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Trace element composition and molecular-scale speciation characterization of sphalerite from Central and East Tennessee mining districts, Red Dog mining district (AK), and Metaline mining district (WA)


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Piatak, N.M., Hayes. S.M., White, S.J.O., McAleer, R.J., Hoppe, D.A., Seal, R.R. II, Green, C.J., and Croke, M.R., 2023, Trace element composition and molecular-scale speciation characterization of sphalerite from Central and East Tennessee mining districts, Red Dog mining district (AK), and Metaline mining district (WA): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Germanium (Ge) is an element deemed critical globally, and used in electronics, communication, and defense applications. The supply of Ge is limited and as demand for it increases, its criticality increases. Germanium is exclusively recovered as a byproduct of either coal mining or zinc (Zn) mining, and the main mineral hosting Ge in Zn deposits is sphalerite (ZnS). However, the mechanisms of Ge enrichment in sphalerite during mineral deposit formation are poorly understood. Therefore, investigations on the mechanisms controlling geologic enrichment of Ge in ores is crucial for maintaining a sustainable supply. For this study, we used a combination of techniques including optical and electron microscopy, synchrotron-based x-ray [...]

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Hayes SM, McAleer RJ, Piatak NM, White SJO, Seal RR II (2023), A novel nondestructive workflow for examining germanium and co-substituents in ZnS. Front. Earth Sci. 11:939700. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.939700

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