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Recovery of the endangered pallid sturgeon is comprised of interrelated programs (including, Conservation Propagation and Stocking Program (CPSP), and Pallid Sturgeon Population Assessment Program (PSPAP) with numerous contributing agencies. These programs are in need of improved database architecture to integrate and share the capture, tagging, propagation, stocking, genetics, and other critical data to meet program and population monitoring requirements and to measure progress toward recovery. A range-wide relational database architecture or decision support system is needed to manage and integrate the large amounts of data collected by numerous partners and programs in order to evaluate progress toward downlisting...
Grassland birds have declined more rapidly than any other group of land birds in North America in the last 50 years with populations of Spragues Pipit, Chestnut-collared and Thick-billed Longspur, and Bairds Sparrow having declined 65-94% during this period. This cross-programmatic collaborative project will expand on a growing network of Motus automated receivers (stations) to provide the first fine-scale quantitative assessment of the migratory period for regional priority grassland songbirds which will inform key knowledge gaps about migration routes and stopover locations. Data collected via Motus automated telemetry tracking will allow the FWS and partners to inform full-life cycle models to reveal limiting...
Grassland birds have declined more rapidly than any other group of land birds in North America in the last 50 years, with populations of Spragues Pipit, Chestnut-collared and Thick-billed Longspur, and Bairds Sparrow having declined 65-94% during this period. This proposed cross-programmatic collaborative project between Migratory Birds and Refuges will expand on a growing network of Motus automated radio telemetry receivers (stations) to provide the first fine-scale quantitative assessment of the migratory period for regional priority grassland songbirds, which will inform key knowledge gaps about migration routes and stopover locations. Data collected via Motus automated telemetry tracking will allow the FWS and...
Populations of lesser prairie-chickens are proposed for listing as threatened or endangered. Lesserprairie-chickens require relatively intact, large grassland dominated habitats for population persistence. Successful conservation efforts require knowledge of potential landscape thresholds and grassland patch configuration affecting lesser prairie-chicken populations. We will use existing population survey, lek location, and data from >700 previously marked lesser prairie-chickens to determine the potential for the presences of large-scale landcover thresholds that influence occupancy and persistence of lesser prairie-chickens as well as testing effects of gradients of grassland composition and configuration within...
Promote and facilitate joint implementation with partners sagebrush conservation strategy, DOI Science Framework, Science Actionable Plan, and Western Weed Action Plan. Goals of this agreement are to address the elements of sahgebrush conservation strategy, saghgebrush initiatve coordination, greater sage-grouse population data and trend analysis, invasives and fire policy, conservation delivery and science acquisition, and sagebrush conservation design, network governance, and monitoring and adaptive management.Start date: 9/1/2021Project end date: 9/20/2025Award ID: Not Yet Determined
There are multiple ongoing applied science technical projects and concepts for sagebrush SHC efforts that require additional capacity in the form of a dedicated full-time post-doctoral candidate to accelerate project delivery and follow up. For example, State of the Sagebrush Spatial Conservation Planning, WAFWA Conservation Design, NatureServe validation of FY21 Conservation Design, Incorporation of Ungulate Migration Areas into Conservation Design. These projects have been delayed due to lack of capacity and tangible results would be benefited and accelerated with the addition of additional capacity via a two-year hire. This $100,000 SA investment supports conservation priorities for the Sagebrush Ecosystem and...
The funding will support a post-doctoral researcher for 2 years to work directly on regional projects focused on invasive annual grasses: Combining multiple existing data sets over multiple years from Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho, and New Mexico using a meta-analytical framework to evaluate:1) Relationship between invasive annual grass abundance and desirable plant community characteristics (productivity, diversity, abundance, etc.), 2) Responses of desirable plant communities to invasive annual grass management (herbicides first, then other management methods), and 3) Enhance an existing project to develop an index of sagebrush quality and susceptibility to impacts from invasive annual grasses. The groundwork...
This collaborative project will result in the first fine-scale quantitative assessment of the migratory period for regional priority grassland songbirds (Spragues Pipit, Chestnut-collared and McCowns Longspurs, Bairds and Grasshopper Sparrows, and Lark Bunting). Data collected via automated telemetry tracking will inform full-life cycle models to reveal limiting factors and identify critical habitat for these species throughout the annual cycle, particularly migration.
This Phase II project will complete the funding needs for the modeling and product components to revise existing priority protection and restoration watersheds for 5-7 aquatic species guilds and 4-8 priority aquatic species across the Grassland Ecosystem. The project will utilize and update the original model platform used to create the first priorities for the Great Plains Fish Habitat Partnership (GPFHP) in 2011 and utilize input from the Partners Council fishery experts of the GPFHP, which is composed of twenty state and federal agencies and nonprofits focused on aquatic conservation in the Great Plains as well as meet Grasslands Initiative goals. Benefits of the proposed outcome will be a broad consensus on...
The CED has had success in tracking implementation of conservation actions for terrestrial at-risk species, and can develop systems to monitor the implementation of and inform effectiveness of conservation, restoration, and recovery actions for aquatic at-risk species as well. Pursuant to the Regional Priority Goal to Recover listed cutthroat trout and improve or maintain the conservation status of other cutthroat trout and Arctic grayling populations, the CED Team proposes to develop a framework and modules that displays important resource layers/values important for biological planning and conservation design in addition to collecting information about recovery actions that may improve habitat and/or reduce threats...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: CA, CO, CO, CO, CO, All tags...
Research project to examing impacts of towers on sage-grouse. Sage-grouse are considered to be very sensitive to towers, yet the mechanism is unknown. This research will examine the mechanism of the impact and provide applicable recommendations for minimizing impacts or for mitigation
Compliation of long-term data set on weather patterns and energy development impacts on 3 sagebrush obligate migratory birds. Will result in several peer-reviewed scientific publications.
The SET is a cross-programmatic, cross-regional team consisting of US Fish and Wildlife Service sagebrush ecosystem conservation practitioners.Our mission: The SETs mission is to represent and work across US Fish and Wildlife Service programs and partnerships to deliver strategic conservation solutions for the sagebrush biome.Our vision: Our vision is for a healthy, functional sagebrush biome that supports wildlife AND people.Operational approach: The SET thrives on inclusion, partnerships, actionable science and delivery. We believe conservation investments should be transparent, accountable, and focused on strategic investments in common landscape-scale priorities and objectives. We understand the Service is but...
Identify invasive species management costs based on monetizing prevention, early detection and rapid response, aggressive management and restoration for ecological states associated with intact cores, low/moderate invasion transition cores, and high invasion mitigation areas; 2) identify raw cost in dollars of invasie species management implemente3d through a “defend and grow the core: aproach based on current level of invasion and future level of invasion after 40 years based on status quo of resources and 25%, 50% and 75% increase of investment of resources; 3) utilize matrix of costs for intact core, mild/mod invaded, and heavily invaded “cores” and create spatial scenaiors of assuming some level of effectiveness...
Pilot Aquatic Grassland Prioritization Tool Focused on Topeka Shiner and Cogeners. Objectives: 1) Identify data sets and develop methodology building on existing analyses of priority watersheds and fish habitat selection criteria across grassland ecosystem 2) Assess need and feasibility to develop decision tool for strategically addressing measureable, cross-programmatic conservation aquatic grassland benefits. Programs (Fish Habitat, Fish Passage, Partners and FAC, ES and NWR) and partners (Midwest Landscape Initiative and Great Plains FHP) can use this tool to support decisions for committing resources within and across grassland ecosystems to priority areas with multi-species benefits (initial focus on Topeka...
Pollinator surveys are currently being conducted in North Dakota, but we are lacking data in other areas. Given likely petitions on the horizon, having baseline data for pollinators will be essential for an informed response. Additionally, these data will be important for habitat prioritization. Given the complexity and difficulty for comprehensive identification of all key pollinators and the urgency of threatened petitions, initial projects should likely focus on bees and butterflies. Results of these surveys will also help guide where and how to sample several at risk species in different habitat types across several states. Ultimately this information could inform a national pollinator survey database development.PI:...
This project supports the analysis of the west-wide (and cross-border, as the project involves samples from across southern Canada as well) analysis of wolverine gene flow and population structure. Building upon previous occupancy surveys and tissue sample collection conducted through collaborative work between the Service and the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA), this project proposes to provide funding for a quantitative geneticist at the University of Montana to analyze wolverine genetic data, conduct two workshops with State and provincial experts, conduct landscape-scale genetic connectivity assessments, and publish a peer-review manuscript.PI: Erin Landguth erin.landguth@gmail.comPI/Funding...

map background search result map search result map Expansion of pollinator surveys in grassland states Weather variability and sagebrush songbird demography Joint Canada-US Analysis of Wolverine Landscape Genetic Data CED: Cutthroat Trout Recovery Monitoring Module Expansion of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System network for assessing movements, distribution, and survival of priority grassland songbirds in the Great Plains Tall structures and sage-grouse ; A comparison of sage-grouse response to cellular and communication towers and design feature recommedations to mitigate mortality risk and nest depredation Developing a Decision Support System for the Pallid Sturgeon Recovery Program Expansion of the Motus network Implementing SHC in the sagebrush ecosystem through enhanced technical support USFWS Conservation and Restoration of the Sagebrush Biome Integrated with Western States and Other Partners Enhancing Regional Decision Making for Invasive Grass Management Assess the economic costs and benefits of implementing a "Defend and Grow the Core" Approach for invasive annual grass management as a pre-emptive measure for costs and benefits and prevent expansion of losses from wildfire risk Regional Landscape-scale Prioritization and Decision Tool for Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Conservation Opportunity in LR6 Grassland Ecosystem Sagebrush Ecosystem Team (SET) Motus network development on National Wildlife Refuges for tracking declining grassland songbirds Great Plains Fish Habitat Partnership Phase II: Identifying and prioritizing restoration and protection areas for Grassland aquatic species Identification of landscape thresholds and patch dynamics for lesser prairie-chickens Identification of landscape thresholds and patch dynamics for lesser prairie-chickens Weather variability and sagebrush songbird demography Expansion of pollinator surveys in grassland states Developing a Decision Support System for the Pallid Sturgeon Recovery Program Expansion of the Motus network Motus network development on National Wildlife Refuges for tracking declining grassland songbirds Tall structures and sage-grouse ; A comparison of sage-grouse response to cellular and communication towers and design feature recommedations to mitigate mortality risk and nest depredation Expansion of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System network for assessing movements, distribution, and survival of priority grassland songbirds in the Great Plains Enhancing Regional Decision Making for Invasive Grass Management Joint Canada-US Analysis of Wolverine Landscape Genetic Data Regional Landscape-scale Prioritization and Decision Tool for Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Conservation Opportunity in LR6 Grassland Ecosystem Great Plains Fish Habitat Partnership Phase II: Identifying and prioritizing restoration and protection areas for Grassland aquatic species Implementing SHC in the sagebrush ecosystem through enhanced technical support USFWS Conservation and Restoration of the Sagebrush Biome Integrated with Western States and Other Partners Assess the economic costs and benefits of implementing a "Defend and Grow the Core" Approach for invasive annual grass management as a pre-emptive measure for costs and benefits and prevent expansion of losses from wildfire risk Sagebrush Ecosystem Team (SET) CED: Cutthroat Trout Recovery Monitoring Module