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Assessing the taxonomy and status of the Bluestone sculpin (Cottus sp.1)


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The Bluestone sculpin (Cottus sp.1) is an undescribed freshwater fish endemic to the New River system in Virginia and West Virginia. The taxonomic status of the Bluestone sculpin is unresolved, and its range often overlaps with congeners, with which it may hybridize. The species is most often found in small, cool streams with gravel and rubble dominated substrates. Juveniles and adults are found most often in runs and riffles of boulder and rubble (Jenkins and Burkhead 1994). Many of the streams presumed to be within the species’ range run along highways and may be vulnerable to non-point source pollution. Treatment plants and agricultural runoff are also potential threats to the species. To address the science needs of the Bluestone [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Aaron W Aunins
FWS Project Officer :
Calvin Ritter

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  • USGS/FWS Science Support Partnership Program


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