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This data is from a survey of participants in four workshops hosted by USGS researchers in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in communities along the Gulf Coast in 2017. The workshops were part of the Landscape conservation design project, funded separately by the USGS. The current project had no role in identifying or selected coastal managers with whom to speak; that was the responsibility of the Landscape conservation design project and occurred before the involvement of the current project team. These data are particular to the interactions between the Landscape conservation design project team and the particular coastal managers who engaged with their project. The workshops were held in: Milton,...
These three PDFs contain qualitative notes taken during focus group-style interviews in 2017 with coastal resource managers Grand Bay, AL; Port Aransas, TX; and Tampa Bay, FL about their data needs related to tidal wetlands and sea level rise and interest in working with USGS researchers to receive that data. The coastal managers were all engaged in conversations with USGS scientists as part of a separate project entitled Landscape conservation design for enhancing the adaptive capacity of coastal wetlands in the face of sea-level rise and coastal development, regarding tidal wetlands in the Gulf Coast region and the ability of investigators leading that project to provide data suitable for use in various resource...
Understanding the physiological impacts of climate change on arid lands species is a critical step towards ensuring the resilience and persistence of such species under changing temperature and moisture regimes. Varying degrees of vulnerability among different species will largely determine their future distributions in the face of climate change. Studies have indicated that Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States are likely to become climate change hotspots, experiencing significantly drier and warmer average conditions by the end of the 21st century. However, relatively few studies have examined specifically the physiological effects of climate change on species inhabiting this region. This manuscript...
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Tags: 2014,
Projected water deficits mean that land and water managers must be proactive in their management of rivers and shallow aquifers, if they want to maintain the ecosystems dependent upon them. To do this, managers and decision makers need easy access to the best techniques available for determining how much water ecosystems need. This project will result in a Desert LCC-wide database of environmental flow needs and responses (environmental water demands) to help water and land managers make management decisions. This project will identify critical data gaps in flow need and flow response data in the Desert LCC (especially related to baseflow dependent streams) and result in a user-friendly, one-stop-shop for managers...
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OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2014,
Rainwater Harvesting and Stormwater Research is a priority research area identified by the Arizona Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability, which recommended that universities take the lead to identify regulatory barriers, cost and benefits, water quality issues and avenues for increasing utilization of stormwater and rainwater at the regional, community and individual property level. In an effort to address the priority research area, the University of Arizona will develop a decision support tool to be used by public utilities and agencies to evaluate suitability and cost-effectiveness of rainwater and stormwater capture at various scales for multiple benefits. Data from the City of Tucson, Arizona...
Categories: Data,
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Tags: 2011,
Applications and Tools,
This website provides access to active links for data collected at the Santa Rita Experimental Range. Included in the links are access to shapefiles, excel files, raster and other forms of data on precipitation, vegetation, animals and other subjects.
Sky Island Alliance will develop science and conservation-based guidance to assist natural resource managers in responding to expected climate change and other stressors on springs ecosystems in sky island regions of the Desert LCC. The project will result in publication of an Arizona Springs Restoration Handbook, which will aid managers in directing limited resources to preserve these key water resources and species that depend on them.
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Tags: 2013,
Academics & scientific researchers,
This project is intended to provide conservation science support across Arizona through development of conservation case studies and synthesis products and support for data entry for listed species in Arizona (the yellow-billed cuckoo). One full-time Research Specialist and one ¼-time student research assistant will synthesize best practices best practices for managing invasive aquatic species and invasive plants in grasslands. The recipient will work collaboratively with Arizona Game and Fish Department and FWS to identify shared species of concern and develop useful synthesis products (case studies and publications). One student Research Assistant will be tasked with increasing communication across FWS programs...
FY2015The Great Basin Region, which covers much of Nevada, and portions of California, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah, managers are already confronting a changing climate and are beginning to make management decisions despite uncertainty in how climate change effects will manifest in the region. To support decision making, the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Regional Integrated Science Assessment Program (RISA) funded this project to explore how two scenario planning approaches might be used effectively with existing management planning processes and data sources and how to begin prioritizing adaptation strategies. The two approaches used...
Categories: Data,
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Tags: Conservation Design,
Conservation NGOs,
Conservation Plan/Design/Framework,
Conservation Planning,
Federal resource managers,
In October 2019, as part of our collaboration with a project focused on nexus of climate and viticulture in Arizona, we helped hold two workshops focused on reviewing the 2018-2019 wine grape growing season in Arizona. Workshops were held in two of the main viticulture regions in Arizona: the Verde Valley and Cochise County. Twenty-four people attended the Yavapai County workshop; 9 vineyards were represented but a number of workshop participants were students not representing a vineyard. Those participants did not contribute to the climate and weather data. Six people representing 6 vineyards participated in the Cochise County workshop. At each workshop, growers were asked to list various climate- and weather-related...
Native Nations face unique challenges related to climate change, many of which are detailed in recent reports as part of the U.S. National Climate Assessment (Bennett et al. 2014; Hiza Redsteer et al. 2013). Native Americans have a deep connection to the natural environment within which their livelihoods, cultural identity, and spiritual practices are rooted. Changes to hydrologic regimes, landscapes, and ecosystems, in combination with socio-economic and political factors, amplify tribal vulnerabilities to climate change. In the Southwest, tribes are already experiencing a range of impacts that are at least partially related to climate change. They include serious water supply and water quality issues in the...
Started as a Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative project, this effort has been identified as a continued high priority by state wildlife agencies and other land managers. The purpose of this project is to analyze landscape-scale indicators across the three warm deserts of North America with a focus on three geographies in the Southwestern US and northern Mexico: the eastern recovery unity for the Mojave Desert Tortoise (California and Nevada), the Madrean Archipelago (Arizona and Sonora, Mexico), and Big Bend region of the Rio Grande and lower Rio Conchos (Texas, Chihuahua). The deliverables of this project are landscape-scale ecosystem indicator reports for these three geographies, and data layers made available...
Riparian ecosystems are among the most productive and diverse ecosystems in desert biomes. In the Sonoran, Chihuahuan, and Mojave deserts of the United States and Mexico, riparian ecosystems support regional biodiversity and provide many ecosystem services to human communities. Due to the dynamic nature of these ecosystems and their abundance of resources, riparian areas have been modified in various ways and to a large extent through human endeavor to manage water and accommodate various land uses, particularly in lowland floodplains and stream channels. Modifications often interfere with multiple and complex ecological processes, resulting in the loss of native riparian vegetation and increasing vulnerability...
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Tags: 2013,
In practice, there are a number of challenges associated with formal consideration of the environment in water planning in large parts of the Desert LCC region. In Arizona, for example, there is no legal requirement to include the environment in water management or planning efforts (Megdal et al. 201 0). Therefore, there is little incentive to develop the additional tools and resources required to include the environment as a water demand sector. Appropriate inclusion of the environment into water planning requires conducting planning at a scale and geography that matches regional hydrology rather than political boundaries. Therefore, without explicit policy guidance from state government, regional stakeholders...
Categories: Data,
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OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2012,
Applications and Tools,
This data is from a survey of participants in the Arizona wine industry conducted in 2021. Participants in the Arizona wine industry generally include wine grape growers, wine makers, winery owners, vineyard or winery employees, and viticulture students. The data were collected in order to inform a broader economic analysis of the Arizona wine industry, which had been requested by a number of industry members during engagement with University of Arizona and Arizona Cooperative Extension researchers. The data were also collected in order to gauge the use of climate data presented to the Arizona wine industry in two Growing Season in Review workshops in 2019 and to identify possible future opportunities for climate...
University of Arizona will conduct an ecosystem conservation assessment for the lower San Pedro (LSP) watershed. The assessment will provide a science-based strategic design for prioritizing where conservation efforts are most needed for high-value biodiversity conservation at the landscape-level and offer insights on conservation actions practical for implementation. The assessment will include an evaluation of high-value biodiversity, hydro-ecological processes, protected areas, landscape connectivity, and climate change adaptation. The study will suggest approaches for developing a new conservation framework for watershed conservation planning.
Categories: Data,
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OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2013,
Riparian vegetation provides crucial habitat for wildlife and is a high conservation priority for land managers throughout the Southwest but a central scientific challenge is to generate quantitative predictions of how changes in water availability will affect the amount and quality of riparian wildlife habitat. Researchers will study areas that have long-term datasets available (i.e., hydrological, geomorphological, biological), that characterize a broad range of riparian conditions found in the Southwest. Building on recently developed models funded by the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC), this work will link various hydrologic, geomorphic and habitat models to better understand...
Categories: Data,
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OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2011,
The Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST), coordinated by FWS Science Applications and the Bureau of Reclamation, is a platform for collaborative conservation for federal and state natural resource management agencies in the West. CCAST increases communication among the conservation community to advance the development of best management practices to achieve shared conservation goals. This project will provide support for conservation and restoration of semiarid grasslands in the Southwest by establishing a grassland restoration community of practice. Numerous agencies and organizations have been attempting to restore grasslands in the Southwest for decades. However, there remains a...
The dataset consists of transcriptions of interviews conducted with scientists and stakeholders who were involved in collaborative climate research projects funded by the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center between 2014 and 2017. The participants were asked to reflect upon the engagement activities during the projects and provide any examples of use of the research evidence that emerged from the projects. The transcriptions have been stripped of any and all identifiable information, as is standard ethical practice.
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