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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative
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The data of Colorado Parks and Wildlife public access property was derived using the boundary description in the area deed. The boundaries were descriped either using bearing and distances, or using BLM' GCDB datasets on a quarter, quarter section basis. A shapefile from BLM --GCDB of the quarter, quarter sections was downloaded and used for both a reference to help insure that boundary was being entered correctly and as a guide for traverse starting points. The shapefile was also used when boundary was described using the plss to copy the quarter, quarter sections described in the deeds and paste those into the dataset. This was done in ArcMap. The meets and bounds section was mapped by using the traverse...
Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Units: meters Spheroid: GRS1980 Datum: NAD83 Parameters: -1st parallel: 27 25 00 -2nd parallel: 34 55 00 -central meridian: -100 00 00 -latitude of projection origin: 31 10 00 -false easting: 1000000 -false northing: 1000000
A spatial dataset of lands and waters that The Nature Conservancy has a legal interest in (such as a conservation easement or fee-simple ownership). Includes spatial data from TNC's Conservation Lands System (CLS) database, which is the legal database of record for all TNC land transactions (fee, easement, lease and deed restrictions). Conservation Management Status (CMS) is a measure derived from the intent, duration and the effective management potential of spatial features of interest ("conservation situations") in the dataset. It is defined as a measure of the likelihood that an existing conservation situation is sufficient to secure biodiversity and allow for its persistence. For more information about the...
This data was downloaded from the NRCS Geospatial Gateway ( and extracted by the GPLCC boundary on August 28th, 2015. This data includes these program areas: EWPP-FPE, EWRP, FRPP, GRP, WRP. This file does NOT include Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) areas. The remainder of this record is taken directly from the source materials: Easement data are available to the public and for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Easement boundaries and centroids are available in Internet Map Services. The amount of information available to the public is limited in order to preserve Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Section 1619 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act...
The Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GPLCC, is a partnership that provides applied science and decision support tools to assist natural resource managers conserve plants, fish and wildlife in the mid- and short-grass prairie of the southern Great Plains. It is part of a national network of public-private partnerships — known as Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs, — that work collaboratively across jurisdictions and political boundaries to leverage resources and share science capacity. The Great Plains LCC identifies science priorities for the region and helps foster science that addresses these priorities to support...
The administrative boundary for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative was created by combining Bird Conservation Regions (BCR) 18 and 19. These two regions combine the historically mixed and short grass prairie ecosystems traditional referenced as the Great Plains of the United States and have similar biological, ecological, and climatological characteristics and concerns.
The Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GPLCC, is a partnership that provides applied science and decision support tools to assist natural resource managers conserve plants, fish and wildlife in the mid- and short-grass prairie of the southern Great Plains. It is part of a national network of public-private partnerships — known as Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs, — that work collaboratively across jurisdictions and political boundaries to leverage resources and share science capacity. The Great Plains LCC identifies science priorities for the region and helps foster science that addresses these priorities to support...
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Property Boundary data set is a digital representation of property under the control of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and the State of Nebraska. The property represented in the data set may be owned, managed, or leased by the Commission. The data set covers the state of Nebraska and includes areas such as Wildlife Management Areas (WMA), State Fish Hatcheries (FH), State Parks (SP), State Recreation Areas (SRA), State Recreational Trails (SRT), and State Historical Parks (SHP).
Wildlife Management Areas and Waterfowl Management Areas are properties owned or management by and under the control of the New Mexico State Game Commission.
The National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) is a collaborative venture to compile easement records (both spatial and tabular) from land trusts and public agencies throughout the United States in a single, up-to-date, sustainable, GIS compatible, online source. The goal of the NCED is to provide a comprehensive picture of the privately owned conservation easement lands, recognizing their contribution to America's natural heritage, a vibrant economy, and healthy communities. Conservation easements are legal agreements voluntarily entered into between landowners and conservation entities (agencies or land trusts) for the express purpose of protecting certain societal values such as open space or vital wildlife...
An area depicting ownership parcels of the surface estate. Each surface ownership parcel is tied to a particular legal transaction. The same individual or organization may currently own many parcels that may or may not have been acquired through the same legal transaction. Therefore, they are captured as separate entities rather than merged together. This is in contrast to Basic Ownership, in which the surface ownership parcels having the same owner are merged together. Basic Ownership provides the general user with the Forest Service versus non-Forest Service view of land ownership within National Forest boundaries. Surface Ownership provides the land status user with a current snapshot of ownership within National...
The information contained in these files is a general characterization of the area depicted and is intended only for informational purposes. Data are based on visual onsite observations and/or photographs and not from professional land surveys and shall not be construed as applicable to, or used for, precise property boundary determinations and/or land ownership purposes. Although a reasonable attempt was made to provide factual information, due to a myriad of factors, no guarantee of the accuracy of the content, usability or presentation of the data can be or is made. Neither the State of Oklahoma nor any agency or division thereof, nor any of their agents, employees, contractors, or subcontractors, make any...
This data set represents the Wildlife Habitat Management Area boundaries. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department, under the direction of the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission, administers lands and public easement areas that are home to vast numbers of fish and wildlife. The department maintains approximately 413,000 acres of land under deed, lease or by agreement and continually strives to acquire new access areas. These areas include access to nearly 225 miles of streams, over 21,000 lake surface areas, and more than 148 miles of road right-of-ways. Management of these lands demonstrates our state's commitment to its precious wildlife heritage and those people who seek to enjoy our wildlife and wild lands.Wyoming's...

    map background search result map search result map Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Boundary, Buffered 10km U.S. Parks for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative USDA-NRCS Easement Areas for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Boundary U.S. Forestry Service - Surface Ownership Parcels for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative The Nature Conservancy - Fee Title and Easements for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Owned or Managed Areas Texas Parks and Wildlife Wildlife Management Areas Wyoming Game and Fish Department Colorado Parks and Wildlife Property Boundaries New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Wildlife, Waterfowl and Fisheries Management Areas National Conservation Easement Database Oklahoma WMAs New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Wildlife, Waterfowl and Fisheries Management Areas Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Owned or Managed Areas Wyoming Game and Fish Department Oklahoma WMAs Colorado Parks and Wildlife Property Boundaries USDA-NRCS Easement Areas for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative The Nature Conservancy - Fee Title and Easements for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Boundary Texas Parks and Wildlife Wildlife Management Areas U.S. Parks for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Boundary, Buffered 10km U.S. Forestry Service - Surface Ownership Parcels for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative National Conservation Easement Database