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Aaron W Aunins

Research Fish Biologist

Eastern Ecological Science Center

Office Phone: 304-724-4423
Fax: 304-724-4435

LRL - Fish Health Lab (205)
11649 Leetown Road
Kearneysville , WV 25430

Supervisor: Cheryl L Morrison
This dataset includes microsatellite genotypes for 44 collections of Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis and 14 collections of H. d. media distributed from Massachusetts to Florida, United States.
This dataset contains sample information about the origin of the butterflies sequenced, and their corresponding SNP genotype data. These data were used to examine patterns of genomic structure of the Karner blue butterfly from throughout its range. The raw sequence data are archived in the GenBank Bioproject PRJNA995790 at:
The Bluestone sculpin (Cottus sp.1) is an undescribed freshwater fish endemic to the New River system in Virginia and West Virginia. The taxonomic status of the Bluestone sculpin is unresolved, and its range often overlaps with congeners, with which it may hybridize. The species is most often found in small, cool streams with gravel and rubble dominated substrates. Juveniles and adults are found most often in runs and riffles of boulder and rubble (Jenkins and Burkhead 1994). Many of the streams presumed to be within the species’ range run along highways and may be vulnerable to non-point source pollution. Treatment plants and agricultural runoff are also potential threats to the species. To address the science...
Biological indicator taxa have long been used for integrative assessments of water quality, particularly benthic invertebrate groups such as arthropods. While standardized protocols have been developed to calculate 'biological index' scores based on the abundances of these taxa, such systems are challenging to implement at large scales due to the sampling effort required, taxonomic expertise needed, and the need for repeated sampling to reliably discriminate sites. Many of the same taxa detected by traditional surveys can also be detected by genetic analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA), potentially allowing for an alternative formulation of biological indexes that might be faster and more economical to produce....
The Grand Calumet River flows through northwestern Indiana and was designated an EPA Area of Concern (AOC) in 1987. There are multiple legacy pollutants in the river including but not limited to heavy metals and PCBs. To investigate potential causes and patterns of eutrophication in the river, water samples were collected for 16S rRNA microbial and eukaryotic 18S rRNA amplicon sequencing during April - September 2021. This data release describes the resulting sequencing data.
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