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Implications of projected climate change for groundwater recharge in the western United States


Thomas Meixner, Andrew H Manning, David A Stonestrom, Diana Allen, Hoori Ajami, Kyle W Blasch, Andrea Brookfield, Christopher L Castro, Jordan Clark, David Gochis, Alan L Flint, Kirstin L. Neff, Rewati Niraula, Matt Rodell, Bridget Scanlon, Kamini Singha, and Michelle Ann Walvoord, Implications of projected climate change for groundwater recharge in the western United States: .


Existing studies on the impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge are either global or basin/location-specific. The global studies lack the specificity to inform decision making, while the local studies do little to clarify potential changes over large regions (major river basins, states, or groups of states), a scale often important in the development of water policy. An analysis of the potential impact of climate change on groundwater recharge across the western United States (west of 100° longitude) is presented synthesizing existing studies and applying current knowledge of recharge processes and amounts. Eight representative aquifers located across the region were evaluated. For each aquifer published recharge budget components [...]


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  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.12.027

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noteMeixner, T., Manning, A. H., Stonestrom, D. A., Allen, D. M., Ajami, H., Blasch, K. W., … Walvoord, M. A. (2016). Implications of Projected Climate Change for Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 124–138.

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