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ABSTRACT: The long-term goal in our proposed project is to identify better methods to increase the resilience and resistance of sagebrush grasslands that have an existing understory of invasive annual grasses. More specifically, we propose to compare the effectiveness of two different herbicides (alone and in combination) to selectively reduce the abundance of invasive annual grasses while minimizing harm to established native vegetation. AWARD ID: F20AC11454 START DATE: 9/1/2020 END DATE: 8/31/2023 SOURCE: Region 8 Science Applications AMOUNT: $248,748 PI: Paul Meiman, Extension Specialist, University of Nevada, Reno CONTACT INFO: 775-738-7291, LEAD ORG: University of Nevada, Reno...
California’s Central Valley habitats will continue to be influenced in the future by factors including changing land use, water availability, and population growth. Water scarcity and droughts will increasingly challenge wetland managers in the Central Valley. Thus, decisions on where to implement restoration and conservation projects today would benefit by considering plausible future landscape scenarios to ensure that restoration projects implemented now, continue to have value for decades to come. Recent work has developed spatially-explicit land use and climate change scenarios for Central Valley wetlands. Building on these existing efforts, this project will assess site-specific suitability of wetland habitat...
Abstract: Several States and the Harvest Management Working Group (HMWG) have indicated the need to revisit the Pintail Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM) strategy. Because pintail harvest management is guided by a national strategy, it is critical to facilitate input and buy-in from all four Flyways and agreement on management objectives. This project will provide facilitation and decision analysis expertise (e.g. structured decision making) to enable the Flyways to arrive at shared harvest objectives, an important step in revision of the national pintail AHM decision-making protocol. Award ID: IAA 4500125409 Start Date: 09/15/2018 End Date: 09/30/2020 Funding Source: Science Applications Recipient: USGS Patuxent...
Amphibians throughout the Pacific Southwest are heavily impacted by environmental changes and many species have seen a significant decline in their abundance and a contraction in their range. For some of the threatened and endangered frog species, such as California Red-Legged Frog and Mountain Yellow Legged Frog, partners have been successful in developing captive rearing protocols and reintroducing the species throughout their historical range. To build on those successful efforts, this project aims to explore the feasibility of captive rearing for Rana boylii (R. boylii). Captive rearing and potentially captive breeding might become an important tool in the conservation of Rana boylii (R. boylii), especially...
ABSTRACT: This project will evaluate the past, present, and future status of the Las Vegas bearpoppy (Arctomecon californica) and provide information that can be incorporated into resiliency, redundancy, and representation analyses for the Species Status Assessments (SSAs) that will inform listing decisions for this species and for one of its specialist pollinators, the Mojave poppy bee (Perdita meconis). AWARD ID: 4500162700 START DATE: 5/16/2022 END DATE: 1/31/2025 SOURCE: Region 8 Science Applications AMOUNT: $40,000 PI: Dr. Susan E. Meyer CONTACT INFO: LEAD ORG: Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service FWS Project Officer: Corey Kallstrom
ABSTRACT: Funding for NITRI Identified Science Needs will be contracted or subgranted in the amount of $350,000. The grant funds will be managed and invoiced by NDOW so a deliberative approach can be taken with partners to identify and fund new and innovative research to meet the goals of NITRI. The funds would be sub-granted to outside entities for research or projects that are approved by the partners and confirmed by written approval of the USFWS. AWARD ID: F21AC03183 START DATE: 7/15/2021 END DATE: 6/30/2026 SOURCE: Science Applications AMOUNT: $350,000 PI: Jack Robb CONTACT INFO: LEAD ORG: Nevada Department of Wildlife FWS Project Officer: John Tull
ABSTRACT: The Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog (Rana sierrae; SNYLF) population in Gable Lakes, California has been identified as having chytridiomycosis (Bd) infection, an infection that has been linked to global amphibian die-offs. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory (SNARL) at the University of California, Santa Barbara are proposing to conduct an emergency field treatment and intervention after CDFW biologists found this population to be Bd positive in 2020. CDFW believes that, without successful treatment, a potential die-off event may be imminent in the spring of 2021 based on recent extirpations of Bd positive populations in nearby drainages...
ABSTRACT: Relict leopard frogs have been petitioned for listing and were found in 2016 to not be warranted based on existing conservation efforts, primarily through the Clark County MSHCP. Clark County is revising their MSHCP and intends to remove relict leopard frogs as not being directly impacted by development activities covered by the plan. Consequently, conservation and research support that was anticipated in the 2016 review is not available. This project would explore the potential of vaccinating relict leopard frogs to chytrid (Bd), monitor individuals, and determine if relocation and augmentation success can be improved with vaccinations. AWARD ID: F19AC00060 START DATE: 3/1/2019 END DATE: 12/31/2021...
ABSTRACT: We propose to identify better methods to increase the resilience and resistance of sagebrush grasslands that have an existing understory of invasive annual grasses. More specifically, we propose to compare the effectiveness of two different herbicides (indaziflam and imazapic; alone and in combination) to selectively reduce the abundance of invasive annual grasses while minimizing harm to established native vegetation. The following objectives and expected outcomes support the long-term goal of our proposed work: 1) Compare the effectiveness of large-scale, one-time aerial applications of imazapic (5oz/ac), indaziflam (5oz/ac), and the 2 herbicides combined over a 5-year period for selective reduction...
The FWS has been petitioned to make a listing decision regarding Rana boylii, also referred to as Foothill Yellow Legged Frog (FYLF). As a result, service staff has identified important research to be addressed to inform potential FYLF conservation projects. This project aims to improve the understanding for how invasive species management and BD management can improve conservation outcomes such as FYLF reintroduction or FYLF in-situ head-starting programs. Over the next two years, this project will develop a spatial analysis of the current opportunities for habitat restoration to restore FYLF populations in the southern Sierra, culminating in a field experiment to evaluate evidence-based methods for FYLF restoration....
ABSTRACT: This project will fund the mapping of screwbean mesquite die-off throughout the region, develop a protocol to assess and monitor screwbean mesquite tree health, and collect samples to identify insect vectors, pathogens, and environmental conditions that could be associated with the decline. In addition, TNC will coordinate with the interagency Screwbean Mesquite Working Group to train agency staff and volunteers on tree health monitoring protocol to be implemented throughout the range of screwbean mesquite decline. AWARD ID: F20AC11120 START DATE: 9/1/2020 END DATE: 8/31/2025 SOURCE: Region 8 Science Applications AMOUNT: $30,000 PI: Len Warren, Amargosa River Project Manager, TNC CONTACT INFO:...
ABSTRACT: This projec will undertake a series of field and greenhouse studies designed to test the non-target effects of these two herbicides, Imazipic and Indaziflam. We will use a combination of methods, including precision planting, small-plot treatments, and field-trial measurements. Together, these efforts will provide information about the degree of susceptibility of native forbs and grasses, along with information on how planting depth interacts with herbicide application to inhibit germination of desirable seeds. AWARD ID: F20AC00091-1 (Mod 1) START DATE: 9/1/2020 END DATE: 8/31/2023 SOURCE: Region 8 Science Applications AMOUNT: $51,237.38 PI: Elizabeth Leger, Professor, University of Nevada,...