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___SBSC Public Data, Metadata & Software
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Lake Powell retains most of the phosphorus that it receives, leading to downstream phosphorus limitation. These data were compiled to examine controls on phosphorus cycling below Lake Powell in the Colorado River and from storm inputs from the Paria River. Objectives of our study were to determine how several forms of phosphorus, both organic and inorganic, were cycled under varying dissolved oxygen concentrations and pH, reflecting the range of values observed in the river over the years. These data represent nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and carbon concentrations, water quality parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature), sediment composition, total protein, and extracellular enzyme activity (alkaline phosphatase)....
Categories: Data; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Colorado River, Ecology, Geochemistry, All tags...
These data were compiled for evaluating plant water use, or river-reach level evapotranspiration (ET) data, in the riparian corridor of the Colorado River delta as specified under Minute 319 of the 1944 Water Treaty. Additionally, these data were compiled for evaluating restoration-level data in Reach 2 and Reach 4, as specified under Minute 323 of the 1944 Water Treaty. Objectives of our study were to measure the peak growing season evapotranspiration (ET) for the average of months in summer-fall (May to October) for the seven reaches, for the full riparian corridor, and for four restoration sites, from 2013 through 2022. The seven reach areas from the Northerly International Boundary (NIB) to the end of the delta...
Tags: 1944 Water Treaty, Arizona, Botany, Colorado River, Colorado River delta, All tags...
These data were compiled for an outreach article published in the Boatman's Quarterly Review, which is a magazine published by Grand Canyon River Guides Association. The objectives of our study was to describe the outcomes of the 2018-2020 Bug Flows experiment to a general audience. These data represent 10 years (2012-2021) of invertebrate data and 100 years (1921-2021) of flow data. These data were collected from the Colorado River in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park. These data were collected by recreational river runners through a community science effort where we provided river runners with light trapping equipment to sample emergent aquatic insects each night of their expeditions....
These data were compiled to assess the recovery of vegetation on reclaimed oil and gas sites. Objective(s) of our study were to assess patterns in reclamation outcomes relative to 1) soil attributes, climate, and time since 39 reclamation and 2) plant and soil reference benchmarks. These data represent observations of vegetation and soil cover from 134 reclaimed oil and gas well pads and 583 AIM reference plots. These data were collected on lands impacted by oil and gas development on the Colorado Plateau as well as Arizona and New Mexico Plateau of New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. Data was collected from July- September of 2020 and May-September of 2021. These data were collected by Assessment Inventory and Monitoring...
These data are the primary data used to model rainbow trout growth in Glen Canyon. Fish growth data were collected from nighttime boat electrofishing field campaigns conducted five to six times per year in April, July, September, and January, from April 2012 through November 2021 for a total of 9798 observations of mark-recapture-based growth. Sampling was conducted in a five km reach in the lower portion of the Glen Canyon tailwater (3.7-8.9 km upstream of Lees Ferry, AZ). Two nights of sampling occurred on each trip, with the central 2-3 km of the reach sampled on both nights. After capture, fish were kept in aerated 40-L buckets and transported to a central processing location. Groups of 10-15 fish were anesthetized...
These data were compiled for the creation of a continuous, transboundary land cover map of Bird Conservation Region 33, Sonoran and Mojave Deserts (BCR 33). Objective(s) of our study were to, 1) develop a machine learning (ML) algorithm trained to classify vegetation land cover using remote sensing spectral data and phenology metrics from 2013-2020, over a large subregion of the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts BCR, 2) Calibrate, validate, and refine the final ML-derived vegetation map using a collection of openly sourced remote sensing and ground-based ancillary data, images, and limited fieldwork, and 3) Harmonize a new transboundary classification system by expanding existing land cover mapping resources from the United...
These data were compiled to perform analyses of hydrologic change, changes in sediment transport, and channel change within Moenkopi Wash, Arizona. Objective(s) of our study were to quantify the magnitude and timing of changes in hydrology, sediment transport, and channel form within Moenkopi Wash and to determine the downstream effects of those changes on sediment delivery downstream to the Little Colorado River, and the Colorado River. These data represent instantaneous discharge records, suspended-sediment sample records, topographic survey data, historical aerial imagery, and channel polygons and centerlines mapped on the historical imagery. Instantaneous discharge records in this study began in 1926 and extend...
Tags: Arizona, Cameron, Colorado River, Geography, Hydrology, All tags...
These data were compiled to evaluate pinyon-juniper regeneration dynamics following stand-replacing wildfire and thinning treatments. Objectives of our study were to investigate vegetation community composition and tree recruitment in post-fire and post-thinning environments. These data represent plant and biological soil crust community composition and climatological records among intact, thinned, and burned pinyon–juniper woodlands. These data were collected in Mesa Verde National Park and Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Park from 6/1/2021 to 6/10/2021 and from 03/1/2022 to 11/30/2022 at two burned and two intact pinyon-juniper ecosystems in Mesa Verde National Park only. These data were collected by the U.S. Geological...
Categories: Data; Tags: Botany, Colorado, Echo House (historical), Ecology, Geography, All tags...
Yes, all data values are reasonable and within the valid range for measurement. The data release consists of 15 tabular data files (csv). These data were compiled to compare patterns and potential drivers of leaf litter decomposition in the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam between 1998 and 2022. Objective(s) of our study were to compare the breakdown of cottonwood (Populus fremontii), willow (Salix exigua), and salt cedar (Tamarix chinensis) leaves to a previous decomposition experiment from 1998 (Pomeroy et al. 2000) that was conducted in the context of much cooler water temperatures, higher phosphorus concentrations, lower New Zealand mudsnail densities, and salt cedar litter that was unaffected by...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Colorado River, Ecology, Geography, All tags...
These data were compiled for evaluating plant water use, or river-reach level evapotranspiration (ET) data, in the unrestored riparian corridor of the Colorado River delta as specified under Minute 319 of the 1944 Water Treaty. Additionally, these data were compiled for evaluating restoration-level data in Reach 2 and Reach 4, as specified under Minute 323 of the 1944 Water Treaty. Objectives of our study were to measure the peak growing season evapotranspiration (ET) for the average of months in summer-fall (May to October) for the seven reaches, for the full riparian corridor, and for four restoration sites, from 2019 through 2022. The seven reach areas from the Northerly International Boundary (NIB) to the end...
Tags: 1944 Water Treaty, Arizona, Botany, Colorado River, Colorado River delta, All tags...
These data were compiled for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to assist them with updating the current status of the species Bartram's Stonecrop (Graptopetalum bartramii). Objective(s) of our study were to survey selected sites within the of Bartram's Stonecrop for future management and protection. These data represent summary population counts at selected known sites for the Federally listed Threatened plant species, Bartram's Stonecrop (Graptopetalum bartramii). These data were collected in the southern Arizona portion of the species' range, stratified across Sky Island Mountain ranges from the Rincon Mountains south to the Atascosa Highlands, just north of the Mexican border. Sites were selected to represent...
Categories: Data; Tags: Adobe Canyon, Alamo Canyon, Arizona, Atascosa Highlands, Atascosa Mountains, All tags...
These data were compiled to assess physiological responses of plants to short-term changes in streamflow, both increased and decreased. Objective(s) of our study were to determine the degree to which plants with different habitat preferences and functional strategies responded to short-term increases or decreases in the elevation of the water table. These data represent streamflow rates, temperature, and metrics of plant water status. These data were collected in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area from March 13-27, 2021, and collected by the U.S. Geological Survey-Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. Streamflow data were obtained from the Lees Ferry gage station, and temperature data were obtained from...
These data were compiled for/to National Park Service and Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. Objective(s) of our study were to resurvey previously established cross sections on the Green River, Utah, in, and upstream, from Ouray National Wildlife Refuge to document changes in channel width, depth, and cross-sectional area. These data represent the 2020 resurvey coordinates and elevations of previously established cross sections (1994 - 1996) on the Green River. These data were collected in the Green River between Jensen and Ouray, Utah from October 11-16, 2020. These data were collected by Ronald Griffiths and Joel Unema from the U.S. Geological Survey using real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS positioning....
These data were compiled to provide satellite remote sensing observations of landcover in the vicinity of wetlands fed by geothermal springs in Dixie Meadows, Nevada, USA. Objectives of the study were to map landcover of water, vegetation, and soil between October 5, 2015, and January 21, 2022, using available imagery from the Sentinel-2 mission. The U.S. Geological Survey's Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) and Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) processed 110 Sentinel-2 satellite images representing bottom of atmosphere surface reflectance and classified them within Google Earth Engine (GEE) using threshold values of the Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (gNDVI) and its inverse...
Categories: Data; Tags: Bureau of Land Management Lands, Churchill County, Department of Defense Lands, Dixie Meadows, Dixie Valley, All tags...
These data were compiled to assess the physical attributes of the Colorado River and its tributaries in Grand Canyon, including discharge, water temperature, Annual Thermal Units, and the potential future thermal regime of the river due to climate change. The objective of our study was to assess whether this river reach could support various life stages of Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius). These data represent discharge and water temperature in the river segment between Glen Canyon Dam and the Lake Mead inflow, as well as data from Lake Powell that drive water temperatures in Grand Canyon. These data were collected in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon from 1/1/1950 to 9/8/2021. These data were collected...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Colorado River, Ecology, Geography, All tags...
These data were compiled for use by researchers and land managers in studies of post-grazing change in Capitol Reef National Park. The data were initially used for and are associated with the McNellis et al., 2023 (see Larger Work Citation). Objective(s) of our study were to study landscape change (specifically plant cover measured through remote sensing) through time in Capitol Reef National Park. These data represent land cover and eight explanatory covariates measured through remote sensing over 21-30 years on two grazing allotments in Capitol Reef National Park, USA. These data were compiled and created for Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, USA from December 2020 to December 2022. These data were created by...
Categories: Data; Tags: Botany, Capitol Reef National Monument, Climatology, Colorado Plateau, Ecology, All tags...
These data were compiled from six automated weather stations that together provide several points in the meteorological record across a latitudinal and elevational gradient in southeastern Utah. Recorded data from these weather stations are associated with several different studies. Meteorological data are important for quantifying short term weather events as well as longer term climate trends. Spatially separated precipitation gauges allow for better characterization of the heterogeneity of precipitation events. These data were collected from six locations running from north to south in southeast Utah. All of the weather stations use Campbell Scientific data loggers and data are collected daily via telecommunications...
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Tags: Canyonlands National Park, Castle Valley, Kerby Lane, La Sal Mountains, Moab, All tags...
These data were compiled to assess the size, structure, and health of various populations of Actinemys pallida along the length of the Mojave River. Objective(s) of our study were to determine the extent of injuries and abnormalities within our Actinemys pallida populations (including statistical analyses comparing injuries with turtle sex and size) and estimate the cause(s) of the injuries and abnormalities. These data represent injuries and abnormalities from the effects of physical hazards encountered by turtles in their habitats. These data were collected in the Mojave Desert of California at three separate study sites along a length of the Mojave River in San Bernardino County between May 1998–October 1999...
These data were compiled to assess the response of vegetation and biological soil crusts to drought in a semi-arid ecosystem on the Colorado Plateau near Moab, Utah. Objective(s) of our study were to explore how vegetation cover, soil conditions, and growing season nitrogen (N) availability are impacted by multifaceted drying climate conditions using data from a long-term precipitation reduction experiment (30% reduction). In 2010, U.S. Geological Survey biologists installed paired experimental plots with a control plot and a plot covered by a shelter that excluded 35% of incoming precipitation. These 40 sites represent shallow vs. deep soils and sandstone vs. shale parent material. These data were collected at...
Categories: Data; Tags: Botany, Colorado Plateau, Ecology, Geochemistry, Geography, All tags...
These data were compiled to measure airborne horizontal mass flux of sediments moved by wind across soils, climates, vegetation types, and land uses on the Colorado Plateau. Objectives of our study were to quantify spatial and temporal patterns in wind erosion and further our understanding of how soil and site setting, climate, and land uses are controlling wind erosion and horizontal mass flux. These data represent seasonal cumulative horizontal mass flux as measured using passive aspirated sediment traps, Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) samplers. These data were collected in Grand and San Juan counties, Utah, and Mesa County, Colorado, USA between August 2017 and November 2020. These data were collected by the...
Categories: Data; Tags: Bears Ears National Monument, Big Springs Number Eight samplers, Canyonlands National Park, Climatology, Colorado Plateau, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Injury and abnormality data for southwestern pond turtles (Actinemys pallida) from 3 sites along the Mojave River, California from separate surveys in 1998-1999 and 2017-2019 Discharge and water temperature data, Lake Powell thermal profiles, and Annual Thermal Units used to assess reintroduction feasibility of Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon Random forest classification data developed from multitemporal Landsat 8 spectral data and phenology metrics for a subregion in Sonoran and Mojave Deserts, April 2013 – December 2020 Invertebrate data (2012-2021) from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and flow data (1921-2021) from the Lees Ferry gage (09380000) on the Colorado River near Page, AZ Meteorological measurements from five weather stations in Grand and San Juan Counties in southeastern Utah (ver. 3.0, September 2024) Rainbow trout growth data and growth covariate data from Glen Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona, 2012-2021 Surveyed coordinates and elevations in a 2020 resurvey of previously established cross sections on the Green River between Jensen and Ouray, Utah Hydric and mesic riparian plant species data for quantifying divergent physiological responses to a Colorado River experimental flow Phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, pH, and dissolved oxygen data from incubations of Colorado River water and sediment and associated ambient river water measurements Aeolian mass flux data for the Colorado Plateau Plant cover, climate, grazing disturbance, and soil class data from 1991-2020 compiled from remotely sensed data on two retired grazing allotments in Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, USA Vegetation and soil cover from 134 reclaimed oil and gas well pads and 583 AIM reference plots in the Southwestern United States Land cover classification data for wetland complexes at Dixie Meadows, Nevada from October 2015 to January 2022 Vegetation cover, ground cover, plant mortality, and species abundance across an experimental drought treatment on the Colorado Plateau from 2010-2022 Remotely-sensed observations of the unrestored riparian corridor of the Colorado River Delta in Mexico, 2019-2022 Discharge, topographic, suspended-sediment, and GIS data from Moenkopi Wash, AZ Environmental, biological, and leaf litter decomposition data in the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam between 1998 and 2022 Site data from observations of post-fire and thinned stands of piñon-juniper woodlands on the Colorado Plateau Bartram's Stonecrop (Graptopetalum bartramii) survey data from southern Arizona, 2020-2021 Remotely-sensed observations of restoration sites of the riparian corridor of the Colorado River Delta in Mexico, 2013-2022 Land cover classification data for wetland complexes at Dixie Meadows, Nevada from October 2015 to January 2022 Site data from observations of post-fire and thinned stands of piñon-juniper woodlands on the Colorado Plateau Plant cover, climate, grazing disturbance, and soil class data from 1991-2020 compiled from remotely sensed data on two retired grazing allotments in Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, USA Rainbow trout growth data and growth covariate data from Glen Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona, 2012-2021 Surveyed coordinates and elevations in a 2020 resurvey of previously established cross sections on the Green River between Jensen and Ouray, Utah Meteorological measurements from five weather stations in Grand and San Juan Counties in southeastern Utah (ver. 3.0, September 2024) Remotely-sensed observations of the unrestored riparian corridor of the Colorado River Delta in Mexico, 2019-2022 Remotely-sensed observations of restoration sites of the riparian corridor of the Colorado River Delta in Mexico, 2013-2022 Vegetation cover, ground cover, plant mortality, and species abundance across an experimental drought treatment on the Colorado Plateau from 2010-2022 Discharge, topographic, suspended-sediment, and GIS data from Moenkopi Wash, AZ Aeolian mass flux data for the Colorado Plateau Bartram's Stonecrop (Graptopetalum bartramii) survey data from southern Arizona, 2020-2021 Injury and abnormality data for southwestern pond turtles (Actinemys pallida) from 3 sites along the Mojave River, California from separate surveys in 1998-1999 and 2017-2019 Discharge and water temperature data, Lake Powell thermal profiles, and Annual Thermal Units used to assess reintroduction feasibility of Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon Invertebrate data (2012-2021) from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and flow data (1921-2021) from the Lees Ferry gage (09380000) on the Colorado River near Page, AZ Hydric and mesic riparian plant species data for quantifying divergent physiological responses to a Colorado River experimental flow Phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, pH, and dissolved oxygen data from incubations of Colorado River water and sediment and associated ambient river water measurements Environmental, biological, and leaf litter decomposition data in the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam between 1998 and 2022 Vegetation and soil cover from 134 reclaimed oil and gas well pads and 583 AIM reference plots in the Southwestern United States Random forest classification data developed from multitemporal Landsat 8 spectral data and phenology metrics for a subregion in Sonoran and Mojave Deserts, April 2013 – December 2020