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A three-dimensional groundwater flow model using MODFLOW-NWT was developed to evaluate historical and potential stream capture in the lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada. The Humboldt River Basin is the only river basin that is contained entirely within the state of Nevada. The effect of groundwater pumping on the Humboldt River is not well understood. Tools are needed to determine stream capture and manage groundwater pumping in the Humboldt River Basin. Previous work has demonstrated that the river’s surface-water resource is sensitive to groundwater withdrawals, which have steadily increased since the 1950s for agriculture, municipal, and mining uses. A numerical groundwater flow model was developed for the purpose...
This U.S. Geological Survey data release consists of a geospatial dataset containing information on estimated streamflow extent, stream velocity, and stream depth at Soldier Meadows Black Rock Desert - High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area, Nevada, and the data acquired and processed to support the estimation of those attributes. Supporting datasets include topographic survey data collected using a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) in Soldier Meadows from August 13-15, 2019, and an archive of the two-dimensional hydraulic model used to generate a polygon dataset for streamflow extent as well as raster datasets for stream velocity, and stream depth. The data release includes: 1) a polygon...
This USGS data release consists of polygons representing Gumboot Lake extents from the report Effects of ground-water development on the water regimen of Paradise Valley, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1949-1968 and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Tributary Areas (Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Water Resources Bulletin 39). There are two datasets containing four different extents. The first dataset contains the approximate maximum extent Gumboot Lake extent as published on plate 1 of Bulletin 39. The second data set contains three approximate elevation-derived extents based on observations published in Bulletin 39: 1) based on 1952-1953 estimated lake elevation of 4,320 feet, 2) based on the...
This USGS data release presents tabular data and photos used to determine (1) the duration of flow, subsurface temperature, and concurrent infiltration along an ephemeral channel and (2) vertical change of soil moisture, texture, and pore-water chemistry in the unsaturated zone at selected locations. The data were collected to investigate the feasibility of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) for aquifer storage and recovery in Bedell Flat hydrographic area, Nevada. The supplemental data consist of 4 tabular datasets and time-lapse photographs of discharge events. Data in this release include: (1) Bird Springs channel site location information (tabular data), (2) Bird Springs channel stream stage and subsurface temperature...
This data release consists of a Microsoft® Access database and Microsoft® Excel workbook that contain water-level data and other hydrologic information for wells in and near areas of underground nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site (currently called the Nevada National Security Site). The database provides information for each well (well construction, borehole lithology, units contributing water to the well, and general site remarks) and associated water-level measurements (measurement source, status, method, accuracy, and specific water-level remarks). Additionally, the database provides hydrograph descriptions that document the water-level history and describe and interpret the water-level hydrograph for each...
This U.S. Geological Survey data release contains data for Smith Valley, Nevada, digitized from plate 2 of the 1976 publication: Rush, F.E.,and Schroer, C.V., 1976, Geohydrology of Smith Valley, Nevada with special reference to the water-use period 1953-72: Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Water Resources Bulletin 43, 43p. Data are for spring 1972 and include groundwater-level contours and a groundwater divide polyline.
This USGS data release, supporting USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5075, Estimates of Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration, Stump Spring and Hiko Springs, Clark County, Southern Nevada, 2016–18, consists of five datasets - Normalized Difference Vegetation Indexes (NDVI) and a mapped groundwater discharge areas (GDA) for two spring areas, and a two-class land cover classification for Stump Springs and the Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) adjacent to Stump Springs. The mapped GDAs are the area within each spring’s riparian area where discharge from evaporation by open water or bare soil and transpiration from phreatophytic plants exceeds the volume of water contributed by precipitation....
This USGS data release presents data used to interpret aquifer tests and ultimately characterize the hydraulic properties of carbonate-rock and basin-fill aquifers near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, northeastern Nevada. The supplemental data consist of 2 child items and 3 attached appendix datasets. The child items are: (1) 2011–2016 Single Well Aquifer Tests: Pumping Schedules, Water-Level Data in Aquifer Test Wells, and Analysis Results from Tests Conducted near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, Northeastern Nevada, (tabular datasets, pdfs, and Excel workbooks), and (2) 2016 Carbonate-Rock Aquifer Test Data: Pumping Schedules, Water-Levels, Weather Data, Water-Level Models, and Hydrographs showing Drawdown and Rise...
A three-dimensional MODFLOW-NWT groundwater flow model was developed to evaluate the impacts of alternative water management scenarios on the groundwater resources of Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, Nevada. In addition, the resulting impact on flows in the Carson River and Lahontan Reservoir are also evaluated. During the economic boom that occurred from 2004-2006 in northwestern Nevada, municipal and housing growth increased stress on the limited water resources of this semi-arid region. In 2008, when the economy slowed, new housing development stopped, and immediate pressure on finite groundwater resources abated. In anticipation of economic recovery and resumed growth, however, the U.S. Geological Survey...
This digital raster dataset represents depth to pre-Cenozoic bedrock in northern Nevada as published in Chapter 6: Geophysical Methods and Application in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2218, Assessment of Metallic and Mineral Resources in the Humboldt River Basin, Northern Nevada by D.A. Ponce. The data are represented on figure 6-9 in this publication and were later provided as raster format geospatial digital data via written communication from D.A. Ponce in 2007. The data have been reprojected but are otherwise as provided. A thorough explanation of the production methods is available in the larger work.
Two-dimensional variably saturated heat and flow models (VS2DH) were used to examine seepage rates along the Birdspring drainage for the purpose of exploring the drainage channel for use in an managed aquifer recharge project. Six transect models were separately calibrated to sediment temperatures observed during episodic runoff events during water year 2017 and 2018. The models were calibrated to unsteady flow conditions, then estimates of seepage losses were made for steady state conditions assuming stage conditions associated with 4 cubic feet per second of imported water. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report...
Selected evapotranspiration data were collected from 7/5/2011 to 1/1/2017 at the Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS, in support of ongoing research to improve the understanding of hydrologic and contaminant-transport processes in arid environments. The data presented in this data release includes 30-minute and daily evapotranspiration and associated energy-balance fluxes, precipitation, soil water content, air and soil temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, and photosynthetically active radiation. Data methods follow those described in Moreo and others (2017). This is the third in a series of three releases of evapotranspiration data, which has been measured continuously...
This USGS data release presents tabular data and a model archive used to estimate seepage rates at 19 locations on the Truckee Canal for the 2018 and 2019 irrigation seasons. This supplemental data release consists of two child items: (1) Model archive of two-dimensional variably saturated heat and flow models (VS2DH) used to examine seepage rates in the Truckee Canal at 19 transect locations (model archive), and (2) ​Tabular data of site locations, sediment and water temperature, and canal head or stage in the Truckee Canal (tabular data).
This data release contains two tabular data sets of water-quality data collected on the East Fork Carson River. EFCR_CQW.xlsx is a Microsoft Excel workbook containing continuous water-quality data collected by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) at a site on the East Fork Carson River over two time periods in 2010 and 2012. Data were collected at U.S. Geological Survey site number 385755119473704, East Fork Carson River near Muller Lane downstream transect, also referred to as "SDT" in the larger work. Stream temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductance were measured at 5 to 10 minute intervals from August 3-September 29, 2010 and from July 20-August 17, 2012. EFCR_StreamProfiles.xlsx...
This data release describes micrometeorological and soil-moisture data collected from January 1, 2017 through May 31, 2019 at the Amargosa Desert Research Site adjacent to a low-level radio­active waste and hazardous chemical waste facility near Beatty, Nevada. Micrometeorological data include precipitation, solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, saturated and ambient vapor pressure, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, and soil-water content. Soil-moisture data include periodic measurements of volumetric water-content at four experimental sites that represent vegetated native soil, devegetated native soil, and two simulated waste disposal trenches—maximum measurement depths range from 5.25...
This polygon vector dataset represents over 18,000 derived watersheds associated with meadows listed in the Sierra Nevada Meadows Compilation (version 2.0). The watershed polygons are attributed with geology, landform, and fire recurrence interval departure information thought to potentially influence the hydrology of meadows.
A proof-of-concept MODFLOW 6 groundwater model was developed to represent the bedrock, delta, and alluvially-deposited aquifers underlying the Mekong River Basin approximately between Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Cao Lanh, Vietnam. The model was constructed using square grid cells measuring 2,200 meters on each side. The proof-of-concept groundwater model was used to simulate environmental baseline conditions, representative of a 20-year period with stresses from November 1990 through October 2010. Additionally, a 20-year period of drier conditions with sea-level rise was also simulated that approximates the Mekong River Commission C3 climate scenario (drier climate with sea level rise; Mekong River Commission, 2019)....
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release consists of data from two tracer investigations in the Snake Creek drainage of Great Basin National Park, White Pine County, Nevada. The first investigation, occurring from April to September 2019, involved injecting a fluorescein dye tracer below a diversion point in Snake Creek and monitoring 13 sites in the Snake Creek and neighboring Big Wash drainages for presence of the dye. The results of the first investigation were used to select a targeted monitoring location for a second, quantitative investigation. The second investigation, occurring from September 2020 to March 2021, involved injecting two tracers, sodium bromide and fluorescein dye, below the same diversion...
This data release contains MODFLOW 6 integrated hydrological model (IHM) that helps characterize the groundwater/surface-water interaction within the Sardon Catchment of western Spain. The model was used to quantify and reduce the overall model uncertainty to improve its reliability as a Decision Support Modeling (DSM) tool by improving the conceptualization and simulation of the overland flow process. The model was calibrated to groundwater heads, surface flows at the outlet of the model, and remotely sensed evapotranspiration data collected by the MODIS satellite. To help constrain the roughly 500,000 estimated parameters, observations of "actual" evapotranspiration (ET) were obtained from the remotely sensed...

map background search result map search result map Catchment-flowline network and selected model inputs for an enhanced and updated spatially referenced statistical assessment of dissolved-solids load sources and transport in streams of the Upper Colorado River Basin Depth to pre-Cenozoic bedrock in northern Nevada Selected Evapotranspiration Data, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada, 7/5/2011-1/1/2017 Supplemental Data for Groundwater Contributions to Excessive Algal Growth in the East Fork Carson River, Carson Valley, West-Central Nevada, 2010 and 2012 Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at the Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, January 1, 2017 to May 31, 2019 Watersheds and Select Landscape Attributes for Meadows in the Sierra Nevada, California Geospatial Data to Support Estimates of Annual Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration from Areas of Spring-Fed Riparian Vegetation, Stump Spring and Hiko Springs, Clark County, southern Nevada Geospatial data and surface-water model archive for evaluation of streamflow extent and hydraulic characteristics of a restored channel at Soldier Meadows, Black Rock Desert - High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area, Nevada Supplemental Data: Surface Infiltration and Unsaturated Zone Characterization in Support of Managed Aquifer Recharge in Bedell Flat, Washoe County, Nevada Geospatial data for Gumboot Lake extents from the report Effects of ground-water development on the water regimen of Paradise Valley, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1949-1968 and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Tributary Areas Database of Groundwater Levels and Hydrograph Descriptions for the Nevada Test Site Area, Nye County, Nevada (ver. 4.0, February 2021) Appendixes and Supplemental Data: Hydraulic Characterization of Carbonate-Rock and Basin-Fill Aquifers near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, Northeastern Nevada, 2011-2016 Documentation of VS2DH Seepage Models: Surface Infiltration and Unsaturated Zone Characterization in Support of Managed Aquifer Recharge, Washoe County, Nevada Supplemental data and documentation of VS2DH seepage models: Incorporating temperature into seepage loss estimates for a large irrigation canal Data for the 1976 report Geohydrology of Smith Valley, Nevada, with special reference to the water-use period 1953-72 Data from two tracer investigations in the Snake Creek drainage, Great Basin National Park, White Pine County, Nevada MODFLOW 6 proof-of-concept groundwater model for the Mekong River Basin between Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Cao Lanh, Vietnam MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate Potential Effects of Changes in Water Use in the Middle Carson River Basin for Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central, Nevada MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024) MODFLOW 6 models for assimilating remote sensing evapotranspiration in ensemble-based framework to enhance cascade routing and re-infiltration concept in integrated hydrological models applied to support decision making Geospatial data and surface-water model archive for evaluation of streamflow extent and hydraulic characteristics of a restored channel at Soldier Meadows, Black Rock Desert - High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area, Nevada Supplemental Data for Groundwater Contributions to Excessive Algal Growth in the East Fork Carson River, Carson Valley, West-Central Nevada, 2010 and 2012 Supplemental Data: Surface Infiltration and Unsaturated Zone Characterization in Support of Managed Aquifer Recharge in Bedell Flat, Washoe County, Nevada Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at the Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, January 1, 2017 to May 31, 2019 Geospatial data for Gumboot Lake extents from the report Effects of ground-water development on the water regimen of Paradise Valley, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1949-1968 and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Tributary Areas MODFLOW 6 models for assimilating remote sensing evapotranspiration in ensemble-based framework to enhance cascade routing and re-infiltration concept in integrated hydrological models applied to support decision making Data for the 1976 report Geohydrology of Smith Valley, Nevada, with special reference to the water-use period 1953-72 Data from two tracer investigations in the Snake Creek drainage, Great Basin National Park, White Pine County, Nevada Supplemental data and documentation of VS2DH seepage models: Incorporating temperature into seepage loss estimates for a large irrigation canal MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate Potential Effects of Changes in Water Use in the Middle Carson River Basin for Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central, Nevada MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024) Geospatial Data to Support Estimates of Annual Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration from Areas of Spring-Fed Riparian Vegetation, Stump Spring and Hiko Springs, Clark County, southern Nevada Appendixes and Supplemental Data: Hydraulic Characterization of Carbonate-Rock and Basin-Fill Aquifers near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, Northeastern Nevada, 2011-2016 Database of Groundwater Levels and Hydrograph Descriptions for the Nevada Test Site Area, Nye County, Nevada (ver. 4.0, February 2021) Documentation of VS2DH Seepage Models: Surface Infiltration and Unsaturated Zone Characterization in Support of Managed Aquifer Recharge, Washoe County, Nevada MODFLOW 6 proof-of-concept groundwater model for the Mekong River Basin between Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Cao Lanh, Vietnam Selected Evapotranspiration Data, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada, 7/5/2011-1/1/2017 Depth to pre-Cenozoic bedrock in northern Nevada Watersheds and Select Landscape Attributes for Meadows in the Sierra Nevada, California Catchment-flowline network and selected model inputs for an enhanced and updated spatially referenced statistical assessment of dissolved-solids load sources and transport in streams of the Upper Colorado River Basin