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Groundwater is a vital resource in the Mississippi embayment of the central United States. An innovative approach using machine learning (ML) was employed to predict groundwater salinity—including specific conductance (SC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and chloride (Cl) concentrations—across three drinking-water aquifers of the Mississippi embayment. A ML approach was used because it accommodates a large and diverse set of explanatory variables, does not assume monotonic relations between predictors and response data, and results can be extrapolated to areas of the aquifer not sampled. These aspects of ML allowed potential drivers and sources of high salinity water that have been hypothesized in other studies to...
This data release presents tabular data and water-level drawdown model files for 32 Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer monitoring wells and 4 Memphis aquifer observation wells from an aquifer test conducted in October 2017 at the Tennessee Valley Authority Allen power plants in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee. The dataset contains the water-level model files used to estimate drawdown in the monitoring and observation wells during the aquifer test, created using the SeriesSEE Excel add-in program (Halford and others, 2012). The SeriesSEE Excel add-in also is included so that water-level models can be reactivated. Reference Cited: Halford, K.J., Garcia, C.A., Fenlon, J.M., and Mirus, B.B., 2012, Advanced...
Groundwater is a vital resource to the Mississippi embayment region of the central United States. Regional and integrated assessments of water availability that link physical flow models and water quality in principal aquifer systems provide context for the long-term availability of these water resources. An innovative approach using machine learning was employed to predict groundwater pH across drinking water aquifers of the Mississippi embayment. The region includes two principal regional aquifer systems; the Mississippi River Valley alluvial (MRVA) aquifer and the Mississippi embayment aquifer system that includes several regional aquifers and confining units. Based on the distribution of groundwater use for...
Of the approximately 6.6 million people living in the Mississippi embayment (MISE) region in the central United States, approximately 65 percent rely on groundwater for their drinking water (Dieter, Linsey, and others, 2017). Regional assessments of water quality in principal aquifer systems provide context for the long-term availability of these water resources for drinking-water supplies. To assess the current (2018) status of water quality in MISE in relation to drinking water supplies, groundwater withdrawal zones used for domestic and public supply were modeled using available groundwater well and hydrogeologic framework data. Three dimensional surfaces were modeled to map the depth zones at which groundwater...
Groundwater residence times and flow path lengths were simulated for two major aquifers of the Mississippi embayment region using particle tracking (Pollock, 2012; Starn and Belitz, 2018) in a regional groundwater-flow model (Haugh and others, 2020). The Mississippi embayment physiographic region includes two principal aquifer systems: the surficial aquifer system, which is dominated by the Quaternary Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA), and the Mississippi embayment aquifer system, which includes deeper Tertiary aquifers and confining units. The groundwater residence time simulation focused on the MRVA and two hydrogeologic units of the Claiborne Group (CLBG) from the deeper system, including the middle...
The Southern Hills aquifer system is a valuable source of accessible, high-quality water in Louisiana. In 2015, over 209 million gallons per day of groundwater were withdrawn within the 5-parish Baton Rouge capital area including East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, West Feliciana, and Pointe Coupee parishes. Groundwater is currently the sole source for public supply and supports a range of industrial activity. Groundwater withdrawals since the 1940s have lowered water levels, altered groundwater-flow directions, and have caused saltwater to intrude into some freshwater-containing sands of the Southern Hills aquifer system beneath Baton Rouge. In cooperation with the Capital Area Groundwater Conservation...
As part of a study to analyze the effects of sea-level rise on groundwater resources of Colonial National Historical Park, a monitoring network was established on Historic Jamestown Island, Virginia, to evaluate current levels of and changes in groundwater elevation and water quality. The monitoring network includes 45 wells and piezometers, 3 marsh sites, and 2 surface-water sites distributed across 5 sampling locations on Jamestown Island. Field parameters, including water temperature, specific conductance, pH, and dissolved oxygen, were collected at the marsh and surface-water sites. Field parameters and water levels were collected from the wells and piezometers. Information provided in this data release was...
This dataset provides analytical and other data in support of an analysis of lead and manganese in untreated drinking water from Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain aquifers, eastern United States. The occurrence of dissolved lead and manganese in sampled groundwater, prior to its distribution or treatment, is related to the potential presence of source minerals and specific environmental factors including hydrologic position along the flow path, water-rock interactions, and associated geochemical conditions such as pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. A DO/pH framework is proposed as a screening tool for evaluating risk of elevated lead or manganese, based on the occurrence of elevated lead and manganese concentrations...
The Sparta aquifer is a primary source of groundwater in north-central Louisiana. In 2015, more than 60 million gallons per day were withdrawn from the Sparta aquifer, of which over 90 percent was used for public supply and industrial purposes (Collier, 2018). Concentrated withdrawals from the Sparta aquifer have caused regional water-level declines within the Sparta aquifer (McGee and Brantly, 2015). Widespread concern about the potential effects of declining water levels has brought forth many questions regarding the sustainability of the aquifer as well as continued saltwater intrusion. In cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Lower Mississippi-Gulf...
The Chicot aquifer system underlies an area of approximately 9,500 mi2 in southwestern Louisiana and is located within the Gulf Coastal Plain physiographic province. The region includes all or parts of 15 parishes -- Vernon, Rapides, Evangeline, Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Jefferson Davis, Acadia, St. Landry, Lafayette, St. Martin, Cameron, Iberia, Vermilion, and St. Mary. The Chicot aquifer system is a major source of groundwater for southwestern Louisiana, accounts for approximately 48 percent of all groundwater use in the State, and provides freshwater for public supply, industry, agriculture, and aquaculture (Collier and Sargent, 2018). Withdrawals of groundwater have created water-level gradients favorable...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Acadia Parish, Allen Parish, Beauregard Parish, CLAS, Calcasieu Parish, All tags...
Groundwater is a vital resource in the Mississippi embayment physiographic region (Mississippi embayment) of the central United States and can be limited in some areas by high concentrations of trace elements. The concentration of trace elements in groundwater is largely driven by oxidation-reduction (redox) processes. Redox processes are a group of biotically driven reactions in which energy is derived from the exchange of electrons. In groundwater, this commonly occurs through decomposition of organic matter (carbon) by microbes, which consumes dissolved oxygen (DO). Under low DO conditions, iron (Fe), manganese, and arsenic can dissolve from coatings on aquifer sediments and be released into groundwater. Therefore,...
In 2013, water-quality and age-date tracer samples were collected at wells located along two flow paths in the Memphis aquifer, southwest Tennessee, as part of the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project of the National Water-Quality Program to better understand the vulnerability of the aquifer to contamination.. Each flow path began in the aquifer outcrop area (shallow well depths) and ended at public supply wells (deep well depths) in Memphis, TN in the confined parts of the aquifer. This data release includes results for samples collected as part of this study and information for additional wells that provided supplemental data near the end of each flow path to support the findings in "Fraction of young...
Datasets include hydrogeologic cross section wells within the Red River alluvial aquifer surficial extent, Red River alluvial aquifer base contours and wells, isopach map showing combined thickness of the Red River alluvial aquifer sand and gravel units, wells used to construct the isopach map of the Red River alluvial aquifer, wells used to construct 25-foot contours showing altitude of the base of the Red River alluvial aquifer, cross-section wells within the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer, thickness of the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer contours and well points, contours showing the altitude of the base of freshwater of the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer, outcrop extent of the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer outcrop, and the approximate down-dip...
The Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) overlies and is bounded by several regional aquifers that make up the Mississippi embayment aquifer system (MEAS) in the central United States. The MRVA, which consists of Quaternary alluvium, is one of the most heavily pumped aquifers in the nation and is a major source of groundwater for irrigation. Large groundwater-level declines in portions of the aquifer have raised concerns about sustainable use of this important resource. An aquifer-scale assessment of groundwater-age categories based on tritium concentrations was completed to better understand groundwater availability and susceptibility. The presence of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, in a...
The National Hydrogeologic Grid (NHG) dataset includes a raster and vector representation of 1-km cells defining a uniform grid that encompasses the continental United States. The value of each cell of the raster dataset corresponds to the 1-km cell number defined as 'cellnum' in the attributes of the vector data. The NHG consists of 4,000 rows and 4,980 columns, numbered from the top left corner of the grid, to correspond to the traditional row and column numbering system of the MODFLOW groundwater-flow simulation code (Hughes and others, 2017; Langevin and others, 2017). The Albers projection was chosen for the NHG because of the capability to best preserve area, which is crucial in the computation of volume for...
Groundwater-quality data were collected from 983 wells as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Project of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Program and are included in this report. The data were collected from six types of well networks: principal aquifer study networks, which are used to assess the quality of groundwater used for public water supply; land-use study networks, which are used to assess land-use effects on shallow groundwater quality; major aquifer study networks, which are used to assess the quality of groundwater used for domestic supply; enhanced trends networks, which are used to evaluate the time scales during which groundwater quality changes; vertical flow-path study...

    map background search result map search result map Well characteristics, water quality and age-date tracer data for wells along two regional flow paths in the Memphis aquifer, southwest Tennessee Inventory of well-construction data, water-quality and quality control data, statistical data, and geochemical modeling data for wells in Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain aquifers, eastern United States, 2012 and 2013 Datasets of the hydrogeologic framework of the Red River alluvial aquifer and Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer in northwestern Louisiana National-Scale Grid to Support Regional Groundwater Availability Studies and a National Hydrogeologic Database Water-level models used to estimate drawdown in 32 monitoring wells screened in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and 4 observation wells screened in the Memphis aquifer during an aquifer test at the Tennessee Valley Authority Allen power plants, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, October 2017. Groundwater withdrawal zones for drinking water from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and Mississippi embayment aquifers Simulated groundwater residence times in two principal aquifers of the Mississippi embayment physiographic region Machine-learning model predictions and groundwater-quality rasters of specific conductance, total dissolved solids, and chloride in aquifers of the Mississippi embayment Prediction grids of pH for the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial and Claiborne Aquifers Field Parameters and Water Levels from Monitoring Sites at Jamestown Island, Virginia, 2016 - 2018 Machine-learning model predictions and rasters of dissolved oxygen probability, iron concentration, and redox conditions in groundwater in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial and Claiborne aquifers Datasets of Groundwater-Quality and Select Quality-Control Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January 2017 through December 2019 (ver. 1.1, January 2021) Chicot Aquifer System Extent in Southwestern Louisiana, October 2020 Groundwater age categories based on tritium concentrations in samples collected from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and aquifers of the Mississippi embayment principal aquifer system Field Parameters and Water Levels from Monitoring Sites at Jamestown Island, Virginia, 2016 - 2018 Water-level models used to estimate drawdown in 32 monitoring wells screened in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and 4 observation wells screened in the Memphis aquifer during an aquifer test at the Tennessee Valley Authority Allen power plants, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, October 2017. Well characteristics, water quality and age-date tracer data for wells along two regional flow paths in the Memphis aquifer, southwest Tennessee Datasets of the hydrogeologic framework of the Red River alluvial aquifer and Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer in northwestern Louisiana Chicot Aquifer System Extent in Southwestern Louisiana, October 2020 Groundwater age categories based on tritium concentrations in samples collected from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and aquifers of the Mississippi embayment principal aquifer system Groundwater withdrawal zones for drinking water from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and Mississippi embayment aquifers Simulated groundwater residence times in two principal aquifers of the Mississippi embayment physiographic region Machine-learning model predictions and groundwater-quality rasters of specific conductance, total dissolved solids, and chloride in aquifers of the Mississippi embayment Prediction grids of pH for the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial and Claiborne Aquifers Machine-learning model predictions and rasters of dissolved oxygen probability, iron concentration, and redox conditions in groundwater in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial and Claiborne aquifers Inventory of well-construction data, water-quality and quality control data, statistical data, and geochemical modeling data for wells in Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain aquifers, eastern United States, 2012 and 2013 Datasets of Groundwater-Quality and Select Quality-Control Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January 2017 through December 2019 (ver. 1.1, January 2021) National-Scale Grid to Support Regional Groundwater Availability Studies and a National Hydrogeologic Database