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Discovery of Two Biological Mechanisms for Acetylene Metabolism in a Single Organism


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Akob, D.M., Baesman, S.M., Bennett, S.C., and Oremland, R.S., 2017, Discovery of Two Biological Mechanisms for Acetylene Metabolism in a Single Organism: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Acetylene fermentation assays, nitrogen fixation assays, and growth studies were performed with Pelobacter sp. strain SFB93 and Pelobacter acetylenicus DSM3246. Data includes concentrations of acetylene and ethylene over time, and growth measured with OD680 and cell counts.


Point of Contact :
Denise M Akob
Originator :
Denise M Akob, Shaun M Baesman, Stacy C Bennett, Ronald S Oremland
Metadata Contact :
Denise M Akob
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
SDC Data Owner :
National Research Program

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Only two known enzymes metabolize acetylene: nitrogenase (N2ase) and acetylene hydratase (AH). AH catalyzes the first step in acetylene fermentation, a rare metabolism that is well-characterized only in three Pelobacter acetylenicus DSM3246 and DSM3247, and Pelobacter sp. strain SFB93. To better understand the genetic controls on AH activity, we sequenced the genomes of the three acetylene-fermenting Pelobacter strains and discovered that the genomes of all three organisms contain genes for both AH and N2ase. Therefore, we tested Pelobacter sp. strain SFB93 for its capability to grow diazotrophically, e.g., fix nitrogen. This data set shows that SFB93 is the only known microbe to date that has the ability to metabolize C2H2 via two separate enzymes (AH and N2ase).



  • USGS Data Release Products



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GenBank Accession Number PRJNA319824
DOI doi:10.5066/F70Z71JH

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