienna in 2000 and which have been refined and revised since then. GLORIA summit sites...
These datasets contain aquatic macroinvertebrate and water quality data collected from 159 wetlands in Montana and North Dakota within the Prairie Pothole Region of the Williston Basin.
USGS scientists evaluated the utility of hidden Markov movement models to characterize seasonal movements of mule deer (Odecoileus hemionus) and pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) that were tracked with GPS collars in Wyoming, USA, during 2014-2021. Data include step lengths and turning angles for individual animals at daily time-steps throughout the tracking period. Models demonstrated distinct seasonal movements between species indicative of migratory behavior and enable analyses to identify influential factors that affect decisions to migrate by animals.
We developed and validated conventional and quantitative real-time PCR assays for the detection of DNA from the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease in fish. Assays were tested on fish tissue and on field-collected water samples to assess diagnostic and environmental DNA capabilities. The specificity, sensitivity, and broad applicability of the present assays surpass previous methods for detecting T. bryosalmonae DNA from fish tissue and water samples.
Positive and negative dreissenid mussel DNA quantitiative PCR results from environmental DNA water samples collected in Montana, Wisconsin and Minnesota to assess if environmental DNA can extend the seasonal window for dreissenid mussel early detection.
From 2003-2018, USGS researchers and collaborators conducted mark-recapture studies of the boreal toad at the Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern Montana, USA. The datasets included here contain information on individual toad capture history, body size, and disease status. These data were collected annually over the 16-year period at up to 11 breeding sites per year on the refuge. We include datasets for (1) male toad captures over time, (2) female toad captures over time, (3) male disease status (tested - positive or negative, or not tested in a given year), (4) all toad length and weight data over time, and (5) male toad size and body condition over time.
Unpiloted aerial system (UAS) flight campaigns were conducted at two rangeland sites in Southwestern Montana during the 2018 growing season to classify vegetation and landcover types. A total of nine flights were conducted at the Argenta site and seven at the Virginia City site. To align images in space and time, we used four-dimensional structure from motion (4D SfM) and continued with processing for each flight date based on the full suite of images aligned for the entire growing season. We created dense point clouds, digital terrain models (bare earth), digital elevation models (including vegetation), and orthorectified images for each flight date at each site. We used the orthoimages to calculate the Normalized...
Remotely sensed elk locations were derived from satellite and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) imagery collected during the winter of 2018 and the winter and spring of 2019 at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyoming and compared to locations from Global Positioning System (GPS) collars from 2017 - 2019. This data release provides the source, date, time, latitude, and longitude of elk locations and the type of analyses the location data were used for in the accompanying manuscript by Graves and others 2021. DOI will be provided once supplied by the journal.
This data represents occupancy predictions for western bumble bee in 2020 across the western conterminous United States. This product is a 30-meter resolution downscaled version of previously published occupancy layers for the western bumble bee. For more information on original publications, see the publication listed in the Larger Works Cited Section.
Real-time PCR results of a round robin evaluation of 5 assays that target dreissenid mussel DNA. Water samples collected from waters with and without dreissenid mussels were analyzed using these five assays in four USGS laboratories. Samples from waters without dreissenid mussels were spiked with known amounts of dreissend DNA.
This data release contains molecular diagnostic results and molecular detection of the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides byrosalmonae in fish tissue and environmental DNA samples collected from the inter-mountain West, USA.
USGS and NPS biologists used distance sampling to estimate abundance of hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) in North Cascades National Park, Washington, USA during 2007-2008 and 2016-2017. Biologists resurveyed hoary marmots in 2016 and 2017 at 78 point-count stations across 19 sites surveyed by NPS in 2007-2008. Data include marmot detection distances and survey conditions used to estimate abundances at each site in each year. Data also include estimated marmot abundances and covariates used to evaluate effects of weather, snowpack, and vegetative phenology and productivity on marmot abundances. Marmots are classified as adult, subadult, or juvenile for observations in which age was evident.
The shapefile contains the data necessary to recreate the analyses used in Jalbert et al., in review, Vulnerability of Pacific salmon to invasion of northern pike (Esox lucius) in southcentral Alaska. Specifically, users will be able to view 1) intrinsic potential model calculations for 5 Pacific salmonids (Chinook, chum, pink, sockeye, and coho salmon) and northern pike and 2) all parent nodes of the vulnerability model (human colonization, natural colonization, and habitat overlap) as well as their inputs. Finally, users are able to map vulnerability to invasion for each Pacific salmon species.
Wind energy represents an important alternative to oil and gas extraction to meet increasing energy demands, but it has the potential to disrupt wildlife populations. Because behavioral adjustments, such as altered habitat selection, are a primary way that long-lived species respond to novel disturbances, USGS scientists evaluated effects of wind energy development on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) space use and habitat selection. Using data from GPS-collared female pronghorn in the Shirley Basin of south-central Wyoming, USA, we tested four potential effects of wind turbines on pronghorn space use during the summer and winter: 1) displacement away from wind turbines, 2) increase in size of home ranges, 3) short-term...
Yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis; clover hereafter) is a biennial legume native to Eurasia that is now present in all 50 states. Clover can grow 2 m tall and achieve high densities across large areas in the Northern Great Plains when conditions are conducive, such as in 2019. Clover is highly efficient at fixing nitrogen in soils which reduces the abundance of native grasses, while simultaneously facilitating invasion of non-native grasses, which may alter fire regimes. In contrast, clover provides considerable forage for ungulates, attracts a wide variety of insects that, along with clover seeds, are important to waterfowl, gamebirds, and songbirds, and supports numerous pollinators. Little is known about...
USGS scientists evaluated movement and resource selection during seasonal migrations by pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) that were tracked with GPS collars near wind-energy facilities in the Shirley Basin, Wyoming, USA, in 2010-2012 and 2018-2020. Data include values of environmental variables and proximity to wind turbines at used and available locations for analyses of pronghorn selection of routes and resources within routes during spring, fall, and winter migrations. Data also include metrics of fidelity to migration routes and speed of migratory movements and environmental variables at each step of the migratory movement.
The data set contains temporal chloride concentrations (mg/L) and specific conductance (uS/cm) values for 32 wetlands and groundwater monitoring wells as well as the date(s) sampled and the laboratory where the water quality analyses were conducted. The ratio of chloride concentration to specific conductance is referred to as the Contamination Index. In this region, values greater than 0.035 are used to identify water quality samples that are contaminated with co-produced water from energy development.

map background search result map search result map Conventional and quantitative PCR assays for detecting Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae in fish tissue and environmental DNA water samples Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Brown Trout diet data from Duck Creek, MT in summer and fall 2015 Macroinvertebrate and water quality data from the Prairie Pothole Region of the Williston Basin (2014-2016) Canine distemper virus antibody titer results for grizzly bears and wolves in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 1984-2014 Environmental DNA results from dreissenid mussel early detection surveys in Montana, Minnesota, and Wisconsin 2017-2018 Water quality data from the Goose Lake Study Site Eastern Montana 1989-2018 Alpine vegetation trends in Glacier National Park, Montana 2003-2018 PCR results from dreissenid mussel round robin assay analyses, 2018-2019 T. bryosalmonae detection in fish and water, DNA sequence, and simple sequence repeat data collected in the Inter-Mountain West from 2011 to 2019 Data describing vulnerability of Pacific salmon to invasion of northern pike (Esox lucius) in southcentral Alaska, 2017-2019 Mark-recapture data for a boreal toad metapopulation at the Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge, Montana (2003-2018) Hoary Marmot Abundance in North Cascades National Park 2007-2008 and 2016-2017 Seasonal Resource Selection by Pronghorn near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020 Remotely sensed elk locations on the National Elk Refuge, Wyoming, 2017-2019 Fractional cover estimates of sweet clover derived from UAV, aerial, and Sentinel-2 imagery for central Montana and northwest South Dakota, 2019 UAV based vegetation classification results and input NDVI, vegetation height, and texture datasets for two Montana rangeland sites in 2018 Pronghorn Migration and Resource Selection Near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020 Blacklegged tick nymph densities, tickborne pathogen prevalence, and white-tailed deer densities in eight national parks in the eastern United States from 2014-2022 Seasonal movements of mule deer and pronghorn in Wyoming, 2014-2021 Downscaled western bumble bee predicted occupancy for 2020, western conterminous United States. Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Brown Trout diet data from Duck Creek, MT in summer and fall 2015 Mark-recapture data for a boreal toad metapopulation at the Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge, Montana (2003-2018) Alpine vegetation trends in Glacier National Park, Montana 2003-2018 Water quality data from the Goose Lake Study Site Eastern Montana 1989-2018 Hoary Marmot Abundance in North Cascades National Park 2007-2008 and 2016-2017 Macroinvertebrate and water quality data from the Prairie Pothole Region of the Williston Basin (2014-2016) Seasonal Resource Selection by Pronghorn near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020 Pronghorn Migration and Resource Selection Near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020 Canine distemper virus antibody titer results for grizzly bears and wolves in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 1984-2014 Fractional cover estimates of sweet clover derived from UAV, aerial, and Sentinel-2 imagery for central Montana and northwest South Dakota, 2019 Seasonal movements of mule deer and pronghorn in Wyoming, 2014-2021 Data describing vulnerability of Pacific salmon to invasion of northern pike (Esox lucius) in southcentral Alaska, 2017-2019 Blacklegged tick nymph densities, tickborne pathogen prevalence, and white-tailed deer densities in eight national parks in the eastern United States from 2014-2022 T. bryosalmonae detection in fish and water, DNA sequence, and simple sequence repeat data collected in the Inter-Mountain West from 2011 to 2019 Environmental DNA results from dreissenid mussel early detection surveys in Montana, Minnesota, and Wisconsin 2017-2018 Conventional and quantitative PCR assays for detecting Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae in fish tissue and environmental DNA water samples Downscaled western bumble bee predicted occupancy for 2020, western conterminous United States. PCR results from dreissenid mussel round robin assay analyses, 2018-2019