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A global synthesis of land-surface fluxes under natural and human-altered watersheds using the Budyko framework


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Global hydroclimatic conditions have been significantly altered, over the past century, by anthropogenic influences that arise from warming global climate and also from local/regional anthropogenic disturbances. There has been never been an effort that has systematically analyzed how the spatio-temporal variability of land-surface fluxes vary in natural and human-altered watersheds globally. This synthesis study will adapt and extend the classical Budyko framework to quantify the role of drivers - changing climate and local human disturbances - in altering flow regimes and in creating urban heat island episodes over the globe. An allied goal is to develop parsimonious hydroclimatic models that explain the spatio-temporal variability [...]


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Climate elasticity of streamflow for virgin basins over the continental United States (Sankarasubramanian and Vogel, 2003) with the inset showing the modified Budyko's framework (Wang and Hejazi , 2011) for decom.jpg
“Climate elasticity of streamflow for virgin basins over the continental US”
thumbnail 54.5 KB image/jpeg
Budyko Framework.jpg
“Photo of participants at May 2018 mtg”
thumbnail 6.79 MB image/jpeg

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Photo of participants at May 2018 mtg
Photo of participants at May 2018 mtg


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

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