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These data represent trapping effort and captures of deer mice at Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County, California. Deer mice were captured and marked with ear tags to allow identification of individuals. The location of captures can be used in a spatially explicit capture recapture model to estimate density of mice and how mouse density varies by site and habitat type.
Lidar-derived digital elevation models often contain a vertical bias due to vegetation. In areas with tidal influence the amount of bias can be ecologically significant, for example, by decreasing the expected inundation frequency. We generated a corrected digital elevation mode (DEM) for tidal marsh areas around San Francisco Bay using the Lidar Elevation Adjustment with NDVI (LEAN) technique (Buffington et al. 2016). Survey-grade GPS survey data (6614 points), NAIP-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and original 1 m lidar DEM from 2010 were used to generate a model of predicted bias across tidal marsh areas. The predicted bias was then subtracted from the original lidar DEM and merged with the NOAA...
Lidar-derived digital elevation models often contain a vertical bias due to vegetation. In areas with tidal influence the amount of bias can be ecologically significant, for example, by decreasing the expected inundation frequency. We generated a corrected digital elevation mode (DEM) for Suisun marsh using a modification of the Lidar Elevation Adjustment with NDVI (LEAN) technique (Buffington et al. 2016). GPS survey data (6912 points, collected across public and private land in 2018), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from an airborne multispectral image (June 2018), a 1 m lidar DEM from September 2018, and a 1 m canopy surface model were used to generate models of predicted bias across the...
Observations (reduced to detected/not detected) of 45 vertebrate species (seven mammals, seven amphibians, and 31 reptiles) across Southern California pitfall sampling projects conducted between 1995 through 2015. Habitat patch locations of every pitfall sampling project presented in a shapefile. Habitat patches were measured based on the size when pitfall sampling began within each. Sampling projects within the same geographic area may have different sized patches based on date of project sampling and if patch erosion occurred. A matrix of whether each species was expected within each habitat patch's species pool based on range maps and published records is also included. These data support the following publication:...
This dataset contains data pertaining to ground surface cover in 30 meter plots around a random selection of points within chaparral from Santa Barbara county south to San Diego County in southern California, USA. These data were obtained from historical aerial imagery from 1943 to 1959 and current imagery from 2016 to 2018 and they were compared to quantify changes in cover type over time. These data support the following publication: Syphard, A.D., Brennan, T.J., Rustigian‐Romsos, H. and Keeley, J.E., 2022. Fire‐driven vegetation type conversion in southern California. Ecological Applications, p.e2626.
The spatial data results of USGS surveys for Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus, LBVI) along the Tijuana River and San Diego River in 2020 to determine abundance and distribution of vireos to facilitate population trend analyses and collect information on dispersal and site fidelity of banded vireos as part of long-term demographic studies at multiple sites.
The data are .csv files of tagged sea otter re-sighting locations (henceforth, resights) collected in the field using a combination of VHF radio telemetry and direct observation using high powered (80x) telescopes. Sea otters were tracked by shore based observers from the date of tagging until the time of radio battery failure or the animal’s death, whichever comes first. The frequency of re-sighting was opportunistic, depending on logistical factors such as coastal access, but generally ranged from daily to weekly. Location coordinates are reported as X and Y coordinates in the projection/datum California Teale-Albers NAD 1927. Each file contains resight data for one individual sea otter collected over a period...
This dataset contains data pertaining to ground surface cover in a 30 meter radius around a random selection of points within San Diego County, California. These data were obtained from aerial imagery for the years 1953 and 2016 and were used to assess changes in cover type over time. These data support the following publication: Syphard, A.D., Brennan, T.J. and Keeley, J.E., 2019. Extent and drivers of vegetation type conversion in Southern California chaparral. Ecosphere, 10(7), p.e02796.
Lidar-derived digital elevation models often contain a vertical bias due to vegetation. In areas with tidal influence the amount of bias can be ecologically significant, for example, by decreasing the expected inundation frequency. We generated a corrected digital elevation model (DEM) for wetlands throughout Collier county using a modification of the Lidar Elevation Adjustment with NDVI (LEAN) technique (Buffington et al. 2016). GPS survey data (15,223 points), NAIP-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (2010), a 10 m lidar DEM from 2007, and a 10 m canopy surface model were used to generate a model of predicted bias across marsh, mangrove, and cypress habitats. The predicted bias was then subtracted from...
We surveyed for Least Bell’s Vireos (Vireo bellii pusillus; vireo) and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax traillii extimus; flycatcher) along the San Luis Rey River, between College Boulevard in Oceanside and Interstate 15 in Fallbrook, California (middle San Luis Rey River), in 2021. Surveys were conducted from April 13 to July 14 (vireo) and from May 18 to July 13 (flycatcher). We found 180 vireo territories, at least 125 of which were occupied by pairs. The vireo population size decreased by 6 percent from 2020 to 2021. One resident flycatcher, of undetermined breeding status, was observed in the survey area in 2021. He was detected from May 20 to June 4, 2021, and no evidence of pairing or nesting was...
This data provides county level occurrence information for all individuals used in modelling potential exposure and spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAIv) from the 2021-2022 North American outbreak. The data set contains individual identifiers and taxa information, an indicator of exposure, exposure status (Susceptible, Exposed by HPAIv detection in the county, or Exposed by secondary contact with an exposed bird), and date of first occurrence of each individual bird and that bird's exposure status within each visited county. Herein, county refers to any county, parish, borough, census area, or geographic region identified in the associated geospatial data US_CAN_AI.shp (ESRI shapefile format). Occurrence...
We assessed the impacts of co-occurring invasive plant species on fire regimes and postfire native communities in the Mojave Desert, western USA by analyzing the distribution and co-occurrence patterns of three invasive annual grasses known to alter fuel conditions and community structure: Red Brome (Bromus rubens), Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), and Mediterranean grass (Schismus spp.: Schismus arabicus and Schismus barbatus), and an invasive forb, red stemmed filaree (Erodium cicutarium) which can dominate postfire sites. We developed species distribution models (SDMs) for each of the four taxa and analyzed field plot data to assess the relationship between invasives and fire frequency, years postfire, and the impacts...
To better inform fuel break planning and assessment, we developed a comprehensive spatial database of known existing fuel breaks from 1953 to 2018 throughout the western United States. Each fuel break is represented as a polygon in the database and is attributed with the date of installation, the treatment type employed, and the data source. The availability of these data promotes the development of a monitoring framework to track the maintenance and longevity of different treatment types, as well as record the use, conditions, and outcomes of suppression activities at specific fuel break locations. The data also facilitate the quantification of important temporally varying qualities that may influence suppression,...
This habitat model was developed to delineate suitable habitat for coastal cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) in southern California. A primary purpose of the model is to identify potential restoration sites that may not currently support cactus patches required by wrens, but which are otherwise highly suitable. These are areas that could be planted with cactus to increase wren populations, an important management objective for many land managers. We used the Partitioned Mahalanobis D2 modeling technique to construct alternative models with different combinations of environmental variables. Variables were calculated at each point in the center of a 150 m x 150 m cell in a grid of points across the landscape....
This habitat model was developed to delineate a sampling frame for regional monitoring of coastal California gnatcatchers (Polioptila californica californica) to determine: 1) percent area occupied (PAO) in high and very high suitability habitat across conserved lands and participating military lands in the U.S. range in southern California; 2) changes in PAO over time; and 3) extinction and colonization rates. One purpose of the model is to identify areas recovering from disturbance, such as wildfire, that may not currently support coastal sage scrub vegetation used by coastal California gnatcatchers, but are otherwise highly suitable. In this way, we can monitor gnatcatcher occupancy associated with habitat changes...
Fire ranks among the top three threats to the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) throughout its range, and among the top two threats in the western part of its range. The national research strategy for this species and the recent U.S. Department of the Interior Secretarial Order 3336 call for science-based threats assessment of fire to inform conservation planning and fire management efforts. The cornerstone of such assessments is a clear understanding of where fires are occurring and what aspects of fire regimes may be shifting outside of their historical range of variation. Analyses are stratified by major vegetation types and the seven greater sage-grouse management zones, delineated regionally as...
We compiled and verified a dataset which represents a comprehensive inventory of communication tower infrastructure across the range of the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) from 1990 to 2023. Our dataset is an annual spatial time series product that allows users to visualize, assess, and analyze tower locations and duration (i.e., including date of construction through date of dismantlement) on western landscapes within the sagebrush ecosystem. Tower data were acquired from four publicly available infrastructure databases, data records were filtered to only include communication tower structures within the spatial extent of interest. Data records were then validated and checked for accuracy using...
The Shasta salamander (Hydromantes shastae) has been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act. The greatest threat to the species is likely habitat loss that will be caused by the increase in elevation of Shasta Lake that will occur with proposed increases in the height of Shasta Dam to increase water storage capacity and maintain cold water for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Another potential threat is the fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, which has not yet been detected in North America but is lethal to related salamanders (Hydromantes strinatii) in Europe (Martel et al. 2014). In addition to these threats, recent genetic evidence suggests that the species as originally petitioned...
Most of these data were collected in order to create a database of tree locations for use in calibrating remote sensing tools and products, particularly dead tree detection tools and canopy species maps. Data include tree locations, species identification, and status (live, dead, and, if dead, sometimes includes information on foliage and twig retention). They are a collection of different sampling efforts performed over several years, starting in a period of severe drought mortality. One csv table is included that shows data and validation results for an additional dataset that was used to test the NAIP derived dead tree detection model that is associated with this data release. Locations are not included for that...
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) are at the center of state and national land use policies largely because of their unique life-history traits as an ecological indicator for health of sagebrush ecosystems. These data represent an updated population trend analysis and Targeted Annual Warning System (TAWS) for state and federal land and wildlife managers to use best available science to help guide current management and conservation plans aimed at benefitting sage-grouse populations range-wide. This analysis relied on previously published population trend modeling methodology from Coates and others (2021, 2022) and includes population lek count data from 1960-2023. Bayesian state-space models estimated...

map background search result map search result map Fire Patterns in the Range of the Greater Sage-Grouse, 1984–2013—Implications for Conservation and Management Geospatial Data Collected from Tagged Sea Otters in Central California, 1998-2012 LEAN-corrected San Francisco Bay Digital Elevation Model, 2018 Vegetation type conversion in chaparral in San Diego County, California, USA between 1953 and 2016 LEAN-Corrected DEM for Suisun Marsh LEAN-Corrected Collier County DEM for wetlands Invasive Plant Cover in the Mojave Desert, 2009 - 2013 (ver. 2.0, April 2021) Shasta Salamanders Surveys for the Shasta-Trinity National Forest (ver. 2.0, July 2020) Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Suitability Model for Southern California (2015) Coastal California Gnatcatcher Habitat Suitability Model for Southern California (2015) Species Observations from Pitfall Trap Arrays, Species Pool Matrices, and Patch Locations in Southern California from 1995-2015 Distribution and Breeding Status of Least Bell’s Vireo Along the San Diego and Tijuana Rivers in San Diego County, California (2020) Distribution and Abundance of Least Bell's Vireos (Vireo bellii pusillus) and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax traillii extimus) on the Middle San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, Southern California in 2021 Vegetation Type Conversion in Southern California Between 1943 and 2018 Trends and a Targeted Annual Warning System for Greater Sage-Grouse in the Western United States (ver. 3.0, February 2024) Dead Tree Detection Validation Data from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Timing of Occurrence of Waterfowl in U.S. Counties and Canadian Counties, Boroughs, Census Districts, and Other Populated Area Designations with Modeled Exposure Status to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in 2021-2022 Captures and Trapping Effort for Deer Mice (Peromyscus sonoriensis) at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA from 2021 to 2022 Fuel Break Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome of the Western United States, 1953 - 2018 Communication Towers across the Greater Sage-Grouse Range Distribution and Abundance of Least Bell's Vireos (Vireo bellii pusillus) and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax traillii extimus) on the Middle San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, Southern California in 2021 LEAN-Corrected DEM for Suisun Marsh Dead Tree Detection Validation Data from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Captures and Trapping Effort for Deer Mice (Peromyscus sonoriensis) at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA from 2021 to 2022 LEAN-corrected San Francisco Bay Digital Elevation Model, 2018 Vegetation type conversion in chaparral in San Diego County, California, USA between 1953 and 2016 LEAN-Corrected Collier County DEM for wetlands Distribution and Breeding Status of Least Bell’s Vireo Along the San Diego and Tijuana Rivers in San Diego County, California (2020) Shasta Salamanders Surveys for the Shasta-Trinity National Forest (ver. 2.0, July 2020) Species Observations from Pitfall Trap Arrays, Species Pool Matrices, and Patch Locations in Southern California from 1995-2015 Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Suitability Model for Southern California (2015) Coastal California Gnatcatcher Habitat Suitability Model for Southern California (2015) Geospatial Data Collected from Tagged Sea Otters in Central California, 1998-2012 Vegetation Type Conversion in Southern California Between 1943 and 2018 Invasive Plant Cover in the Mojave Desert, 2009 - 2013 (ver. 2.0, April 2021) Communication Towers across the Greater Sage-Grouse Range Trends and a Targeted Annual Warning System for Greater Sage-Grouse in the Western United States (ver. 3.0, February 2024) Fire Patterns in the Range of the Greater Sage-Grouse, 1984–2013—Implications for Conservation and Management Fuel Break Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome of the Western United States, 1953 - 2018 Timing of Occurrence of Waterfowl in U.S. Counties and Canadian Counties, Boroughs, Census Districts, and Other Populated Area Designations with Modeled Exposure Status to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in 2021-2022