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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal > Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative > GCPO LCC Projects and Products > External Projects > FY2012 ( Show direct descendants )

11 results (33ms)   


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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative
____GCPO LCC Projects and Products
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Determining species occurrence in ecosystems of high conservation concern is especially important for recommending habitat management techniques and identifying suitable restoration sites. We investigated (1) how stand- and landscape-scale attributes affect occupancy of priority bird species associated with longleaf pine (Pinus palutris) ecosystems, (2) if these priority birds can be used as indicator species for desired open pine forest structure, and (3) if these indicator species are positively correlated with greater avian richness. We compared priority bird occupancy among 12 stand types (habitat types) throughout the historic range of longleaf pine in Mississippi. We found stands resembling the historic longleaf...
This project maps glade complexes from aerial imagery at fine-scale resolution and ground truths the classified data. Phase I covers the Missouri Ozarks.
This is the final report for glade mapping deliverables in accordance with the Cooperative GrantAgreement between myself and the American Bird Conservancy (ABC). It covers workcompleted between May 15, 2013 and December 31, 2013. Dr. Jane Fitzgerald of ABC is theproject leader with me performing and supervising the work. According to the terms ofAgreement I am providing a final shapefile for 11,431 dolomite, sandstone, limestone and chertglades comprehensively mapped at a rate of 20 7.5 minute quad maps per month.
Identifying species occurrence in ecosystems of high conservation concern is especially important in the context of modern landscapes. This study investigated how stand-scale and landscape-scale factors affect priority birds associated with longleaf pine (Pinus palutris) ecosystems. Herein, I compared priority bird occupancy among 12 stand types throughout the historic range of longleaf pine. I found open pine stands positively influenced red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) and Bachman’s sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) occupancy, but were not significantly linked to northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla) occurrence. Landscape- and stand-scale factors affected red-cockaded...
This project links downscaled climate data to an ecosystem model (LINKAGES) to a landscape simulator (LANDIS) to wildlife models (HSI). Collectively, these models offer a means to assess the response of wildlife to climate change - mediated through habitat.
In 2012 the GCPO LCC recognized that advanced web-applications would be instrumental in delivering effective LCC science products. The LCC subsequently worked with staff at the USGS Wetlands and Aquatics Research Center and the University of Louisiana Lafayette (ULL) to identify opportunities for advanced applications projects. Two potential needs identified included development of an interactive web-platform to track LCC-funded science projects, and collaboration with the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture to develop and implement a Forest Characterization Database to compile local and state-level forest inventory efforts that track bottomland hardwood management in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. The products...
This project links downscaled climate data to an ecosystem model (LINKAGES) to a landscape simulator (LANDIS) to wildlife models (HSI). Collectively, these models offer a means to assess the response of wildlife to climate change - mediated through habitat.
Our goal is to predict the potential consequences of interactions among forest management, succession and natural disturbance, and climate change on Midwestern central hardwood landscapes and wildlife. We are working with partners that include the USDA Forest Service Eastern Region, the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, the Gulf Plains and Ozarks LCC, the USGS Northeast Climate Science Center, and the University of Missouri. We are making predictions for scenarios that are defined by alternative forest management actions, natural disturbance regimes, and alternative climate models. We first predict changes in tree species establishment under alternative climates on Midwestern sites with the LINKAGES...
Efforts to conserve regional biodiversity in the face of global climate change, habitat loss and fragmentation will depend on approaches that consider population processes at multiple scales. By combining habitat and demographic modeling, landscape-based population viability models effectively relate small-scale habitat and landscape patterns to regional population viability. We demonstrate the power of landscape-based population viability models to inform conservation planning by using these models to evaluate responses of prairie warbler (Dendroica discolor) and wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) populations in the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region to simulated conservation scenarios. We assessed the...
This project links downscaled climate data to an ecosystem model (LINKAGES) to a landscape simulator (LANDIS) to wildlife models (HSI). Collectively, these models offer a means to assess the response of wildlife to climate change - mediated through habitat.

    map background search result map search result map Glades Habitat Mapping: Phase I