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The Jamestown SKlallam and Port Gamble SKlallam tribes, and many other tribes in the PacificNorthwest, rely on ESA listed fish species for subsistence as well as cultural and economic practices.Concern has grown over the impacts climate change might have throughout the 21st Century ontraditional fishing areas. We will employ well validated hydrological numerical modeling methodologiesto project streamflow changes in five major fish-bearing streams and their tributaries in the NorthwestOlympic Peninsula in Washington State. Results from this study will be made available to tribal leadersand natural resource managers for planning purposes and to assess potential freshwater habitatvulnerability under a variety of plausible...
Protecting and restoring ecological connectivity is a leading climate adaptation strategy forbiodiversity conservation (Heller & Zavaleta 2009, Lawler 2009), because species are expectedto have difficulty tracking shifting climates across fragmented landscapes (Thomas et al. 2004).Connectivity conservation is thus a primary focus of numerous large-scale climate adaptationinitiatives (e.g., U.S. Department of Interior’s Landscape Conservation Cooperatives), and a corestrategy of many federal climate adaptation plans (NPS 2010, USFS 2011, USFWS 2010). Thishas led to a growing need for approaches that identify priority areas for connectivityconservation in a changing climate.Riparian areas have been identified as key...
The Georgia Basin supports a globally unique mix of dry forest and savannah habitats that evolved under historic climates and First Nations land management. These extraordinary areas still provide ecosystem services essential to human health and well-being and are widely recognized for their outstanding beauty, recreational and economic values. However, most of this habitat has been converted to human use and what remains will be lost without further investment in conservation and restoration activities. We use leading-edge methods to prioritize stewardship actions, identify conservation networks likely to facilitate species persistence under climate change, and maximize return on conservation investments.
The University of Oregon Environmental Studies Program (UO ENVS) is proposing to work with the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative in support of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project, which is aimed at building an understanding of the impacts that climate change may have on American Indian and Alaska Native tribal culture and sovereignty. This agreement will focus on supporting the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project and developing resources that foster partnerships, knowledge exchange and outreach opportunities between tribes, climate scientists and other climate change partners in the region.
contains digital elevation models in TIFF format for salt marshes surveyed within the Humboldt Bay during the summer of 2012 and the spring of 2013. Climate change scenarios typically address top-down global to continental scale changes; thus, few are easily interpretable to local land managers or contain vertical resolution that is useful at the local level for developing climate change adaptation strategies. Our studies support a bottom-up local approach to evaluating SLR effects at the parcel scale providing information and data sets useful in assessing responses. We collect comprehensive, detailed site-specific data that are used to model marsh ecological response from SLR and storms. By implementing this approach...
These layer packages contain the results of the Linkage Mapper tools as described below. Running Five of the Linkage Mapper ToolsThe Linkage Mapper software package includes six tools. For this study we used five of these tools, producing stand-alone products which we also combined to create synthesized products. We used Linkage Mapper v2.1Beta5 and an ArcGIS modelbuilder script to run Linkage Pathways, Pinchpoint Mapper, Centrality Mapper, the Linkage Priority tool, and Barrier Mapper using the above described resistance surfaces and habitat concentration areas (HCAs) layers. We used the default parameters described in the respective user guides except where otherwise noted below. The following are the high level...
The Washington Connected Landscapes Project is a highly leveraged effort to provide scientific analyses and tools necessary to conserve wildlife habitat connectivity. In support of the project, we 1) developed tools necessary to reliably identify and prioritize areas important for connectivity conservation and restoration under current conditions and for allowing species range shifts under climate change; 2) tested and refined these tools by applying them in a Great Northern LCC (GNLCC)-funded effort to identify essential habitats and linkages for the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion where the WHCWG is currently engaged (connectivity and climate tools) and across Washington State (climate tools); and 3) released these...
Presentation for the NPLCC webinar series - Managing Coast Redwoods for Resilience and Adaptation in Changing Climate Presentation
Project Summary In September, 2011, The North Pacific Land Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC) awarded Ecotrust a grant to develop a conservation priorities tool intended to assist the NPLCC and other natural resource managers, individuals, and community organizations in accessing, understanding and visualizing a wide variety of data sets pertaining to aquatic and terrestrial species, anthropogenic threats and potential vulnerabilities to climate change for freshwater and forest ecosystems throughout the NPLCC geographic area. Over the course of the grant period, Ecotrust developed a custom, spatially explicit, on-line decision support tool that was designed to both visualize these data and to identify regional...
Purpose and objectives Design and map for the CSIS using ArcGIS online Identify and, if necessary, create appropriate metadata for GIS layers Integrate the query functions of the CSIS into ArcGIS online Design a webpage for the map interface Test the webpage on the internal ADFG website Launch the map interface (including the gap analysis information) on the ADFG public website
This dataset represents the soil minimum depth (inches) from SSURGO and STATSGO soil descriptions for soil map units in the state of southern Alaska that lie within the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative.
This document, Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges in Climate Change Initiatives, was originally prepared and submitted to the Department of Interior Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science (ACCCNRS) in May 2014. An informal tribal workgroup developed this document, and the ACCCNRS tribal representatives, Gary Morishima, Quinault Management Center, and Ann Marie Chischilly, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, coordinated the review and comment process. The collective work and expertise shared through these guidelines builds through a number of initiatives that have been exploring issues related to traditional knowledges and climate change in recent years. These...
A sea level rise vulnerability assessment has been completed for the shorelines of San Juan County Washington. This tool was developed to enhance understanding among land managers, provide a scientific foundation for shoreline management decisions and improve conservation of shoreline processes critical to ecosystem health. This project will create a comprehensive communication strategy that includes improving the model’s credibility, researching adaptation strategies, creating decision support tools, and hosting focus meetings.
This report provides a first-ever compilation of what is known—and not known—about climate change effects on marine and coastal ecosystems in the geographic extent of the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC). The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service funded this report to help inform members of the newly established NPLCC as they assess priorities and begin operations. Production of this report was guided by University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group and information was drawn from more than 250 documents and more than 100 interviews. Information in this report focuses on the NPLCC region, which extends from Kenai Peninsula in southcentral Alaska to Bodega Bay in northern California west of the Cascade...
This report provides a compilation of what is known – and not known – about climate change effects on terrestrial ecosystems in the geographic extent of the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC). Where a broader regional context is needed, we also present information from surrounding areas. The NPLCC funded this report to help inform members of the NPLCC as they assess priorities and continue operations.

map background search result map search result map Soil minimum depth (inches) for the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative- southern Alaska, USA Developing a Conservation Priorities Tool for the North Pacific LCC - Final Report Humboldt Marsh DEM Climate change effects and adaptation approaches for terrestrial ecosystems, habitats, and species Report Climate change effects and adaptation approaches in marine and coastal ecosystems of the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative region Final Report Tribal Climate Database Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Fish-bearing Streams in Western Washington Douglas-fir Savannah Prioritization Tutorial v1.1 Linkage Mapper Results for the Western Washington Habitat Connectivity Assessment Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Fish-bearing Streams in Western Washington Climate change effects and adaptation approaches for terrestrial ecosystems, habitats, and species Report Climate change effects and adaptation approaches in marine and coastal ecosystems of the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative region Final Report Linkage Mapper Results for the Western Washington Habitat Connectivity Assessment Douglas-fir Savannah Prioritization Tutorial v1.1 Soil minimum depth (inches) for the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative- southern Alaska, USA Developing a Conservation Priorities Tool for the North Pacific LCC - Final Report Tribal Climate Database