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The Arkansas River Shiner (ARS), Notropis girardi, is a federally threatened minnow that now occurs natively in modest numbers only in the South Canadian River, following decades of range contraction and population losses. The remaining populations are at increasing risk as global change is expected to impact the upper and middle South Canadian River with a rise in temperature as much as 4-6 F and a decrease in precipitation from 10 to 35 % in this century. The primary objective of this project was to evaluate potential effects of habitat and environmental change on Arkansas River shiners by examination of habitat use and availability at several spatial scales using both historical and recently-collected data from...
Across the western Great Plains of North America, groundwater pumping for irrigated agriculture has depleted regional aquifers that sustain stream flow for native fishes. Although declines in Great Plains stream discharge owing to groundwater pumping are widely documented, spatial and temporal patterns in stream intermittency across this broad landscape have yet to be quantified. Successful management of native Great Plains stream fishes into the future will require an explicit understanding of the distribution and abundance of habitats, as well as the connections among those habitats across the region. The goal of this study was to provide critical information and decision-support tools to enhance conservation...
These data represent a potential future condition of large block grasslands if CRP lands expire and the land-use reverts back to cropland. Data layers for 2022 and 2027 were calculated by reclassing CRP lands scheduled to expire prior to these years to cropland and recalculating the large block grasslands layer as described above.
With extraordinary resolution and accuracy, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) have been increasingly used for watershed analyses and modeling by hydrologists, planners and engineers. Such high-accuracy DEMs have demonstrated their effectiveness in delineating watershed and drainage patterns at fine scales in low-relief terrains. However, these high-resolution datasets are usually only available as topographic DEMs rather than hydrologic DEMs, presenting greater land roughness that can affect natural flow accumulation. Specifically, locations of drainage structures such as road culverts and bridges were simulated as barriers to the passage of drainage. This paper proposed...
Summary of project, results, and discussion for the study completed by Susan K. Skagen, Amy A. Yackel Adams, Victoria J. Dreitz, Ressa Yale Conrey, Lucy Burris, Gene Albanese, Craig A. Davis and Bradley W. Compton. Summary written by the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GP LCC).
We developed multi-scale habitat suitability models for black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD) in the southwestern Great Plains, corresponding to the western region of the Great Plains LCC. We used long-term (10-yr), high-resolution datasets on BTPD colony boundary locations collected at 7 study areas distributed across the region to develop resource selection functions based on colony locations and expansion patterns. Models are based on (1) soil maps and associated Ecological Sites (NRCS SSURGO database), (2) a topographic wetness index based upon water runoff and solar insolation patterns (TWIsi) that tests a priori hypotheses for topographic controls on BTPD, and (3) broad climatic gradients in temperature and mean...
We flew aerial line transect surveys between March 30 and May 3, 2012, to estimate the abundance of lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) and lesser prairie-chicken leks in four habitat regions in the Great Plains U.S. Estimates were supplemented with data from surveys conducted by Texas Tech University in two regions in the Texas Panhandle and surveys conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation in Oklahoma. We also estimated the number of mixed species leks which contained both lesser and greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) and the number of hybrid lesser-greater prairie-chickens. The study area for 2012 included four regions containing the 2011 estimated occupied lesser...
Collections of fishes used for data analyses in the project:Historic and Current Habitat Use by Arkansas River Shiner in the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma as Affected by River Flow: Predictions for Habitat Under Future Climate Scenarios”. Edie Marsh-Matthews and William J. Matthews. Funded and published by the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative.Collections were all made by seines of a variety of sizes and mesh widths (details for collections are in the appropriate section of the report). Fishes collected were either identified in the field and released or preserved in the field and returned to the laboratory for identification. Habitat data were recorded for each site at different spatial...
While habitat selection and population estimates are well documented for spring migrating birds in the central Platte River system, little information or monitoring efforts on the North Platte River exist, particularly for the multiple priority bird species known to be present. Most conservation partners deliver habitat programs in the region with limited information and a lack of a landscape prioritization tools. In order for conservation delivery to be more effective and efficient in utilizing limited funds, a decision support tool is critical so that priority species habitat needs are being addressed through appropriate restoration/management strategies in the correct geography at multiple scales. We propose...
These data represent Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands and their scheduled expiration date. CRP lands are those with a cropping history that have been enrolled in a program to plant grass cover for wildlife, erosion, and other benefits. CRP contracts are normally 15 years in length. These data are proprietary to the Farm Service Agency and are available to PLJV through an MOU that prohibits their dissemination. Analyses derived from these data will be available to refuge staff and MOUs may be developed in the future to share the data directly.
Habitat hotspots were mapped for migratory birds ‘guilds’ across the LCD region using species presence/absence data collected from citizen-science datasets and modelled habitat conditions from the LANDFIRE program (Rollins, 2009). For presence/absence data, we used the eBird Reference Dataset (ERD, accessed October 1st, 2016; summarized in Sullivan et al., 2009) to model guild-level response to prevailing vegetation structure (e.g., percent-cover grass, tree, shrub, vegetation height), topography, and water availability for priority migratory bird species outlined in the Rio Mora NWR Land Protection Plan. We parsed eBird species “checklists” for species observed within a ~ 500 kilometer radius of the Rio Mora NWR....
The wind energy development suitability product is a per-pixel (30 square-meters) model representation of the predicted probability (0.00-1.00) that an area can support wind energy development. The result is represented as a percentage, such that any value greater-than 0.5 would be classified as suitable for wind energy development in model space. To model suitability for wind energy development, we used 9,399 observations of ‘windmills’ taken from the FAA Digital Obstruction File (; accessed June, 2016). Because the extent of the LCD region is limited to the panhandle region of Texas, we excluded all windmill observations outside of Texas from consideration during model building. To generate...
Monitoring is fundamental to wildlife management but rarely does it happen. Most often the challenges of funding, protocols, and qualified workers prove too great and most monitoring collapses in a few short years. This program functions to address these challenges and allows us to complete the wildlife management cycle of plan, implement and evaluate. The final step of monitoring is critical to understand the effects of management. Monitoring data also informs habitat delivery through development of decision support tools to target conservation actions. Accelerating loss of habitat and changing climate requires distributional information just to understand where to conserve species.
Mapping ecological systems of Kansas and Nebraska expands upon previous work completed for Texas and Oklahoma and advances the desire of regional and state partners to have a consistently mapped seamless land cover for the Great Plains region. Land cover provides the framework to inform wildlife management and conservation decisions by identifying the current landscape configuration. Quantify the amount and types of habitat, by location, currently available is critical to determining where conservation and management resources should be allocated.

map background search result map search result map Dataset: Results of the 2012 Range-wide Survey of Lesser Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) Implications of climate change for avian conservation in Great Plains landscapes Sandhill Cranes and Waterfowl of the North Platte River Valley: Evaluation of Habitat Selection to Guide Conservation Delivery Project Summary: Integrated monitoring within BCR’s: Creating a wildlife monitoring grid for the GPLCC Species Data Collections: Minnow species collections for the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma Publication Summary: Evaluating the Long-term Impacts of Land Cover, Climate, and Buffer Condition Change on Sediment Delivery and Playa Storage Volume Final Report: Mapping and Predicting Groundwater-Mediated Hydrologic Connectivity for Great Plains Prairie Rivers and Streams Drainage Structure Datasets and Effects on LiDAR-Derived Surface Flow Modeling Project Summaries: Use of LIDAR to Assess the Effectiveness of Grass Plantings and Buffers on Playa Natural Inundation and Sedimentation Control in the Rainwater Basin Project Summary: Population Management of Prairie-River Minnows Final Report: Historic and Current Habitat Use by Arkansas River Shiner in the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma as Affected by River Flow: Predictions for Habitat Under Future Climate Scenarios Model GeoTiffs: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Southern Great Plains: Cross-scale Analysis of Soils, Topography and Climate Project Summary: Climate change planning for the Great Plains:  Wildlife vulnerability assessment and potential for mitigation with grazing management Project Summary: Implications of climate change for avian conservation in Great Plains landscapes Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions for Playa Lakes Joint Venture Kansas Ecological Systems Mapping Driver for Future Projections: CRP Expiration Driver for Projections Wind Suitability in Texas 2016 Future Large Block Grasslands in 2022 Bird Habitat Suitability - Riparian Drainage Structure Datasets and Effects on LiDAR-Derived Surface Flow Modeling Project Summaries: Use of LIDAR to Assess the Effectiveness of Grass Plantings and Buffers on Playa Natural Inundation and Sedimentation Control in the Rainwater Basin Sandhill Cranes and Waterfowl of the North Platte River Valley: Evaluation of Habitat Selection to Guide Conservation Delivery Final Report: Mapping and Predicting Groundwater-Mediated Hydrologic Connectivity for Great Plains Prairie Rivers and Streams Publication Summary: Evaluating the Long-term Impacts of Land Cover, Climate, and Buffer Condition Change on Sediment Delivery and Playa Storage Volume Project Summary: Population Management of Prairie-River Minnows Species Data Collections: Minnow species collections for the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma Final Report: Historic and Current Habitat Use by Arkansas River Shiner in the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma as Affected by River Flow: Predictions for Habitat Under Future Climate Scenarios Driver for Future Projections: CRP Expiration Driver for Projections Wind Suitability in Texas 2016 Future Large Block Grasslands in 2022 Bird Habitat Suitability - Riparian Dataset: Results of the 2012 Range-wide Survey of Lesser Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) Implications of climate change for avian conservation in Great Plains landscapes Project Summary: Integrated monitoring within BCR’s: Creating a wildlife monitoring grid for the GPLCC Model GeoTiffs: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Southern Great Plains: Cross-scale Analysis of Soils, Topography and Climate Project Summary: Climate change planning for the Great Plains:  Wildlife vulnerability assessment and potential for mitigation with grazing management Project Summary: Implications of climate change for avian conservation in Great Plains landscapes Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions for Playa Lakes Joint Venture Kansas Ecological Systems Mapping