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__Geology, Energy & Minerals (GEM) Science Center
___USGS Data Releases
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These geotiffs represent the raster GIS outputs of Linear Deconvolution (Linear Spectral Unmixing) analysis of ASTER image pixels covering various sand dune and sand sheet fields throughout the Western United States and Alaska. This particular dune field (DS-1) represents the Algodones Dunes near the Salton Sea of Southern California. The accompanying zip file contains linear deconvolution-derived mineral fractional abundance maps for a two-component mixture model of Quartz and Potassic Feldspars, as well as RMS and residual errors. Each geotiff layer has an associated metadata file with further details.
These geotiffs represent the raster GIS outputs of Linear Deconvolution (Linear Spectral Unmixing) analysis of ASTER image pixels covering various sand dune and sand sheet fields throughout the Western United States and Alaska. This particular dune field (DS-4) represents the Great Kobuk Sand Dunes of Alaska. The accompanying zip file contains linear deconvolution-derived mineral fractional abundance maps for a two-component mixture model of Quartz and Plagioclase Feldspars, as well as RMS and residual errors. Each geotiff layer has an associated metadata file with further details.
Geological models for petroleum generation suggest thermal conversion of oil-prone sedimentary organic matter in the presence of water promotes increased liquid saturate yield, whereas absence of water causes formation of an aromatic, cross-linked solid bitumen residue. To test the influence of exchangeable hydrogen from water, organic-rich (22 wt.% total organic carbon, TOC) mudrock samples from the Eocene lacustrine Green River Mahogany zone oil shale were pyrolyzed under hydrous and anhydrous conditions at temperatures between 300 and 370°C for 72 hrs. Petrographic approaches including optical microscopy, reflectance, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy, supplemented...
This data release contains data on historical water use, spatial land disturbance, and spatial aquifer disturbances related to in situ recovery (ISR) uranium extraction per unit of uranium produced. These data were compiled from published and publicly available references including journal articles, government reports, industry reports and company reporting documents for regulatory compliance and financial reporting requirements. Six uranium ISR mines are represented: Alta Mesa, Kingsville Dome, Mt. Lucas, Palangana, Palangana Dome, and Rosita.
The Andes Mountains of South America host significant porphyry copper deposits. The region is the major global source of copper and an area of active mining, exploration, and development. The Andes region was included in USGS global compilations of porphyry deposits published by Singer and others in 2005 and 2008. Since that time, many new discoveries and new resource data have become available. This compilation includes new and updated location, references, and grade and tonnage data for porphyry copper deposits in the Andes along with grade and tonnage data from the previous compilations. The data release includes a data table, references, and shapefiles of porphyry copper locations and political boundaries.
Germanium (Ge) is an element deemed critical globally, and used in electronics, communication, and defense applications. The supply of Ge is limited and as demand for it increases, its criticality increases. Germanium is exclusively recovered as a byproduct of either coal mining or zinc (Zn) mining, and the main mineral hosting Ge in Zn deposits is sphalerite (ZnS). However, the mechanisms of Ge enrichment in sphalerite during mineral deposit formation are poorly understood. Therefore, investigations on the mechanisms controlling geologic enrichment of Ge in ores is crucial for maintaining a sustainable supply. For this study, we used a combination of techniques including optical and electron microscopy, synchrotron-based...
This data release contains the bulk chemistry and x-ray diffraction results of unreacted Alaskan stoker-boiler fly ash. X-ray diffraction results from the solid phase residuals of leaching experiments with the same fly ash are reported. The leaching experiments were performed with either 18 mega-ohm or simulated rainwater for up to 90 days and XRD was performed on solid phase residuals from sacrifical timepoints (1 hours, 2 days, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days, and 90 days).
This data release contains reflectance measurements for eight samples submitted to the USGS Organic Petrology Laboratory in Reston. Samples include two artificial rock samples made from cement with organic matter added (samples 001-002), a coal and shale sample (samples 003-004, respectively), and hydrous pyrolysis residues for samples 001-004. The hydrous pyrolysis experiments were conducted at 330°C for 72 hours at the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Denver Federal Center. Samples were mounted into 1-inch circular briquettes in USGS-Reston according to ASTM D2797 for organic petrographic analysis. Cement plugs (samples 001-002, and pyrolysis residues 005-006) were crushed to approximately 1 mm top-size...
In 2015, approximately 10 million acres of Federal lands across six western states were proposed for withdrawal from mineral entry by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in order to conserve habitat critical for the greater sage-grouse. As a result, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) launched the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment (SaMiRA) project in late-2015 to provide BLM with an assessment of the locatable minerals and an evaluation of the leaseable and saleable minerals within the proposed withdrawal areas. BLM provided Legacy Rehost 2000 System (LR2000) spatial data to the USGS on March 6, 2016 to help identify areas containing mineral leases and claims. The LR2000 system reports BLM land and mineral-use...
The polygon (vector) shapefiles represent Public Land Survey System (PLSS) sections, or 1-square mile areas of land, with information about Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land and mineral use authorizations for plans of operations and notices. The land areas specified by BLM authorizations vary in size and orientation, and may cross one or more PLSS section boundaries. For spatial consistency, the information was aggregated to the square mile PLSS section boundary. The original source data from BLM Cases Recordation database (LR2000) were specific to the day they were generated (March 6, 2016) and subsequent data pulls will likely be different.
The polygon (vector) shapefiles represent Public Land Survey System (PLSS) sections, or 1-square mile areas of land, with information about Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land and mineral use authorizations for non-energy solid minerals. The land areas specified by BLM authorizations vary in size and orientation, and may cross one or more PLSS section boundaries. For spatial consistency, the information was aggregated to the square mile PLSS section boundary. The original source data from BLM Cases Recordation database (LR2000) were specific to the day they were generated (March 6, 2016) and subsequent data pulls will likely be different.
This study presents Raman spectroscopic data paired with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess solid bitumen composition and porosity development as a function of solid bitumen texture and association with minerals. A series of hydrous pyrolysis experiments (1-103 days, 300-370°C) using a low maturity (0.25% solid bitumen reflectance, BRo), high total organic carbon [(TOC), 14.0 wt. %] New Albany Shale sample as the starting material yielded pyrolysis residues designed to evaluate the evolution of TOC, solid bitumen aromaticity, and organic porosity development with increasing temperature and heating duration. Solid bitumen was analyzed by Raman spectroscopy wherein point data was collected from accumulations...
Proppants used during hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells are manufactured to maximize petroleum yield by controlling the size, shape, density, and strength of the proppant material. The most common types of proppants are mined silica sand and manufactured ceramics, some of which are further modified with organic resin coatings to improve performance. Much of the work on the environmental and human health effects of proppant releases into the environment has focused on occupational silicosis, with little attention given to the potential effects from the organic coatings on these materials. This oversight is especially relevant in the context of dumping of unwanted proppant on the land surface, which has been...
The storage assessment unit (SAU) is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources project for the assessment of geologic CO2 storage resources. The SAU is shown here as a geographic boundary interpreted, defined, and mapped by the geologist responsible for the assessment interval. Individual SAUs are defined on the basis of common geologic and hydrologic characteristics. The resource that is assessed is the mass of CO2 that can be stored in the technically accessible pore volume of a storage formation. The technically accessible storage resource is one that may be available using present-day geological and engineering knowledge and technology for CO2 injection...
Research examining organic-matter hosted porosity has significantly increased during the last ten years due to greater focus on understanding hydrocarbon migration and storage in source-rock reservoirs, and technological advances in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) capabilities. The examination of nanometer-scale organic-matter hosted porosity by SEM requires the preparation of exceptionally flat geologic samples beyond the abilities of traditional mechanical polishing which can deform or otherwise obscure organic surfaces. To meet this demand, broad ion beam (BIB) milling was introduced as a sample preparation technique for SEM petrographic analysis of geologic samples. But like with any sample preparation technique,...
The dataset consists of geochemical and isotopic data from fine-grained sediments and glendonite crystals collected at Carter Creek on the North Slope of Alaska. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) values in the measured section were found to range between 0.5 and 3.5%, with a shift towards lower values in the uppermost 5 m of the section. Stable isotopes (13C) in organic matter were relatively stable throughout the section, ranging between -25.5 and -26, with a slight 0.3 per mil positive shift within this range approximately 57 m from the base of the section. Glendonites themselves were analyzed for δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb, with δ18O values relatively consistent between -0.22 and +1.28, and a much wider range of δ13C values...
Coal and coal byproducts may be economically important resources if enriched in critical minerals such as rare earth elements. The organic carbon they contain could be converted to gas using stimulated microbial methanogenesis. In this study, samples were collected from two underground mine sites in the bituminous region of southwest Pennsylvania to assess the potential for these uses from different types of stockpiled coal, including raw coal, clean coal, and refuse coal. Samples were analyzed for coal quality using proximate, ultimate, and sulfur forms analyses, and for major and trace elements. These data complement previous USGS studies on coal waste conducted in Pennsylvania and the Illinois Basin.
These data represent laboratory reflectance measurements conducted on a suite of sandstone, tuffaceous mudstone and claystone rocks and sediment, which are known host and source materials for roll front Uranium deposits mined throughout the South Texas Coastal Plains. Visible through Near Infrared through Shortwave Infrared (~0.4 - 2.5 microns) reflectance were measured using an artificial light source attached to an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) spectrometer. A total of 125 spectra were measured and analyzed, representing samples from nine former open-pit mine sites excavating rocks from four different mapped geologic units, including rocks and sediments from the Jackson Group, Catahoula, Oakville and Goliad...
This dataset includes ten years of emissions and sequestration estimates (2005-2014) in two separate tables, 1) the combustion and extraction of fossil fuels on Federal lands and 2) processes from the ecosystems on those Federal lands. The fossil fuel related estimates include the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), and the ecosystems estimates include only CO2. The results are presented by State and year, including the Pacific and Gulf offshore areas in the fossil fuel associated estimates. In addition to total emissions, the estimates are broken into categories by the sector of the economy where the combustion or extraction related emissions occurred or the biologic process...
Recent production of light sweet oil from shallow (~2,000 ft) horizontal wells in the Upper Devonian Berea Sandstone of eastern Kentucky and historical oil production from conventional wells in the Berea of adjoining southern Ohio has prompted re-evaluation of Devonian petroleum systems in the central Appalachian Basin. Herein, we examined Upper Devonian Ohio Shale (lower Huron Member) and Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale organic-rich source rocks from eastern Ohio and nearby areas using organic petrography and geochemical analyses of solvent extracts. The data indicate the organic matter in the Ohio and Marcellus Shales was primarily derived from marine algae and its degradation products including bacterial biomass....

map background search result map search result map Bureau of Land Management's Land and Mineral Legacy Rehost System (LR2000) mineral use cases for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming BLM LR2000 non-energy solid mineral authorizations for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment (SaMiRA) aggregated by Public Land Survey System (PLSS) section boundaries BLM LR2000 plans of operations and notices for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment (SaMiRA) aggregated by Public Land Survey System (PLSS) section boundaries Linear Deconvolution Results For Site DS-1 (2-component-model-1) Linear Deconvolution Results For Site DS-4 (2-component-model) Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in the United States: Estimates 2005-14 - Data Release Data release for Organic geochemistry and petrology of Devonian shale in eastern Ohio: implications for petroleum systems assessment (2018) Data Compiled on historical water use, spatial land disturbance, aquifer disturbance and uranium produced by In Situ Recovery of Uranium from Sandstone Hosted Uranium Deposits in the South Texas Coastal Plain, USA TOC, Reflectance and Raman Data from Eocene Green River Mahogany zone Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) and Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) Spectra of Select Rock Cores and Waste Material from Nine Uranium Mine Sites in Karnes and Live Oak Counties, Texas Textural occurrence and organic porosity of solid bitumen in shales Porphyry copper deposits and prospects in the Andes Mountains of South America Trace element composition and molecular-scale speciation characterization of sphalerite from Central and East Tennessee mining districts, Red Dog mining district (AK), and Metaline mining district (WA) Reflectance measurements for eight samples submitted to the USGS Organic Petrology Laboratory in Reston Evaluation of pore-like features in sedimentary organic matter Chemistry data from leachates of hydraulic fracturing proppants collected from southeastern New Mexico, 2018-2019 Geochemical Data for Coal Wastes from Bituminous Coal Mining in Pennsylvania, 2022 Geochemical and isotopic data from glendonites and surrounding sediment, Carter Creek, North Slope Alaska Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources-Wind River Basin: Chapter O, Spatial Data Geochemical Data for Coal Wastes from Bituminous Coal Mining in Pennsylvania, 2022 Linear Deconvolution Results For Site DS-1 (2-component-model-1) Geochemical and isotopic data from glendonites and surrounding sediment, Carter Creek, North Slope Alaska Linear Deconvolution Results For Site DS-4 (2-component-model) Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources-Wind River Basin: Chapter O, Spatial Data TOC, Reflectance and Raman Data from Eocene Green River Mahogany zone Data release for Organic geochemistry and petrology of Devonian shale in eastern Ohio: implications for petroleum systems assessment (2018) Textural occurrence and organic porosity of solid bitumen in shales Reflectance measurements for eight samples submitted to the USGS Organic Petrology Laboratory in Reston Chemistry data from leachates of hydraulic fracturing proppants collected from southeastern New Mexico, 2018-2019 Data Compiled on historical water use, spatial land disturbance, aquifer disturbance and uranium produced by In Situ Recovery of Uranium from Sandstone Hosted Uranium Deposits in the South Texas Coastal Plain, USA BLM LR2000 non-energy solid mineral authorizations for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment (SaMiRA) aggregated by Public Land Survey System (PLSS) section boundaries BLM LR2000 plans of operations and notices for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment (SaMiRA) aggregated by Public Land Survey System (PLSS) section boundaries Bureau of Land Management's Land and Mineral Legacy Rehost System (LR2000) mineral use cases for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming Porphyry copper deposits and prospects in the Andes Mountains of South America Evaluation of pore-like features in sedimentary organic matter Trace element composition and molecular-scale speciation characterization of sphalerite from Central and East Tennessee mining districts, Red Dog mining district (AK), and Metaline mining district (WA) Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in the United States: Estimates 2005-14 - Data Release