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_ScienceBase Catalog
__US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
____Migratory Birds
_____Region 7 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Management
______USFWS MBM Alaska Waterfowl Program
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The WBPHS is conducted by flying an aircraft along a set of segment lines. (One or more contiguous segments comprise a transect.) The geographic coordinates in WBPHS_Segment_Endpoints.csv represent the beginning and ending points of the segment lines in Alaska and Old Crow Flats (Yukon Territory) strata 1-12. The point coordinates in this file have been incorporated into various products (e.g., a GPS waypoints file) to aid in survey-flight navigation. The coordinates are in decimal degrees, WGS84 datum. The set of segments contained in this file was established in 1964. In the years 1957-1963, the survey design included many, but not all, of these segments. Additional segments were flown in some or all years during...
This is the 2022 survey validation effort by Dennis Marks for the Izembek Fall brant survey. This includes csv results (, a lookup table, and a protocol document.
This is the main useful and sharable version of the photographic data for the Izembek Fall brant survey. This includes YOLO counts, manual validation, and geospatial information.
The Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey used U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:63,360 scale quadrangle maps as sampling units (plots). USGS identifies each 1:63,360 map with a combination of two identifiers: 1) the 1:250,000 quadrangle in which it occurs, and 2) the 1:63,360 quadrangle map itself. Similarly, in the swan survey files, the 1:63,360 map is identified by the combination of the “Map” and “Quad” fields. The Map field identifies the 1:250,000 quad by its USGS numeric code; the Quad field identifies the 1:63.360 map by its appropriate letter-number. The USGS numeric 1:250,000 map codes also have associated USGS text labels (names). Map_Codes.csv defines the map names that are associated with the USGS numeric codes....
The Waterfowl Breeding Population & Habitat Survey (WBPHS) has been conducted annually since 1955 (1957 in Alaska) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and Canadian Wildlife Service to estimate the spring abundance of targeted waterfowl species in their principal breeding areas of North America. The survey results are used to establish annual hunting regulations in the United States and Canada, monitor population trends, and inform various conservation and management decisions at the state, flyway, and continental levels. The Waterfowl Program in the FWS Division of Migratory Bird Management-Alaska Region (MBM-Alaska) is responsible for surveying strata 1–12 of the WBPHS during May to June of each year (i.e.,...
This is an incomplete collection of track files produced during the MBM-AK TLSA molting goose survey flights. They reference latitude, longitude, and time in total seconds in the day. These files are called by R code (‘TMGSurvey_Master_2019.Rmd’ located in ‘GitHub_Annual_Report_Code’). Following review of this code, it appears as though these transcripts were not ultimately used in any way. Please consult ‘TMGSurvey_Master_2019.Rmd’ for additional context. Track file naming format is as follows: ‘TR[date][firstInitialLastNameOfObserver].csv’; HWilson refers to Heather Wilson while BShults refers to Brad Shults.
The Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (YKD) Aerial Breeding Pair Survey provides data on the spring abundance of targeted waterfowl species nesting on the YKD coastal zone in western Alaska. This region supports millions of waterbirds that comprise one of the largest and most important waterfowl breeding grounds in North America, including species of concern such as the red-throated loon (Gavia stellata), emperor goose (Chen canagica), Pacific black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans), common eider (Somateria mollissima), black scoter (Melanitta nigra), long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis), and the threatened spectacled eider (Somateria fischeri). The YKD goose, swan, and crane survey was first implemented in 1985 to monitor...
The Pacific Flyway Winter Brant Survey (WBS) has been conducted annually since 1981 as part of a cooperative effort by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, Mexico, and the Pacific U.S. states, to estimate the abundance of the Pacific black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) in their principal wintering areas along the Pacific Coast (in Baja, Mexico, California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska). The survey is conducted each winter in January-February by a composite of ground and aerial crews, with the Alaska portion being conducted by the Alaska Region of USFWS Migratory Bird Management. The primary objective of the Alaska survey component is to provide an annual index of...
This R code (YKDsalinity_QC.R) is used to process the raw legacy salinity data for fixed and random plots (2006 - 2019) and produce the quality controlled legacy salinity data for analysis and sharing (YKDsalinity_QC.csv). Basic operations include transforming missing value to a common code, transforming other variables to match the data dictionary, and cleaning spatial location issues. Of special note is that this QC process discover significant error in location data due to a variety of reasons so the random plot centers are added to the data table and should be used for analysis. The code requires the raw data (“Official_YKD.SALINITY.DATA.MASTER.2020.csv”), a definition of the nest plot study area (“NestPlotStudyAreaBoundary.geojson”),...
This is the qmd code (2023_brant_memo_080524.qmd) used to generate a brief report summarizing the 2022 and 2023 efforts and providing population estimates for brant in Izembek Lagoon Complex.
This is the YKD nest card data from 1985 to 2019 produced after processing with the R script "Nest_Cards_QC.R". This file ('Nest_Cards_1985_2019_QC.csv') should be used for producing population estimates and any other analyses. This file is what should generally be distributed for YKD nest card data requests.
This is the YKD egg observation data reformatted from the nest card data ('Nest_Cards_1985_2019_QC.csv'). The file eggs.R is used to produce this data set, and then this is further summarized into yearly stats on mean initiation and hatch dates to produce the file yearstats.csv.
This collection contains the quality-control (QC) transcribed data from the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Breeding Pair Survey. These QC data were produced from the “raw” data using the R Package “AKaerial.” The raw data were evaluated against the current data standards in the ‘AKaerial data dictionary’ and saved to new QC data files with associated log files that document any changes that were made. From 1985 to 1997, observers recorded bird observations out to 200 meters from the aircraft using continuously running tape players (with a locational accuracy of +/- 5 km), while an automated voice recording survey program (with a spatial accuracy of +/- 0.5 km) was used to record data from 1998 to present. The data...
More than 90% of the Pacific population of Steller’s eider (Polysticta stelleri) spends a portion of the fall in Alaska during fall wing molt and staging period, mostly along the Alaska Peninsula. The long-term Steller’s eiders counts from fall emperor goose surveys have shown declines at Izembek Lagoon and Port Heiden and approximate stability at Seal Islands and Nelson Lagoon (1992-2015, USFWS unpubl. data). Spring surveys for Steller’s eiders have been conducted along the north side of the Alaska Peninsula by USFWS since 1992; fall oblique photographic surveys covering the same area began in 2012.Systematic transect-based “overhead” photography is a method proposed for the fall survey and will be used to generate...
Decide whether or not to fly the survey. This is a somewhat subjective call, but current and forecasted weather, especially ceiling height and cloud density, visibility, wind and rain are the main components that go into making that decision. Wind >15kts, ceiling <2,000ft, steady rain or visibility <5 mi generally results in a “no go” for flying the survey at that time. If any of these conditions are forecasted in the following 4-6 hrs, also generally calls for waiting for better conditions or forecasts.If a survey is a “go”, the survey aircraft departs Nelson Lagoon airstrip and flies east toward transect number 1. All photographic gear, cameras, computers, screens have been previously set up and software tested....
This dataset contains the swan data recorded during the 2005 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey. The 2005 survey was designed to census the entire Alaska trumpeter swan summering range.
This dataset contains the swan data recorded during the 1968 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey. The 1968 survey was designed to census the entire Alaska trumpeter swan summering range.
2015_Analysis_Compare2010&2015.xlsx is an Excel file created by MBM-AK to test statistical differences between the 2010 and 2015 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey results.

map background search result map search result map Legacy Nest Card Data 1985 - 2019 Tidy Egg Data 1985 - 2019 Fall Steller's Eider Overhead Survey at Nelson Lagoon, Alaska, 2020 Camera Operator Protocol for Steller's Eider Overhead Survey in Nelson Lagoon, Alaska 2005 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Data 1968 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Data Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey 2015 Analysis - Compare 2010 & 2015 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey 2015 Analysis - Abundance Estimates Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Map Codes Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey Alaska-Yukon Teshekpuk Lake Alaska Molting Goose Survey Track Files Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Segment Endpoints Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Breeding Pair Survey Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey QC Transcribed Data Alaska Izembek Brant Winter Aerial Survey Report 2015 Alaska Yukon Delta Salinity Quality Control R Code Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Map 2024 Alaska Fall Brant Photographic Survey Report Code 2022 Alaska Fall Brant Photographic Survey Validation Alaska Fall Brant Photographic Survey Processed Data Fall Steller's Eider Overhead Survey at Nelson Lagoon, Alaska, 2020 Camera Operator Protocol for Steller's Eider Overhead Survey in Nelson Lagoon, Alaska Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Map 2024 Alaska Fall Brant Photographic Survey Report Code 2022 Alaska Fall Brant Photographic Survey Validation Alaska Fall Brant Photographic Survey Processed Data Alaska Izembek Brant Winter Aerial Survey Report 2015 Teshekpuk Lake Alaska Molting Goose Survey Track Files Legacy Nest Card Data 1985 - 2019 Tidy Egg Data 1985 - 2019 Alaska Yukon Delta Salinity Quality Control R Code Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Breeding Pair Survey Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey QC Transcribed Data Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey Alaska-Yukon Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Segment Endpoints 2005 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Data 1968 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Data Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey 2015 Analysis - Compare 2010 & 2015 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey 2015 Analysis - Abundance Estimates Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Map Codes