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__Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)
___River Studies Branch
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The consists of longitudinal water surface profiles collected in a 10-km reach of the Missouri River at Sheepnose Bend downstream from Lexington, Missouri. Water surface elevation profiles were generated from data collected by USGS staff from the Columbia Environmental Research Center during multibeam sonar surveys of the channel bed in 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Data represent reports of capture of black carp by commercial fishers and biologists with information regarding size characteristics of collected individuals, dimensions of capture gears, and spatial and temporal distributions of captures.
This dataset documents locations of and water temperature recorded by Hobo Water Temp Pro series loggers (Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, MA) deployed by the USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project at up to 24 locations in the Lower Missouri River (from the Gavins Point Dam near Yankton, South Dakota to its confluence with the Mississippi River near St. Louis, Missouri) and 13 selected tributaries (James River, Big Sioux River, Little Sioux River, Platte River (in Nebraska), Nishnabotna River, Nodaway River, Platte River (in Missouri), Kansas River, Grand River, Chariton River, Lamine River, Osage River, and Gasconade River) since 2005. Data document the site name, spatial location, temporal extent of water temperature...
Data set contains depth and velocity grids centerpoints generated from hydrodynamic model (SRH-2D) simulations run for a range of discharges. Date range corresponds to month(s) that bathymetric survey was performed. Three study reaches were considered in this analysis: the Fairview reach of the Yellowstone River, MT, the Miami and Lisbon-Jameson reaches of the Lower Missouir River. Data and application are described in detail in accompanying journal article (Erwin et al., 2017).
Sandbars of large sand-bedded rivers of the Central U.S. serve important ecological functions to many species, including the endangered Interior Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) (ILT). ILT are colonial birds which feed on fish and nest primarily on riverine sandbars during their annual breeding season of approximately May through July, depending on region. During this time, ILT require bare sand of sufficient elevation so as not to be inundated during the period between nest initiation and fledging of hatchlings. ILT were originally listed as endangered due in part to decreases in available sandbar habitat from river channelization and impoundment. Sandbars in Central U.S. rivers used by ILT are highly dynamic,...
Data collected from a comprehensive set of hydrodynamic experiments conducted with live grass carp eggs and larvae, to evaluate drifting and swimming patterns with 3 different in-stream obstructions: (1) a gravel bump, (2) a single cylinder, and (3) submerged vegetation. The hydrodynamic behavior of eggs and larvae with each obstruction was continuously monitored for about 85 consecutive hours. Transient spatial distributions of the locations of eggs and larvae across the water column were generated for each flow scenario.
Within large-river ecosystems, floodplains serve a variety of important ecological functions. A recent survey of 80 managers of floodplain conservation lands along the Upper and Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers in the central United States found that the most critical information needed to improve floodplain management centered on metrics for characterizing depth, extent, frequency, duration, and timing of inundation. These metrics can be delivered to managers efficiently through cloud-based interactive maps. To calculate these metrics, we interpolated an existing one-dimensional HEC-RAS hydraulic model for the Middle Mississippi River, which simulated water surface elevations at cross sections spaced...
Data consist of genotypes for pallid sturgeon and paddlefish broodstock and artificially-produced larvae at 19 sturgeon microsatellite loci and four paddlefish loci. Microsatellite genotypes allowed confirmation of homozygous sturgeon DNA and absence of paddlefish DNA in haploid gynogens. Data also consist of DNA yield estimates for haploid gynogens for proof of concept that haploid gynogens can provide sufficient DNA quantity for restriction site-associated DNA sequencing studies.
Diploid and triploid Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) tagged with acoustic transmitters were observed in Truman Reservoir, Missouri from February 2017 to March 2019 to determine habitat usage in winter. Habitat parameters were measured at used and available sites to model habitat preference. In addition, tagged fish were targeted during removal attempts to determine the efficacy of using tagged Judas Grass Carp in removing wild conspecifics. This dataset includes information on tagged Grass Carp and habitats they selected as well as capture events and characteristics of the wild fish caught during these attempts.
This dataset includes the one-dimensional HEC-RAS water quality model simulation input and output files for three simulation discharges at the Wallens Bend reach on the Clinch River near Kyles Ford, Tennessee. Simulations were run for environmental DNA sample collection dates on September 14, 2020, August 10, 2021, and September 08, 2021. For each eDNA collection date, the transport of freshwater mussel eDNA from Epioblasma capsaeformis was simulated by specifying eDNA as an arbitrary constituent in the HEC-RAS water quality module and assigning a first order rate of decay. To account for the variation of the eDNA field samples at the upstream boundary condition, as well as the laboratory derived decay constants,...
This dataset includes the discharge values and simulation input conditions for 15 simulation discharges at the Lazy Day (LD) reach on the Big Piney River near St. Robert, Missouri. Simulations were run for environmental DNA sample collection dates between March 13, 2020 and May 12, 2022. Simulation results were used as input for environmental DNA transport models.
This dataset includes the one-dimensional HEC-RAS model simulation input and output files for 15 simulation discharges at the Lazy Day (LD) reach on the Big Piney River near St. Robert, Missouri. The Lazy Day model has 94 cross sections and spans approximately 2,327 m between the most upstream and most downstream cross sections. Simulations were run for environmental DNA sample collection dates between March 13, 2020 and May 12, 2022. Simulation results were used as input for environmental DNA transport models.
The dataset contains data collected with an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) for a reach of the Missouri River at Sheepnose Bend downstream from Lexington, Missouri. Velocity data was collected using a TeleDyne Marine RD Instruments (Poway, California) Rio Grande Workhorse 600 kilohertz ADCP on June 4, 2020. Positioning used a Trimble Real-Time-Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System. This data release consists of one shapefile with depth-averaged velocity magnitude and direction data and 40 text files that contain processed ascii velocity data exported from WinRIver II, Teledyne Marine RD Insturments (Poway, California) ADCP software.
This dataset contains two- and quasi-three-dimensional hydrodynamic model outputs from the Flow and Sediment Transport with Morphologic Evolution of CHannels (FaSTMECH) hydrodynamic model in the open-source binary Visualization Toolkit (VTK) format ( The simulations were run at flows in the range of 185-635 cms at increments of 30 cms. This set of flow conditions pertains to the base lateral eddy viscosity scenario referred to as LEVx1 in Call et al., 2023. Files can be opened using the open-source software program Paraview: (
These two datasets contain metrics from hydrodynamic and particle tracking simulations for two sub-reaches of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT. The upstream reach is referred to as the “upper” reach while the downstream reach is referred to as the “lower” reach. Simulations were performed for 16 flows in the range of 185-635 cms at increments of 30 cms.
Data were collected in June 2016 as part of a dye-trace experiment in the Missouri River downstream from Fort Peck Dam, Montana, USA. Fluorometers were deployed at 8 measurement stations over a 135-km study reach. Approximately 51 L of Rhodamine WT (RWT) dye was injected on 26 June 2016 at 14:30 MDT. The injection occured along a transect located approximately 3000 meters downstream from the confluence of the Milk and Missouri Rivers. Injection was performed via a gravity-feed system and was complete within seven minutes of initaition. RWT dye was diluted by at least half to facilitate mixing and was injected approximately 0.30 m below the water surface. Fluorometers were placed approximately 4 to 8 m from shore...
Shapefile created by USGS. Channel transects were constructed to be used in evaluating channel widths and channel width variation. Transects were laid out at 0.1 mile intervals along the navigation channel thalweg. They extend perpendicular to thalweg and intersect the bankfull channel margin, delineated from low-altitude aerial orthophotos provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers, 11/1/2012 to 11/21/2012. The bankfull dimensions were digitized by hand. Each transect was additionally attributed with the USGS bend number, Pallid Sturgeon Population Assessment Program (PSPAP) segment number, and PSPAP bend number.
Data set contains depth and velocity grids centerpoints generated from hydrodynamic model (SRH-2D) simulations run for a range of discharges. Date range corresponds to month(s) that bathymetric survey was performed. Three study reaches were considered in this analysis: the Fairview reach of the Yellowstone River, MT, the Miami and Lisbon-Jameson reaches of the Lower Missouir River. Data and application are described in detail in accompanying journal article (Erwin et al., 2017).
Invasive Carp Research
Pebble counts were performed to assess the bed surface grain size distribution at different habitats within a reach of the Big River near Washington State Park, Missouri. These data were collected in support of research assessing the hydraulic conditions of freshwater mussel habitat in the Big River. One component of this investigation was to examine the theoretical stability and instability of sediment particle sizes that are present within mussel habitats as well as within nearby reference habitats. These pebble counts furnished grain size data used for reference sediment stability predictions. Pebble counts were performed at seven different habitats in a study reach on the Big River following the methods of Wolman...

map background search result map search result map Invasive Species Research Lisbon-Jameson Reach of Lower Missouri River hydrodynamic model outputs Miami Reach of Lower Missouri River Hydrodynamic Model Outputs Bankfull channel transects, Lower Missouri River Interior Least Tern Sandbar Nesting Habitat Measurements from Landsat TM Imagery: Land Cover Type Classification Files Black Carp in North America: a description of range, habitats, time of year, and methods of reported captures, May 2015-September 2018 Microsatellite genotypes and DNA yield of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus No Levee (Altered) Inundation Metrics for the Middle Mississippi River Water quality, habitat, sampling methods and characteristics for grass carp in Truman Reservoir Missouri, 2017-2019 Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) raw measurements on the Missouri River near Lexington, Missouri, June 4, 2020 Water surface elevation longitudinal profile data for a 10-km reach of the Missouri River at Sheepnose Bend, near Lexington, Missouri 2019-2021 Pebble count-based bed surface sediment grain size measurements from reach of the Big River near Washington State Park, Missouri Hydraulic simulation inputs for the Lazy Day reach of the Big Piney River, near St. Robert, Missouri One-dimensional HEC-RAS hydraulic model simulation files for the Lazy Day reach of the Big Piney River, near St. Robert, Missouri One-dimensional HEC-RAS water quality simulation inputs and files for the Wallens Bend reach of the Clinch River, near Kyles Ford, Tennessee Water temperature in the Lower Missouri River and selected tributaries Child 8: Metrics from hydrodynamic and particle tracking simulations of two sub-reaches of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Outputs from hydrodynamic simulations of flows between 185-635 cms at 30 cms increments for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Microsatellite genotypes and DNA yield of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) raw measurements on the Missouri River near Lexington, Missouri, June 4, 2020 Hydraulic simulation inputs for the Lazy Day reach of the Big Piney River, near St. Robert, Missouri One-dimensional HEC-RAS hydraulic model simulation files for the Lazy Day reach of the Big Piney River, near St. Robert, Missouri One-dimensional HEC-RAS water quality simulation inputs and files for the Wallens Bend reach of the Clinch River, near Kyles Ford, Tennessee Water surface elevation longitudinal profile data for a 10-km reach of the Missouri River at Sheepnose Bend, near Lexington, Missouri 2019-2021 Miami Reach of Lower Missouri River Hydrodynamic Model Outputs Child 8: Metrics from hydrodynamic and particle tracking simulations of two sub-reaches of the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Outputs from hydrodynamic simulations of flows between 185-635 cms at 30 cms increments for the Upper Missouri River near Wolf Point, MT Water quality, habitat, sampling methods and characteristics for grass carp in Truman Reservoir Missouri, 2017-2019 Pebble count-based bed surface sediment grain size measurements from reach of the Big River near Washington State Park, Missouri No Levee (Altered) Inundation Metrics for the Middle Mississippi River Bankfull channel transects, Lower Missouri River Water temperature in the Lower Missouri River and selected tributaries Black Carp in North America: a description of range, habitats, time of year, and methods of reported captures, May 2015-September 2018 Interior Least Tern Sandbar Nesting Habitat Measurements from Landsat TM Imagery: Land Cover Type Classification Files