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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) > Programs ( Show direct descendants )

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The Delaware River Basin Restoration Program implements conservation, stewardship, and enhancement projects in four areas: conserving and restoring fish and wildlife habitat; improving and sustaining water quality; upgrading water management, and reducing flood damage; enhancing recreational opportunities and public access.Since 2018, the Program has awarded $40.4 million to 159 projects, which generated $59.7 million in match, for a total conservation impact of $100.1 million. These projects will collectively restore over 22 miles of riparian habitat and 76 miles of stream habitat, conserve and enhance 1,322 acres of wetland habitat, restore 255 acres of floodplain, improve 27,105 acres of forest habitat and open...
Broad scale banding of midcontinent greater white-fronted geese (MCWFG) is motivated by the Flyway Management Plan objective to maintain optimum harvest opportunity throughout the population range (Central, Mississippi, and Pacific Flyway Councils, 2023). This objective is accomplished by implementing a harvest strategy whereby changes to bag limits and season dates are dependent upon thresholds of abundance and harvest rate. Such estimates are calculated through Lincoln estimation (Lincoln 1930, Alisauskas et al. 2009, Dooley 2023) that requires annual banding. In addition, banding provides a means to identify changes in harvest distribution. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Migratory Bird Management...
This dataset, BoatSum.csv, contains the bird and marine mammal data that was collected during boat-based surveys in the summers of 1997-2001 to double-sample portions of the aerial summer Southeast Alaska Nearshore Waterbird Survey.
This dataset, AirSum.csv, contains the raw transcribed bird and marine mammal data collected during the 1997-2002 aerial summer Southeast Alaska Nearshore Waterbird Survey. Note that this dataset contains records of species that were omitted in the final, quality-controlled data (SummerSimplified.csv), due to detection issues or inappropriateness of the survey design for those species.
The daily flight tracks of the 1997-2002 aerial summer Southeast Alaska Nearshore Waterbird Survey were recorded to an onboard computer using the custom survey software RECORD (John I. Hodges, FWS-MBM-Alaska, retired). The tracks were recorded by capturing the plane’s location from a GPS every five seconds as long as the software was running. The software was started at some time between the aircraft’s engine start and the start of the survey, and was shut down at some time between the end of the survey and engine shut-down. The tracks thus include the aircraft’s flight to and from the airport base. The 29 track files are named TRMMDDYY_AIR.csv, where MM = month, DD = day, and YY = year.
Estimates_By_Year_2010to2015.csv summarizes the Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey abundance estimates by survey year, 2010 and 2015. Estimates are rounded to the nearest integer.
The Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey used U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:63,360 scale quadrangle maps as sampling units (plots). USGS identifies each 1:63,360 map with a combination of two identifiers: 1) the 1:250,000 quadrangle in which it occurs, and 2) the 1:63,360 quadrangle map itself. Similarly, in the swan survey files, the 1:63,360 map is identified by the combination of the “Map” and “Quad” fields. The Map field identifies the 1:250,000 quad by its USGS numeric code; the Quad field identifies the 1:63.360 map by its appropriate letter-number. USGS_Map_Index.tif is a map version of the USGS map index, saved in an image format (.tif).
2010_Analysis_Trends.xlsx is an Excel file created by MBM-AK to analyze data from the 1968-2010 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Surveys to assess trends in the numbers of adult (i.e., white) swans, total swans (i.e., adults and cygnets), and broods, and the percentage of cygnets in the total swan population.
This multi-layer GeoPackage contains the Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Breeding Pair Survey design transects from 2007 to present. The original transects were created as shapefiles and imported to this SQLite database. Transects were saved as individual polylines named according to the year they were created (e.g., “main.ACP_2007_Trans,” “main.ACP_2008_Trans,” “main.ACP_2009_Trans,” etc.). These aerial transects were developed systematically from randomly-selected start points and created along constant lines of latitude. The inter-transect spacing in the low, medium, high, and very-high density strata varies so that areas with higher waterfowl density are surveyed more intensively. The current four-year rotating...
This collection contains the quality-control (QC) transcribed data from the Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Breeding Pair Survey. These QC data were produced from the “raw” data using the R Package “AKaerial.” The raw data were evaluated against the current data standards in the ‘AKaerial data dictionary’ and saved to new QC data files with associated log files that document any changes that were made. The data files in this collection were named using the following naming convention: ACP_YYYY_QCObs_OOOO, where ACP=Arctic Coastal Plain, YYYY=Year, QCObs=Quality control observations, and OOOO=observer’s first initial and last name. These data contain known errors. These data should not be used except as raw input for...
R code that takes in the nest capture history data (chdata.csv), reformats it for model fitting in the Bayesian MCMC software JAGS via the R package jagsUI. Various generalized linear mixed models are fit using a Huggins two occasion capture history model structure as in Program Mark. A series of models of increasing complexity are fit and compared using DIC. Model text is written to text files for each model but is generally not used or saved. Posteriors are saved as Rworkspaces or written to text files for use in population estimation (nostpop.R). Code can be run to generate model results and R workspaces/objects to inspect parameter estimates. The primary purpose of this code is to compare various mixed model...
This project aims to estimate spatial and temporal trends of waterfowl and waterbirds on the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of Alaska from 2007 to present. The main approach is motivated by Amundson et al. (2019) using space-time generalized additive models (GAMs, Wood 2017) but with some improvements to handle observer effects and to associate sampling effort to specific spatial locations along a sampled transect similar to Miller et al. (2013). As part of this effort, a major data quality control process was begun in March 2022 that led to the correction of many data errors and re-formatting of the original 2007 to 2023 data to make it more accessible and usable to outside partners (original raw data available here)....
This is an SQLite GeoPackage simple feature linestring vector database of the Arctic Coastal Plain survey flow tracks in coordinate reference system EPSG:4326. There is one layer for each year 2007 to 2023. The field”Year” gives the calendar year that the transects were flown, “Stratum” gives the strata name, “NavTransect” gives the transect identifier used for navigation by the pilot (this is not necessarily the same as the design transect), and the “geom” field gives the simple feature Well Known Text geometry data of the approximate flight path recreated from bird observations. See the GitHub site for more information. This product was produced from the file ACPmapping.R and...
This collection contains the report log files produced by the R Package “AKaerial” when the QC data were created from the raw transcribed data. The QC log files document the quality control process, data standards, and what changes (if any) were made to the QC data compared to the raw data. Each log file was named following the same file naming conventions: SSSYYYY_QCLog_OOOO, where; YKD=Duck data, YKG=Goose data, YYY=Year, and OOO=observer’s first initial and last name.
Collection of photographs taken during PRISM field work on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photos include those taken of habitat within rapid survey plots (usually taken at the northwest corner of the rapid survey plot boundary), completed datasheets, and by crew members. Directories include ANWR_PRISM_plot_photos, ANWR_PRISM_datasheet_photos, ANWR_PRISM_other_photos. These data do not represent all locations within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge where specific avian species may be present, as surveys only occurred in discrete survey plots. Additionally, individual birds may have went undetected within survey plots, as detectability was likely less than 100%, and is a function of many variables, including...
Many North American shorebird species are experiencing significant population declines, but we have incomplete information about the population sizes and trends for most species. Conservation efforts are underway throughout the Hemisphere to reverse these declines, but we cannot measure the success of those efforts until we have an accurate assessment of population sizes and trends. The Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring (PRISM) is a broad-scale, multi-national effort to monitor both the sizes and trends of shorebird populations ( PRISM also strives to describe the distribution and habitat...
This file provides final processed GPS location data for Whimbrel tagged from 2019-2022 collected via the ARGOS website. Raw data files were processed with Lotek Argos-GPS Data Processor V3.18 (2018-2021) or V4.2 (2022).The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.Potential users of these data should first contact the data authors...

map background search result map search result map Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Breeding Pair Survey Design Transect Geodata Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Breeding Pair Survey QC Transcribed Data 2007-present Alaska Midcontinent Greater White-Fronted Goose Banding, Innoko National Wildlife Refuge Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Boat Data 1997-2002 Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Air Raw Transcribed Data 1997-2002 Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Flight Tracks 1997-2002 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Estimates by Year 2010-2015 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey 2010 Analysis - Trends USGS_Map_Index.tif for Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Arctic Coastal Plain Waterfowl and Waterbird Spatial and Temporal Trends Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Survey Approximate Fight Lines Alaska Yukon Delta Nest Plot Survey Detection Model Fitting Code Using R and JAGS Alaska Yukon Delta Nest Plot Survey Legacy Nest Card Data 1985 - 2019 Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey Analysis File Summary Reports ANWR PRISM photographs Utqiagvik Alaska Joint Circumpolar Protocols Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM surveys Alaska Shorebird Sample publications Alaska Shorebird Tracking study GPS locations WHIM Utqiagvik Alaska Joint Circumpolar Protocols ANWR PRISM photographs Alaska Yukon Delta Nest Plot Survey Detection Model Fitting Code Using R and JAGS Alaska Yukon Delta Nest Plot Survey Legacy Nest Card Data 1985 - 2019 Alaska Midcontinent Greater White-Fronted Goose Banding, Innoko National Wildlife Refuge Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey Analysis File Summary Reports Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM surveys Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Breeding Pair Survey Design Transect Geodata Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Breeding Pair Survey QC Transcribed Data 2007-present Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Boat Data 1997-2002 Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Air Raw Transcribed Data 1997-2002 Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Flight Tracks 1997-2002 Arctic Coastal Plain Waterfowl and Waterbird Spatial and Temporal Trends Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Survey Approximate Fight Lines Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Estimates by Year 2010-2015 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey 2010 Analysis - Trends USGS_Map_Index.tif for Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Alaska Shorebird Tracking study GPS locations WHIM Alaska Shorebird Sample publications